“It isn’t the rebels who create the troubles of the world, it’s the troubles who create the rebels.” EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Best 20 minutes rant in European Parliament I’ve ever seen; truth-bombs the CoviFlu nonsense like nothing else! (note this speech was delivered in the summer of 2023) – Download the compressed speech here to upload elsewhere! https://we.tl/t-7sFekFSwVL EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
In 2016, we started posting on YouTube with a series we called “Betsy and Thomas” where we would decode Trump tweets. We had hundreds of decodes and also posted videos on topics of our citizen intelligence reports. The series had almost 100k followers and at least 800 videos … until … Big Brother YouTube deleted …[continue reading]
Clive Edwards is reaching out to farmers and other people of the land mass known as Britain – if you are protesting or petition, you better understand what you’re really doing! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Trump is trying to help the USA catch up to China’s AI advancement, and he just announced the “Stargate” project that hopes to make up for the four years of left-wing sabotage of America we all just endured. But China is in the lead already, and I predict China will be the first to achieve …[continue reading]
This interview isn’t for the faint of heart. This interview is for people who want to know who’s behind the green curtain at OZ, organizing all the death and darkness in our society today EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Explaining Mind Control With Jason Christoff
“Wade Lightheart, cofounder of Bioptimizers and three-time national bodybuilding champion, exposes the role of magnesium deficiency in US chronic illnesses. He explains that our soils and food supply are now depleted of key minerals and that magnesium deficiency, affecting 3/4 of Americans, can cause misdiagnosed illnesses ranging from diabetic symptoms to anxiety and depression to …[continue reading]
TRANSCRIPT President Donald Trump: Thank you very much everybody. Thank you very, very much. Vice President Vance, Speaker Johnson, Senator Thune, Chief Justice Roberts, Justices of the United States Supreme Court, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and my Fellow Citizens: The Golden Age of America begins right now. …[continue reading]
John Vivanco, a professional remote viewer with over 25 years of experience working for corporate and government clients, has received stunning remote viewing data about seeder extraterrestrials appearing in Earth’s ancient history. According to data received via a blind remote viewing study with an expert team, Vivanco’s team discovered that the Seeders are extraterrestrials who …[continue reading]
Earth’s History Part 1 – Drunvalo Melchizedek EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):