Jury awards $5.4 million to couple after finding fraud in foreclosure case

David and Mary Ellen Wolf were several payments behind on their home mortgage and knew that foreclosure loomed. They were puzzled, though, when a foreclosure notice came early in 2011 from Wells Fargo because they hadn’t done business with that bank. They asked their West University neighbor, lawyer W. Craft Hughes, for help. After poring …[continue reading]

Bilderberg Deep Throat | Vinny Eastwood Interviews Michael O’Bernicia

Described by the host as “a powerful and rare interview”, Vinny Eastwood talks to Michael O’Bernicia about various subjects, in an interview recorded on the 7th of January 2013 and broadcast ‘live’ on the popular New Zealander’s YouTube channel. During the wide-ranging interview, Michael tells how he was compelled to research the events of “9/11”, …[continue reading]

recommended for many homes and small offices where exposure to EMF is moderate to high

The Tesla Gold Series Plugin is recommended for many homes and small offices where exposure to EMF is moderate to high. One plugin per floor or depending on the area of coverage 45m in every direction. This model uses very little power and is best plugged into a central location within your home, not the …[continue reading]

The Lilly Wave and psychotronic warfare

Lilly WaveThe Lilly Wave was found by John C Lilly and is, in most cases, completely misunderstood as to its usage to affect the thoughts and behaviour of humans.[1] It is described as a bi-phasic electric pulse which stimulates the neurons of the brain to resonate at a certain frequency, thus the Lilly wave has …[continue reading]

Posted in 5G

The Manipulation of Time

Another subtle yet devastating aspect of the ‘global’ conspiracy is their manipulation of calendars, clocks, and our perception of time. We are being enslaved by man-made mechanisms and systems for keeping time. Not only are we wage-slaves to bankers, governments, bosses, and land-owners, but we are also time-slaves to our watches, clocks, and calendars. We …[continue reading]

Swedenborg 101: The Basic Nature of Everything – Swedenborg and Life

In this episode, host Curtis Childs and featured guests explore what eighteenth-century Christian mystic and philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg learned during his mystical explorations of the spiritual world. Join in as they delve into Swedenborg’s life, spiritual awakening, and resulting philosophies about the relationship between this life and the afterlife. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):