COVID-19 started registering with most of the British public around late February and early March. Many were concerned but not particularly afraid. Only weeks later people were terrified to leave their homes or go near other human beings. How did such a dramatic shift in public perception happen so quickly? In early March 2020, The …[continue reading]
Silver has shown the ability to wipe out common throat ailments such strep. Ten drops of silver in the ear can aid in wiping out ear infections. Quality colloidal silver soothes and wipes out eye infections (conjunctivitis, stys). Colloidal silver has been shown to treat rhinosinitus in sheep, suggesting it can clears sinus and upper respiratory infections. Silver ions …[continue reading]
The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been …[continue reading]
Richie is joined by the Irish GP Dr. Marcus De Brun. Marcus famously resigned from the Irish Medical Council in protest over the Irish government’s handling of Covid-19 in nursing homes. He also said that in his opinion, the lockdown was a mistake and that he opposed the use of masks. Today Marcus explains why …[continue reading]
Court in effect ruled that personal data is not, as US companies generally view it, an asset Thu, Jul 16, 2020, 14:08 Karlin Lillington 2 This decision poses a shattering challenge to the data-centric business models of many companies, from social media platforms to advertising giants, which make their money by exploiting users’ personal …[continue reading]
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains why mask wearing rules are illogical, unscientific and dangerous, and why those who insist on wearing masks are ignorant and are threatening our lives and our future.For more unbiased information, please visit The transcripts of the videos that YouTube banned are also on …[continue reading]
How Trump is using NESARA / GESARA to stop New World Order EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Herbs, fungi and other medicinal plants are popular treatments in the realm of natural medicine. In particular, a mushroom called lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) can offer a host of health benefits, from sharper brain function to better heart health. Long used in traditional Chinese medicine, lion’s mane has been hailed for its anti-microbial, immune-boosting and brain-boosting properties …[continue reading]
I wrote an article titled Trump Does The Unthinkable in 2016 because I was so disgusted at the lies the mainstream media & loud-mouthed celebrities were spreading about then presidential candidate Donald Trump. No one had anything bad to say about Trump till he made the decision to run for President as a Republican. My …[continue reading]
By Jens Bernert The US billionaire Bill Gates is a big player in the corona crisis and in the vaccination business in general, finances the WHO vaccination program to a large extent and wants to vaccinate all 7 billion people against COVID-19, including those already cured. In an interview with CNBC, Gates says that for every …[continue reading]