“We are talking about private contracts outside the scope of government. We’re talking about local barter, and the issuing of local currencies, the building of private money systems. During the Great Depression, many citizens looked around and said, ‘We still have land and food, we still have commodities. Nothing has changed here. We just have …[continue reading]
Just when you think the Silver Market can’t get any more strange (#akaRigged!) the Volume on the Comex yesterday BLOWS THRU ALL RECORDED HISTORY! Close to 1.5 B ounces of “electronic silver” was traded yesterday but the total Open Interest Positions DID NOT INCREASE OR DECREASE AT ALL! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Scientists Phil & Max rejoin the show to discuss the science of consciousness and reality. We discuss today`s world and how our negative thoughts can corrode reality while love can build and empower. Could focused negative thoughts be creating the problems we are experiencing? Could we turn our problems around with focused love and positive …[continue reading]
Hurry And Watch!!!! Send This to Everyone You know, Post It Everywhere You Can. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Wayne Jett, author of ‘The Fruits of Graft’ joins me to discuss POTUS, and the plan which` Mr. Jett believes will bankrupt the Fed and usher in a new system that won’t leave our country and its people in ruins. Use the BRAVE browser – It’s FREE, it’s 3X FASTER than Chrome & it WON’T …[continue reading]
Dr. Stella Emmanuel is physician and a pastor from Houston, TX. She closes the Frontline Physician discussion on lockdown consequences, Hydroxychloroquine and “Following the Money” in Washington D.C. Pass it on …js . Maybe if they see this they might believe…It's a Long shot …but hey we still got to Try ..Even if we know …[continue reading]
Peter White describes this hard working green manure crop. Agricultural lupins are a multi purpose annual plant of the pea family related to the ornamental flowers. Lupins (often spelt lupine in the USA) are probably of Egyptian or East Mediterranean origin, and have been cultivated since the days of the ancient Egyptians. There are various …[continue reading]
Stranger Than Fiction: WAR CASTLES / WAR FOR SOULS Discussion (w/ HQ-TACTICAL) Ep3B. In this episode, I am joined by Stan Barabas and HQ-TACTICAL / :David-michael in a discussion about War Castles, War For Souls, Russell Jay Gould, David Wynn Miller, Sgt Robert Horton, Justinian Deception, and more. This episode serves as an discussion and …[continue reading]
This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 07-24-20 with Guest David Icke. Over 20,000 hours of programs with over 15,000 guests are available 24/7 in our Archives! Go here for easy, quick sign-up instructions http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ – An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke We release this free of copyright and so please share, download and post wherever you can. Let’s make this go globally viral. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://davidicke.com/2020/07/24/how-they-pulled-off-the-pandemic-an-animated-film-explanation-by-david-icke/