VIDEO TESTIMONY My name is Brendon, and I am a sovereign. After 13 years of seeing my father in and out of prison, I was able to represent him as 6th amendment council and have him freed from his criminal kidnapping! This is my story of how I exercised my rights as a common law …[continue reading]
We find it necessary to teach some more history that is even more arcane and lesser known than our own, but which sheds direct light on the circumstance and personalities that all nations face today. The genesis of all the maladies now encircling the globe, including much of the confusion, lies in the trade wars between …[continue reading]
UFOs meet & greet… in the zone now EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
In this class we read from A treatise on the American law of administration and teach how your estate is administered from birth to death by the attorney through pledging, presumptions, lies, fraud and trickery. Without Will there is no property. This treatise lays out how the administration of one’s estate is handled in America, …[continue reading]
Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother Calley was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in. This is an amazing story. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Breaking Exclusive: Shocking news emerges that Australians have been robbed by their own Government! “this is the biggest heist, the theft, of other peoples property I have even seen” “everyone’s homes and properties have been stolen in Australia” “they recently changed all of the paper title deeds, the parchment paper title deeds owned by home …[continue reading]
Wow – what a horrifying story of Australian State-Sponsored totalitarian abuse during Convid – but what an amazing lady to prevail and grow stronger over two years of hell! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The strange tale of Demitrius Julius Shiva (means “Youthful Destroyer”– not his real name) began when a group of elderly men appeared on his doorstep and told the young man of his extraordinary provenance and destiny. Like Nikola Tesla, he would change the world. Shiva is the name of one of the principal deities of …[continue reading]
This is Due Process and Notice and Warrant for the Arrest of all members of the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, their immediate professional associates and all staff members, both U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, including but not limited to the members of the U.S. Congress on charges of …[continue reading]