Dr. Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert, developed out of deep knowledge of biology & therapeutics and is an innovative drug discoverer with 23y in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988 on the CNS and peripheral pharmacology …[continue reading]
There’s at least one big boom in here, and depending on whether or not you’re familiar with the swamp, this whole report might blow your mind. A week ago Trump mentioned that the violence in the US is being funded by ‘people in the dark shadows’ … on that same week a Senate report came …[continue reading]
Exposing Deutsche Bank’s silver and gold rigging and the judicial corruption that nearly allowed them to get away with it EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): http://www.shyreman.com/archive.php
This article/video is available to the public. To read the private articles, you need to sign up as a member. All members of EsotericKnowledge.me have access to the private articles, letter templates, and esoteric books that teach them enlightening information about spiritual freedom, sovereignty, and well-being. By Pao Chang, author of EsotericKnowledge.me Below is the transcript of …[continue reading]
A new proposal by Daniel Andrews, the 48th incumbent Premier of Victoria in Australia, would make it so that residents of the state who violate its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions – or even just spread what the government deems to be “conspiracy theories” about the plandemic – can be locked up or thrown in concentration …[continue reading]
Illuminati insiders tell elite economic consultant Martin Armstrong that the goal of the COVID hoax is the subjugation of Anglo Saxon countries “Nobody in their right mind would have done all of this simply to suppress a virus that is no more dangerous than the flu.” It …[continue reading]
German Doctor Dr. Heiko Schöning acu2020.org arrested at Hyde park 26th Sept 2020 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Colonel Black, past Virginia Senator, JAG Officer & past head of the Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, joins the program with Harley Schlanger, top political activist for the LaRouche Foundation, to discuss the planned military coup currently taking place in the United States. Both Colonel Black and Harley Schlanger provide insight as to who …[continue reading]
Sweden : The Last Bastion Of Sanity EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Sheriff Mack rejoins the program to discuss the upcoming Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association: FREE CONSTITUTIONAL TRAINING SEMINAR For all Sheriffs, Peace Officers and Public Servants. Wednesday, Sept 30 – Lynchburg, Virginia Sheriff Mack explains the dangerous times our country faces and how close we are to losing any freedoms we do have left. …[continue reading]