Polarity is the Award Winning film that’s changing the way people think about free energy technology around the world. After getting involved in the occupy movement Leo teams up with his friend Andre, an anonymous hacker, to hack into a defense contractor in order to release highly classified energy and spaceflight technology online. This film …[continue reading]
What to Look for When Comparing UV Sterilization Devices UV LED lamps that sterilize ________________________________________________________________ As COVID-19 continues to ravage global populations, the world is singularly focused on finding ways to battle the novel coronavirus. That includes the UC Santa Barbara’s Solid State Lighting & Energy Electronics Center (SSLEEC) and member companies. …[continue reading]
The moment for change is now EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Mark L. LeClair and Eric Dollard are two scientists and technologists who independently stumbled upon a category of phenomena that could revolutionize everything we once thought we knew about the origins of the universe and life, which may lead to technologies we could use to create a sustainable future for humanity. Below you will find …[continue reading]
Current Events With Dr. Judy Mikovits EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
“Velkom, mein freunds. Today ve zill komplete ze Great Verk vith ze Great Reset.” Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”. “It’s …[continue reading]
In Brief The Facts: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University recently gave an interview stating “there is more harm from the lockdown than there is from COVID.” He’s one of many experts who feel this way, and explains why. Reflect On: Should the government use force on their citizenry to comply, …[continue reading]
(Bloomberg) — A British appeals court ruled in favor of the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro, and said the legal fight over the future of $1 billion in gold stored in the vaults of the Bank of England should be reconsidered. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/maduro-government-wins-u-k-court-appeal-over-venezuelan-gold
vanessa beeley The following is a transcript of the highlights (by Henna Maria) from Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson’s recent extremely pressing video message, that was translated on-air from German into English by Claudia Stauber. Video at the end of the transcript. Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in …[continue reading]
Thought leader, David Martin, joins the program to explain his multi-decade research regarding the funding of SARS/Coronavirus family of viruses. He has famously exposed that the NIH/China partnership has resulted in business ventures worldwide aiming to monetize the coronavirus applications. You can learn more about David Martin and his work on his website at https://DavidMartin.World …[continue reading]