Rupert Sheldrake – Interview on ‘the science delusion’ and morphic resonance

A detailed and revealing interview with the renowned author and scientist Rupert Sheldrake, whose work on telepathy, intuition and ‘morphic resonance’ has challenged rampant scientism. Rupert talks through his work and highlights potentially crucial areas that could change our entire conception of how the universe works. Interview conducted by truth and mysteries researcher Andy Thomas …[continue reading]

They Do Not Want you to Know This: Guarded Medical Knowledge w/ Dr. Andreas Kalcker

Dr. Andreas Kalcker has over 13 years of research & developing a safe and widely used (yet still a heavily guarded secret) formula of CDS (Chlorine dioxide solution). After successful stage 3 trials, he is able to announce that it is the definitive solution for the Coronavirus family including COVID-19, bacterial Pneumonias, and other illnesses. …[continue reading]


After taking a six month break from producing videos, Richard returns with a five part series exploring the global corona virus pandemic scam. Richplanet has received nearly 1,000 emails from concerned citizens about many different aspects of this frustrating and highly concerning situation, which humanity has been plunged into. With help from campaigner and Richplanet …[continue reading]

Ex-pharmaceutical rep Brandy Vaughan found dead after warning people to investigate her death

In Brief The Facts: Former Pharmaceutical Representative, and founder of Brandy Vaughan has passed away. This comes after she made posts and videos expressing concerns for her life. Not much information is available, updates will be provided. Reflect On: Why are those who do the work that Brandy Vaughan did always unacknowledged, censored, and …[continue reading]

France: Accomplished Professor Thrown in Psych Hospital After Questioning Official COVID Narrative

France: Last Thursday, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, a retired university professor known for his strong opposition to COVID-19 vaccines, was taken from his rented cottage in the south of France by a team of gendarmes [police under military command] and forcibly placed in solitary confinement at the psychiatric hospital of Uzès. The systematic use of psychiatric hospitals …[continue reading]

DEAN HENDERSON ~ “The Crown Of The Nephilim – Anunnaki & The Crown Agents” [Age Of Truth TV]

DEAN HENDERSON is the Author of six books. They are all available on Amazon in both print & Kindle formats and include Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Stickin’ it to the Matrix, …[continue reading]

What’s Not Being Said About the Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine. “Human Guinea Pigs”?

Bill Gates is actively financing and promoting new untested vaccines supposed to keep us at least somewhat safe from a ‘ghastly” death from the novel coronavirus and supposedly allow us to resume somewhat “normal” lives. The Pharma giant Pfizer has now announced what they claim were spectacular results in initial human tests. They use an …[continue reading]

A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit

Source: Robert Madsen Texas claims that the presidential elections as held (and as directed by government officials outside the legislature) in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan all flagrantly violated their own election laws by materially weakening or doing away with security measures.  Further, according to the U.S. Constitution, the legislature (representing the citizens) of each …[continue reading]

The ’Great Conjunction’ on December 21st 2020: people are saying there’s going to be an ‘event’

In Brief The Facts: On December 21st of this year, the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn are going to be an astonishing 0.1 degrees apart — less than the diameter of a full moon. March 4, 1226, was the last time they were in such close proximity. Reflect On: Is it a coincidence that this …[continue reading]