Brendan D. Murphy, GuestWaking Times In light of the evidence available to us today through various spheres of investigation, philosophical materialism can justifiably be looked upon as an unconscious ego defence mechanism (a shield against cognitive dissonance), a sort of superstition designed to preserve the individual’s limited conception of self at the expense of a …[continue reading]
Dr. Peter Breggin joins the program to discuss his research, which was originally used in trial, but now has turned into a full book “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”. We discuss the actions leading up to the last two years and how it shows, without a doubt, the intentional plans by …[continue reading]
The 10 Stages of Genocide Covid Truths February 2, 2021 Leave a Comment on The 10 Stages of Genocide 0shares Share Tweet Copyright: Genocide Watch and July 11 marks the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, the worst atrocity on European soil since the Holocaust. In July 1995, Serb …[continue reading]
Dr. Peter Breggin joins the program to discuss his research, which was originally used in trial, but now has turned into a full book “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”. We discuss the actions leading up to the last two years and how it shows, without a doubt, the intentional plans by …[continue reading]
June 12, 2021 / 7 Comments Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before …[continue reading]
by Caitlin Johnstone Listen to a reading of this article: Learn enough about what’s happening in the world and you realize that most people in your society have worldviews that are completely and utterly wrong. This can seem bold, perhaps even arrogant, but if most people weren’t deluded about the world, the world wouldn’t …[continue reading]
In today’s show Richard presents official data which proves that there was no pandemic in 2020. Even the very existence of a Sars Cov 2 virus is disputed by some scientists, such as Dr Stefan Lanka who is actually credited with discovering a virus himself. The Covid vaccination programme is now well under way and …[continue reading]
Story at-a-glance March 20, 2021, on the 1-year anniversary of the first COVID-19 lockdown, people in more than 40 countries took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate against COVID-19 lies and tyrannical measures Mainstream media have near-universally censored any news of this global demonstration. Those that did report it either understated the global nature of …[continue reading]
By Nick Corbishley Naked Capitalism So why are journalists not covering it? Michael Capuzzo, a New York Times best-selling author , has just published an article titled “The Drug That Cracked Covid”. The 15-page article chronicles the gargantuan struggle being waged by frontline doctors on all continents to get ivermectin approved as a Covid-19 treatment, …[continue reading]
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