Attorney Fuellmich on Nuremberg 2.0: Justice will Not Come by the Courts but by the People Rising Up

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in California, and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines” through his Corona Investigative Committee for the past two years. We have published some of this …[continue reading]

This is How We Win

TRANSCRIPT As many of you may know, all of humanity is under a massive psychological warfare attack. And Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Matthias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism has done an excellent job of explaining how w got here and how we win. In dictatorships, obedience comes from a basic fear of …[continue reading]

Video: Pfizer CEO Declares FOURTH COVID Shot Needed “Sooner Than Expected”

Even though he admits there is “very little information” to go on Source: Steve Watson Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla declared this week that a fourth COVID shot is coming and will be needed “sooner than expected” to protect against the Omicron variant, despite all accounts of the mutation being extremely mild. Appearing on CNBC, Bourla …[continue reading]

Pfizer paid the largest criminal fine in US history

Getting full approval from the FDA for its COVID-19 vaccine is a big deal for Pfizer. The FDA-stamp of approval is a critical step in getting a drug to the market. If a pharmaceutical company starts promoting a drug for something that the FDA hasn’t okayed, it can get in big trouble. In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 …[continue reading]

Data Shows Rife Technology Can Destroy All Covid-19 Variants and All Covid-19 Spike Proteins by Dr. MrGraw

By Dr Bill McGraw, 6-Dec-21   The History of Rife Technology What is Rife technology? This is a question that every client has when I see them for the first time. Although the technology has been around for over 100 years in the US, very few people know about it. During the 1920s and the …[continue reading]

Makow — Covid Unites Humanity Against Its Common Enemy

December 5, 2021 (A word of appreciation)     The enemy is not racial or sexual minorities or Liberal dupes. The central bankers organize and fund them to undermine society.  The enemy is the central banking cartel and its agents – Freemasonry and Organized Jewry, including Communism and Zionism.   by Henry Makow PhD   …[continue reading]

Catherine Austin Fitts Planet Lockdown 2nd Full Interview

In this second interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, she explains how the central bankers are using governments around the world to implement a new system that will ultimately lead to slavery. Once you see this, you will understand the importance to resist now, before it’s too late. Be sure to read the related material below …[continue reading]

Nurse reveals vax casualties pouring in, but covid ward empty for weeks

 Gold Coast Covid ward empty for months while vax casualties stream in More than 1200 people attended the meeting to organise forces against the vaccine mandate. By TONY MOBILIFONITIS A QUEENSLAND nursing whistleblower broke down in front of a meeting on the Gold Coast on Thursday night, telling of the horrors of vaccine adverse events including …[continue reading]

Pfizer and the government concealed thousands of deaths, mass injuries

 -caused by experimental covid jabs – criminal conspiracy unraveling … (Natural News) The same Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that tried to conceal a live, fetal organ trafficking operation, is the same agency that tried to conceal widespread vaccine injury and death from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Under Title 21, sub-chapter F of the FDA’s own regulations, …[continue reading]