592- Cancer, not the Crab Wrongly Associated with the Solstice (Free)

Cancer, the dis-ease that we never find a cure for. Cancer, the zodiacal crab that is wrongly associated with the height of the power of the sun, and the tropic that marks its most northern extent for the year. Cancer, an endless money-maker for the western medical, and pharmaceutical industries. Cancer, the ubiquitous dis-ease that …[continue reading]

WEF ADMITS That “COVID-19 Was The Test of Social Responsibility” (aka The ASCH CONFORMITY TEST!!!)

In an article titled “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities” the World Economic Forum (WEF) let the cat out of the bag by openly admitting that Covid-19(84) was a “test of social responsibility”. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how human beings are social creatures who for the …[continue reading]


The International Court of Justice, to which EVERY country on earth is a signatory to the Treaty which created it; has ruled the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian lands is “unlawful” and “must be terminated immediately.”  All settlements must be dismantled, and no country may recognize Israeli occupation as “legal.” The brief video below contains the …[continue reading]

Interview with Paul Hellier (Part 2), July 4, 2024

The current interregnum; accountability for Covid crimes; shock & psychological torture; who runs society?; fraudulent science; Desmet; perception management; digital technologies of oppression; evil EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://dhughes.substack.com/p/interview-with-paul-hellier-part-035?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=594370&post_id=147801449&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=n67cw&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Why is Nicotine a threat ?

You might be thinking it’s just our tyrannical rulers here in the UK raging a new war against NICOTINE! WRONG! Australia, the USA, and many other countries are currently discussing and enacting similar legislation as we speak. Ask yourselves why, and why now? Do we really believe these countries, all independent of each other, all …[continue reading]