Catherine Austin Fitts Planet Lockdown 2nd Full Interview

In this second interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, she explains how the central bankers are using governments around the world to implement a new system that will ultimately lead to slavery. Once you see this, you will understand the importance to resist now, before it’s too late. Be sure to read the related material below …[continue reading]

Nurse reveals vax casualties pouring in, but covid ward empty for weeks

 Gold Coast Covid ward empty for months while vax casualties stream in More than 1200 people attended the meeting to organise forces against the vaccine mandate. By TONY MOBILIFONITIS A QUEENSLAND nursing whistleblower broke down in front of a meeting on the Gold Coast on Thursday night, telling of the horrors of vaccine adverse events including …[continue reading]

Pfizer and the government concealed thousands of deaths, mass injuries

 -caused by experimental covid jabs – criminal conspiracy unraveling … (Natural News) The same Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that tried to conceal a live, fetal organ trafficking operation, is the same agency that tried to conceal widespread vaccine injury and death from Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Under Title 21, sub-chapter F of the FDA’s own regulations, …[continue reading]

2030 UnMasked Documentary Connecting COVID19, Masks, Vaccines, The Banking System & the Great Reset

EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED================================================================================ENGLISH2030 UnMasked – Documentary Connecting COVID19, Masks, Vaccines, The Banking System and the Great Resete connection between Covid-19 >> Vaccines >> Masks >> The Banking System and The Great Reset ⁣2030 UnMasked – For those Preparing for what’s Coming After Covid-19 A …[continue reading]

Catherine Austin Fitts | 2nd Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

This excellent interview with Catherine Austin Fitts was the second one conducted as a part of the full-length documentary, Planet Lockdown. In this second interview, Catherine explains how the central bankers are using governments around the world to implement a digital currency system that will signal what she calls the “end of currencies” and the …[continue reading]

An Impolite Message To Those Who Got The Covid “Vaccine”

Wake up, you idiots!  If you willingly got the genetic-modification treatment known as the COVID-19 “vaccine” (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, etc.), you were tricked into injecting a harmful, dangerous, unapproved, and often lethal product into your body.  A wholly unnecessary product that does not protect you, does not provide immunity or prevent transmission …[continue reading]

Melissa Ciummei – “We have been fooled into believing that currency is money. People have this idea that ‘that’s my money in the bank’, it’s not.”

During an interview with EMeRgent Sea, Melissa Ciummei, a Northern Irish investor and researcher, discussed the economic impact of lockdowns and what she believes are the real reasons why Governments are enforcing stringent measures across the world.  “Inflation is here and people need to prepare for it,” Ciummei warned. Earlier this year, Ciummei released a …[continue reading]