The globalists have LOST – Humanity withdraws consent from the tyrants and lets the system crash and burn

(Natural News) The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world. Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being …[continue reading]

#23 Brecht Arnaert – Economics, Metaphysics and Everything In Between.

Brecht is the editor of, Brussels-based financial newsletter trying to apply Austrian Economics to investing. He currently does research at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid under the tutelage of Prof. Dr. Philipp Bagus and Prof. Dr. Jesus Huerta de Soto and specializes in what he calls “the metaphysics of economics” – the …[continue reading]

Convoy Reaches Critical Moment in Canada – Amazing Polly

Due to the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy, many people around the world are beginning to feel that we may conceivably rip this horrible Globalist monkey off our backs. There are actually people out there who are deciding not to commit suicide because of the truckers. Who better to give us a bead on what’s happening …[continue reading]


   By Anna Von Reitz They use filmed child abuse as the dirt solidifying the “brotherhood” of the criminals at the government level of planetary administration. “They only trust you, if you are as dirty as they are.” Go here and listen to The First Salvo released by Lin Wood on Telegram, January 19th, 2021. …[continue reading]