Situation Update, Feb 18, 2022 – The Nazis weren’t defeated… they went covert and now run CANADA and the WORLD

The Third Reich never really ended. Although Hitler himself was destroyed, the Nazi regime of the 1920s / 30s / 40s simply went underground and morphed into a global movement of infiltration and influence that’s now emerging as “globalism.” Understand that the “vaccine” mRNA depopulation scheme now being pushed on the world is nothing new. …[continue reading]

Project Veritas: Mandatory Annual Covid Vaccines Planned and Big Pharma Funds FDA

FDA official Christopher Cole was recorded on an undercover hidden video saying, “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine].  I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.” Cole is an Executive Officer heading up the agency’s Countermeasures Initiatives, which purports to ensure that vaccines …[continue reading]

Cult-Owned, Schwab-Owned, Fascist Canada – And The Battle For Freedom – David Icke Dot-Connector

Our Video Sponsor – Perceptions Of A Renegade Mind By David Icke – Available Now – The Answer is available now at EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Dr. Robert Malone drops bomb, reveals top owner of Spotify is also top owner of COVID vaccine maker Moderna

Source:  Natural News Dr. Robert Malone, the brilliant scientist and co-inventor of mRNA technology, dropped new bombshells during an interview this week with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Malone addressed his recent experience with cancel culture following an appearance on top podcaster Joe Rogan’s show last month, during which he revealed a number of things …[continue reading]

Canadian police block over 30 crypto wallets associated with the ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers

A total of 34 cryptocurrency wallets allegedly associated with the Canadian truckers protesting COVID-19 restrictions, which had been raising money with Bitcoin for the Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign have reportedly been blocked. In particular, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Canada’s national police force has issued an order requiring all FINTRAC-regulated organizations in Canada to …[continue reading]

Warrants & Bounties Issued, Arrests Made & China Military controls West Canada w/ Kevin Annett (1of2)

Kevin Annett rejoins the program to discuss the indictments, warrants, and bounties that have been issued for 75 people who have been name for crimes against humanity by the International Common Law Court of Justice. We also discuss the 3 arrests that have already been made and the fact that people in other countries have …[continue reading]

The Corona Committee on Covid

For the latest videos please go here: The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions. Learn more about the committee: Anonymous tips to the Corona Committee: https://securewhistleblower.comDr. Reiner Fuellmichs english Telegram channel: OVALmedia: through your donation the work of the …[continue reading]


Evidence is mounting by the day, which shows that every make of COVID-19 jab is packed with carbon nanotubes and associated self assembling intra body nano network technology. In today’s show we present evidence from many independent studies, produced in several different countries, which have carefully examined the contents of the so called vaccines. From …[continue reading]