In this finance expert, philosopher and freedom maximalist, Robert Breedlove provides an overview of the history of money and modern central banking, with a focus on its connections to slavery. In the essay, Breedlove explores the history of our modern financial structures and how central banking is a means of stealing time, promoting inequality, and …[continue reading]
By Corey Lynn and James White Few people command as much respect for their financial industry knowledge, expertise, successes, and class as Catherine Austin Fitts, and even fewer have gone head-to-head with a corrupt government. Today, everyone is in a battle to protect their families and communities against those perpetrating agendas against humanity. Catherine joins …[continue reading]
Free Humanity vs, Transhumanist Tyranny Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep in this groundbreaking interview with AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her Breakthrough New Book, Geoengineered Transhumanism. Elana’s remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the Electromagnetic Lockdown of the Space Fence and growing web …[continue reading]
Today, the highly anticipated theatrical film My Son Hunter has opened to rave reviews and leftist panic, as the movie’s trailer has crested to over 4.5 million cross-platform views and climbing. My Son Hunter—Breitbart’s first foray into film distribution—is NOW available to stream and download at This is the bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s …[continue reading]
Switzerland considers JAILING anyone who heats rooms above 19C for up to three years if the country is forced to ration gas due to Ukraine war The country could also give fines of up to 3,000 Swiss Francs (£2,667) In gas-heated buildings, water could not be heated to more than 60C (140F) Radiant heaters would …[continue reading]
In light of the Mar-a-Lago raid, which made the DOJ look pathetic and corrupt, in light of Joe Biden’s Satanic incantations in front of Independence Hall, which were so stupid, it had to be on purpose, and in light of certain cryptic statements made by Trump during his speech in Wilkes-Barre, I’m feeling more optimistic …[continue reading]
Ukraine Oligarch Kolomoisky who funded the Asov N_zi battalion in BHO/Biden Ukrainian Coup, and Zelensky’s rise to power, is central in the Mar a Lago raid as documents seized may implicate Biden et al in money laundering scheme in Privatbank, Ukraine and Trump’s RICO lawsuit against HRC, DNC, Fusion GPS, FBI players led to staged …[continue reading]
Juan O Savin x D.S.M.P., Reckoning Fest, Part 2 Juan O Savin’s website: Hi-Res download of Lincoln Kahlooni Druze Bloodline Chart: See our previous video “Merovingian Mythos” for more info on the Merovingian theory: Deep State Mapping Project Site & Store : Veil Removed Official Site & Store: The New Templars are:Dylan Louis Monroe : …[continue reading]
DNA research science from Dr. Eran Elhaik (a Jew) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, have confirmed that, “97% of the 17 million of the world’s Jews ARE NOT descendants of Abraham.” Who are Jews? Who are the Jewish people of today related to? What …[continue reading]
by topspin2 Sep 6, 2022 Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you …[continue reading]