American History, Sovereign, Civil War, Crown Corporation, Khazarian Mafia & the Vatican (2of2)

Life long historian Bobby Graves, rejoins the program to discuss true American History that he has uncovered through hours and hours of research. He shares his knowledge, which is significantly different than your history books, about the Civil War, the Crown, and the link between the Khazarian Mafia and the Vatican. We also discuss your …[continue reading]

Alexandra Bruce Deep State Blowout! Hunter Biden Laptop Ukraine War & Looking Glass

DEEP STATE BLOWOUT! Alexandra Bruce has had an amazing career from directing popular Music Videos for MTV to authoring books on deep esoteric subjects and UFOs. For the past decade she’s been publishing a wide range of political and spiritual topics at Major Topics Hunter Biden Laptop Looking Glass Time Tech Deep State Ukraine …[continue reading]

Mindy Robinson: What The Hell Is *Really* Going On In Ukraine? [VIDEO]

Via Mindy Robinson: With dozens of fake news stories being pushed out by the Ukrainian government and Russian news being banned across most platforms, it begs the question….is this war mongering just an attempt to cover up the crimes corrupt US government officials committed not only there in Ukraine but also here with covid? …[continue reading]

American History, Sovereign, Civil War, Crown Corporation, Khazarian Mafia & the Vatican (1of2)

Life long historian Bobby Graves, rejoins the program to discuss true American History that he has uncovered through hours and hours of research. He shares his knowledge, which is significantly different than your history books, about the Civil War, the Crown, and the link between the Khazarian Mafia and the Vatican. We also discuss your …[continue reading]