Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual. ~ Gary D. Barnett by Gary D. BarnettOctober 4, 2022 “Anarchists …[continue reading]
It’s so easy to blame the outside world on our woes, so easy to look outside of ourselves in general for answers. The truth is, everything that we are experiencing is part of a much larger holographic reality in which we are co-creators. From the moments we confer with our guiding teams before birthing into …[continue reading]
Mirror: : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: Crowhouse Community Forums: Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.If you would like to assist please visit this page: Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin:bc1qj3vrxj4zyyuaq2f8r3vgur6nrejgewckfv7gpa Ethereum:0x924C0F9A9889f703a9220eCf322342B9d6BDb32DMonero: …[continue reading]
Off-Grid Ireland talks with Dr. Billy Ralph EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
– Brickman is an expert in market CRASHES – Moon phases directly impact human psychology and emotion– Previous large market crashes have occurred at a repeated LUNAR cycle– Solar eclipses are also involved in human emotional states– The convergence of certain cosmic events has aligned with historical crashes– The current configuration looks a lot like …[continue reading]
Situation Update, Oct 3, 2022 – Putin tells the truth about evil, SATANIC western leaders who PILLAGE the world EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Blog/War Posted Oct 2, 2022 by Martin Armstrong Spread the love QUESTION: Do you think this will turn into a nuclear war? VR ANSWER: The people never benefit from war. We are the instruments of those in power no matter what the government. There are people who are brainwashed and …[continue reading]
DEEP conversations about the consequences of the words (terms) used for World Events upon an unsuspecting Public. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
02 Born Alive – Kurtis Kallenbach – RO EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Short video on how we became entrapped in a system that we know nothing about. I apologise for the ads but I did not give YouTube the right to advertise. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):