Marvin vs Virology: COVID Taken to Court by Dr. Sam BaileyOctober 11, 2022 Many of us know that the virologists have not been following the scientific method and have no evidence that viruses exist. One of their biggest problems is that they don’t perform valid controls in their experiments. German engineer Marvin Haberland has worked out a way …[continue reading]
The global medical establishment knowingly lied to the world How many people will now die from the experimental jabs they were coerced into taking? Posted BY: Kelen McBreen European Parliament Member Rob Roos posted a video to social media Tuesday revealing an astonishing admission by Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small. During a …[continue reading]
An evening of celebration and fundraising, as the countdown to the world premiere of Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening has begun. Guest speakers include Del Bigtree and the visionary filmmaker himself, Mikki Willis. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): THE GREAT AWAKENING: PLANDEMIC 3 PRELAUNCH PARTY
Macron FAKED Vax: French Politician Of 20 Years Announces Vax Wrecked Heart & Govt Fakery EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
https://thecrowhouse.comBitChute : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: Crowhouse Community Forums: Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.If you would like to assist please visit this page: Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin:bc1qj3vrxj4zyyuaq2f8r3vgur6nrejgewckfv7gpa Ethereum:0x924C0F9A9889f703a9220eCf322342B9d6BDb32DMonero: 87myJVoX3H4Pfd3hDp2wujHeB6K7VdFYF2zJJmoqGv8yE55mQDJdg3ySqnmwBXdZLrhJyydykgs2khmckmJNadaeHY3CrYQPirate …[continue reading]
We are in the midst of a death of an old era and the birth of a new one. What happens next is of critical importance because it will be the seed of the next cycle of this drama that we call Planet Earth. In his video, I talk about what this “Time of Transition” …[continue reading]
Dr. Jerome Corsi returns to discuss a NEW BOMBSHELL billion dollar vax lawsuit, Paypal fascism, the Marxist agenda for WW3 and much more – thanks for tuning in. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This awesome documentary was originally Released on January 15, 2021 but I missed it, as I had just been de-platformed by Twitter and Facebook – and apparently, so were the film’s creators. So, I lost track of them and missed so many of their great videos over the past two years – and as a …[continue reading]
Ukraine is preparing a law on full control over the media, as the last vestiges of press freedom disappear in Kiev A bill approved by the Verkhovna Rada will finally finish off freedom of speech in Ukraine FILE PHOTO: An activist with his face painted takes part in protest against censorship in downtown Kiev. © …[continue reading]
By Dean Henderson Global Research, October 09, 2022 By Dean Henderson Global Research, October 09, 2022 Of relevance to the current crisis, this carefully researched article was first published by Global Research on June 1, 2011. (Part one of a four-part series) The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells …[continue reading]