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Posted BY: Jim Hoft It was all a setup.From Ray Epps – to opening the magnetic doors from the inside – to the dozens of fed operatives in the crowd – to Ginger Gun – to firing flash bombs and gas canisters on unsuspecting grandmas and seniors – to the mass arrests of hundreds of …[continue reading]
Karen Kingston joins Stew Peters to discuss how she’s discovered the whole lie behind COVID-19. She says, “the greatest lie that we were told is that the “novel coronavirus”…COVID-19 was caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, this mRNA gain-of-function virus. “And we were told that it could infect people and it was highly-infectious. Unfortunately for people …[continue reading]
According to a study by AARP,1 93 percent of Americans are concerned with their brain health, but very few understood some of the natural strategies they could use to improve it. Contrary to popular belief, your brain function and cognitive performance do not have to decline with age. There are steps you can take that influence …[continue reading]
We Are Divine Beings If we are, indeed, one with God in our divine Self, why don’t we know it? How can such a stupendous and powerful Reality that is our own high potential remain so thoroughly hidden from us? There are many answers to that question, but as I explore in my book, Break …[continue reading]
In Europe, recession now seems imminent. The International Monetary Fund has said Germany and Italy are certainly going into a recession. These are among Europe’s largest economic drivers. Their fall will trigger the slippage of other countries into de-growth as well. At the core of Europe’s economic miseries is an intense energy crisis that countries …[continue reading]
Catholics have always been prohibited from questioning the Pope and the precepts of the Church, for a very good reason, which will be explained as you read on. All Pope’s and the privately owned Corporate Holy Roman Church, have always been a major player in shaping World politics; Governments; Commerce and minds, since the early …[continue reading]
What frequency hides the harmony of the universe and was it deliberately taken away from us? One of the most existential questions of our time. This is where the conspiracy comes from. At some point, governments around the world issued a decree ordering everyone to tune the La tone to 440 Hz. There is said …[continue reading]
Attorney Tom Renz discusses his bombshell lawsuit against key conspirators behind the Covid-19 pandemic. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
“Nothing in this world, nothing, works the way you think it does. There’s always more to the story.” – Jordan Maxwell “The SEA gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds.” —Revelation 20:13 “Your dead will live; Their CORPses will rise. You …[continue reading]