Beings and Forces by Satprem.

Constantly and unknowingly, we receive influences and inspirations from higher, superconscious regions, which express themselves inside us as ideas, ideals, aspirations, or works of art; they secretly mold our life, our future. Similarly, we constantly and unknowingly receive vital and subtle-physical vibrations, which determine our emotional life and relationship with the world every moment of …[continue reading]

No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfaresourced from Jerm Warfare newsletter, November 3, 2022interview recorded July 4, 2022   Before the “Covid” era I didn’t question the legitimacy of most vaccines. Now I do. It’s All Broken Mike Donio is a pharmaceutical scientist who left the industry after pulling back the curtain on corruption, lies, and medical fraud. Mike Donio …[continue reading]

The most secret bank in the world

67,392 views Nov 3, 2022 ✉️ OUR NEWSLETTER: 📚 OUR COURSE/MEMBERSHIP: This is the most secret bank in the world. Called the “Istituto per le Opere di Religione”, or the Institute for the Works of Religion, the IOR has secrets and mystery that go back more than a century. And controversies that still …[continue reading]

Finland Exposes Massive Covid Reporting Scandal: Nearly 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fraudulent

  by Kyle Becker November 3, 2022 Finland has become one of the first countries to uncover evidence that state agencies around the world committed fraud in their Covid deaths reporting during the pandemic. The blockbuster report sheds light on how public health agencies around the world overhyped ‘Covid-related deaths’ in order to drive mass …[continue reading]

Jason Breshears “The Final Crusade”

Protect your personal data with the all-new VirtualShield One! Start Today For FREE for 30 days ^^ Click Above^^ Check out David Rodriguez RAW & UNCENSORED! Get 20% OFF Now Until July 31st! Click Above ^ Check Out Patriot Wear For People Who Love America!! Get 15% OFF using promo code 15OFF …[continue reading]

Germany’s Position in America’s New World Order

Michael Hudson • November 2, 2022 • 3,300 Words • 80 Comments • Reply Tweet Reddit Share Share9 Email Print More 9 Shares RSS     Germany’s position in America’s New World Order Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have …[continue reading]

No ‘Pandemic Amnesty,’ We Want Accountability

An essay by Emily Oster, Ph.D., published this week in The Atlantic suggesting “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID” is fanning the flames of fury among those whose lives were destroyed by ad hominem attacks, de-platforming, delicensure, demonetization, demonization and debilitating …[continue reading]


Sasha Latypova is an ex-pharma/biotech professional with 25 years of experience in clinical trials, clinical technologies and regulatory approvals. She knows exactly what Pfizer is up to – and it’s the great culling of humanity which continues unabated despite the overwhelming evidence of premeditated genocide/democide. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):