Blog/Ukraine Posted Oct 5, 2022 by Martin Armstrong Spread the love QUESTION: You said Bucha was not a massacre by Russians but staged by the neo-Nazis. What proof do you have? DF ANSWER: I am glad you believe the one-sided propaganda. I know Ukraine well and its culture. I have …[continue reading]
October 4, 2022 By LFC NEWS 1 Comment Freddie Ponton21st Century Wire The final week of September 2022 was as eventful as any, with all eyes on the Baltic region, as the world tries to make sense of the events that have unfolded since the gas leaks first appeared emanating from the Nord Stream 1 …[continue reading]
The End of Doctors’ Freedom to Ignore What the Government and Pharmaceutical Industry Say Should Worry Us All by Dr Frank Mercy On October 11th a Bill is to be presented to the Queensland Parliament which would impose draconian limits on what doctors can say to their patients. If passed, doctors will no longer be …[continue reading]
Please download and re-post this video. You can download it by clicking the download link. It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in …[continue reading]
The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation plans to let any industry in the country to accept bitcoin and cryptocurrencies for international trade without restriction, per a report from local media outlet TASS. Ivan Chebeskov, director of the Financial Policy Department for the ministry, explained in a recent interview. “We are going to allow international …[continue reading]
Democrats on Capitol Hill are pressuring the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency, voicing their doomsday predictions that without immediate action to curb and ultimately end our dependence on fossil fuels, “the planet” and, by implication, every living creature that inhabits it, will die. “If we don’t really begin to lower emissions, this planet …[continue reading]
Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual. ~ Gary D. Barnett by Gary D. BarnettOctober 4, 2022 “Anarchists …[continue reading]
It’s so easy to blame the outside world on our woes, so easy to look outside of ourselves in general for answers. The truth is, everything that we are experiencing is part of a much larger holographic reality in which we are co-creators. From the moments we confer with our guiding teams before birthing into …[continue reading]
Mirror: : Banned YouTube Archive on AltCensored: Crowhouse Community Forums: Subscriptions the TheCrowhouse can now be received via Stripe or direct contributions can be made via Wise bank.If you would like to assist please visit this page: Crypto-currencies: Bitcoin:bc1qj3vrxj4zyyuaq2f8r3vgur6nrejgewckfv7gpa Ethereum:0x924C0F9A9889f703a9220eCf322342B9d6BDb32DMonero: …[continue reading]
Off-Grid Ireland talks with Dr. Billy Ralph EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):