Giuseppe, discovered that treating his thumbs with Torus stones for 30 minutes, brings him full mobility and no pain for 3 days. Watch the full interview on my PRIVATE VIDEO channel here: I will also share where you can obtain TORUS STONES for your personal use – which I have been preparing for a …[continue reading]
Introduction In an earlier essay on the 1917 Jewish revolution in Russia,[1] I related this quote: “The [Jews] systematically exterminated the clergy, the wealthy, the business class, the intelligent educated class, all the high-achieving segments of the population, leaving Russia with a population of ignorant workers, peasants, and a powerful Jewish ruling elite.” This is …[continue reading]
The Crumbling of America In June of 2013 an Interstate bridge on a main commercial corridor between Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, Canada, collapsed and fell into the river below after being hit by a truck. This was not a high-speed collision; the truck simply bumped one of the main support pillars at low speed, but …[continue reading]
In this video, I show you what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden. I plant out scrap onion, lettuce, potato, celery, cabbage, tomato, and carrots and we see how they grow over 3 months. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Written By: John Stuart Reid Music as Medicine is becoming a hot topic, even in some major hospitals, and is ever more important in a world in which the harmful effects of toxic drugs are more prevalent than ever before. The Interdisciplinary Society for Quantitative Research in Music and Medicine (ISQRMM) is an organisation with a mission to …[continue reading]
Within hours of the attack on the September attack on the Nordstream pipelines, a consensus emerged that the Americans did it, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media were united in blaming Russia. Only the Americans had the motive and the means. The evidence was circumstantial but irrefutable. Within hours of the attack …[continue reading]
After analyzing the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System reports of injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, Jessica Rose, Ph.D., concluded “human physiology is seemingly at the mercy of whatever’s in these shots, particularly the mRNA shots, but not exclusively.” By Marina Zhang Jessica Rose is a Canadian molecular biologist. She was also trained in biostatistics during her …[continue reading]
Anna von Reitz People call me a historian and I am flattered; the truth is that I am a perpetual student and not worthy to lick the boots of Frank O’Collins as a historian. Here, posted again thanks to foresight on the part of friends in Australia, is Frank’s brief but ironclad history of the Cestui …[continue reading]
VII. Law 7.14 Corruption of Law Article 325-Settlement (Birth) Certificate Canon 3347 A Settlement Certificate, also known as a “Birth Certificate” since 1837, is an official document issued to validly recorded poor (paupers) granting them certain basic rights and entitlement to benefits in exchange for recognition of …[continue reading]
Did you know that we are at the most important crossroads in our entire human history? This is no exaggeration, and what unfolds from here will determine the course of all future life on this planet. As a certain very prominent controller has said publicly, this is the biggest thing to happen in over 4 …[continue reading]