Maria Zee returns to SGT Report to expose the rulers of the darkness and their satanic new world order plans to enslave and then destroy humanity EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
THE CBDC, INTERNET OF BODIES & GREAT RESET AGENDA EXPOSED EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): The CBDC, Internet of Bodies & Great Reset Agenda Exposed (Part 1 of 3)
Once a government obtains power, it never voluntarily gives it back. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): How The Powerful Captured The Public During The Pandemic: Kim Iversen Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
This clip talks about how the Pentagon has “lost” more money than the entire War on Terror cost. Joe Rogan talks to Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, who are political commentators and hosts of the YouTube show “Breaking Points.” EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
I speak to Justin Walker from the Hardwick Aliance about the power of the global banks and the trouble that are thrown towards. We also mention the Bradbury Pound and how it could save our financial situation today. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Part 1 of 3 the Cosmic Interview with Computer genius and linguist, Clif High. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
BY TYLER DURDEN FRIDAY, FEB 10, 2023 – 12:20 PM Authored by Nic Carter, and published via Pirate Wires, a great blog which readers are encouraged to subscribe to. What began as a trickle is now a flood: the US government is using the banking sector to organize a sophisticated, widespread crackdown against the crypto …[continue reading]
Story at-a-glance In 2023, 11 countries have fully launched a digital currency while more than 20 more will move toward starting one 114 countries, which represent more than 95% of global GDP, are looking into CBDC — up from just 35 countries in 2020 Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts details 10 practical steps individuals can …[continue reading]
Spread the love QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, does your computer suggest that Russia will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine? Your computer seems to be the only straight no-nonsense in the middle of this insanity. Thank you SK ANSWER: The West is the aggressor and they are out to destroy Russia pretending that they …[continue reading]
This is a theory in the making since 2016. The Ogham is the language of DNA via the sound of the trees. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):