READ THIS FIRST After careful deliberation, I’ve chosen to disable the copy-protection plugin on our site, which will reinstate the copy and paste function. It seems I overlooked the large number of users who prefer to print or archive posts for future reference. The copy-protection measure wasn’t intended to prevent our paying members from accessing …[continue reading]
The research could help in turning CO2 into new, renewable solar fuels through artificial photosynthesis. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Artist’s rendering of a copper nanoparticle as it evolves during CO2 electrolysis: Copper nanoparticles (left) combine into larger metallic copper “nanograins” (right) within seconds of the …[continue reading]
NIGHTMARE BOMBSHELL Group of Top European Scientists Have Confirmed Pfizer Covid Vaccine was a Giant EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Nano Soma is a remarkable product with a fascinating story. This is my latest update with one of the founders. Helps the body heal itself from a myriad of conditions including the latest vax related issues. PURCHASE HERE; RELATED LINKS: Interview with Shimon Yanowitz – Mansfield showing NANO SOMA under a dark …[continue reading]
By Peter Koenig and Marijn Poels Global Research, May 12, 2022 Theme: Media Disinformation, Police State & Civil Rights Since the beginning of 2020 the world population as been under the spell of an emergency regime, worldwide; an ever more tightening control of people’s lives, gradually merging from dictatorship into tyranny – all under the guise of a …[continue reading]
By Chris Hedges July 05, 2023: Information Clearing House –The playbook the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, does not change. Freedom and democracy are threatened. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe …[continue reading]
by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News If you are someone who has contributed charitable funds to “help find a cure for cancer” for the past 50+ years, I am sorry to inform you that you have probably been defrauded by being fooled into contributing funds to Big Pharma and cancer drug research, where a …[continue reading]
Like all indoctrinated economics PhDs, I used to teach students that the Federal Reserve was created as a central bank in order to provide cash to banks experiencing a run on deposits so that bank failures would not become general and collapse the money supply and, thereby, employment and output. It all sounds so reasonable …[continue reading]
by NY Post Editorial Board The drip-drip-drip of evidence detailing the Biden family criminal enterprise has turned into a torrent. And the sudden quiet from our most strident “democracy defenders” has grown deafening. Case in point: the silence around revelations contained in a video exclusively obtained by The Post from Gal Luft, a key …[continue reading]