20 cut and come again veggies for an endless supply of free food

People who reside in places with a shorter growing season have come up with many clever ways to extend the harvest –from row covers to cold frames to greenhouses. Succession planting is another way to maximize your vegetable garden’s productivity. Varying by approach, succession planting involves careful consideration of crop type, maturity dates, space, and …[continue reading]

Taking Rights Seriously: Rights Do Not Require a Government Permission Slip Nor the Approval of Family or Neighbors

“Thus, your right to be alive, to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to shake your fist in the tyrant’s face by petitioning the government, your right to defend yourself and repel tyrants using and carrying the same weapons …[continue reading]

Baking Soda — Inexpensive Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases

Story at-a-glance Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3) has a number of medicinal uses and benefits. It’s commonly known to have alkalinizing, antacid and electrolyte replacement properties Studies have shown drinking baking soda solution can help pregnant women who are having a slow or difficult labor to avoid C-sections in about 20% of cases by …[continue reading]

The Golden Ratio and the Organizing Principles of the Universe

This NEW documentary by Charlie Ziese is the culmination of 7 years of research into the geometry of Universal Phi Scaling and its existence in the fundamental properties of Nature, ancient and contemporary architecture, free energy, healing, and contemporary technology. The first sections cover Charlie’s research into architectural, free energy and other technological examples of …[continue reading]

Has History been Rewritten? Tartaria, Golden Ratio and Free Energy w/ Charlie Ziese

Scientist and Historian, Charlie Ziese, rejoins the program to discuss history that he believes has been rewritten. He shares information that he believes has been hidden from generations that could bring us free energy, better health and more. You can learn more about Charlie Ziese and his work at https://pyramidsciencefoundation.org/ EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Has History …[continue reading]

The Kingston Report : Naomi Wolf and Her Legal Team Got the Strategy to Take Down Pfizer Right

Pfizer committed massive fraud against the US government, nullifying their contract with the US Military and shattering Pfizer’s legal immunity. 12 Jul 2023     July 12, 2023: On July 5, 2023, Naomi Wolf and Daily Clout’s attorney, Scott Street, sent a letter to the US Department of Justice rightly proclaiming that Pfizer committed massive …[continue reading]

The Financial World Fully Decoded – Listen Up, and Take Action!

This interview is a Grand Slam from the uber-articulate and incredibly knowledgeable Matthew Piepenburg (educated at Brown, Stanford etc. – executive at Matterhorn Asset Management). This will answer ALL your questions around Global Finance, banking and personal finance decisions! PLEASE SHARE to help the people! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Destroy America for One World Government – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter On July 11, 2023 In Political Analysis 15 Comments By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” contends everything you are seeing from open borders to pushing the transgender ideology to war is all part of the push to destroy America and Christians for a One …[continue reading]

The reptilian hypothesis and the ancient intergalactic battle for supremacy

Meet Adam Malone, a captivating individual delving into the depths of controversial subjects with a refreshing perspective. During his pursuit of a Master’s degree in Myth, Cosmology, and The Sacred, Adam’s fascination with the potency of mythic narratives led him to explore the intriguing realm of David Icke’s work. Specifically, he dived into the enigmatic …[continue reading]