Memorandum from Carmel Butler

CONSUMER AND TAX PAYER   “|Let us be clear that the reason for today’s injection is the lack of openness and honesty by the banks on the amount of bad debts that they have on their books|” JOHN McFALL MP[105]   1.  The banks have stated their case. They say: the banking crisis ensued from bad borrowers …[continue reading]

Vatican Translator: Alien God Genetically Cloned Humans, Mauro Biglino (1of2)

This is my original mind blowing interview with Vatican translator Mauro Biglino. I have done two interviews since this original one, but both of those build from this. This interview was originally done in 2018, but it is timeless. Here is the original description: Vatican Translator and Italian scholar of religious studies, Mauro Biglino, joins …[continue reading]


TRANSCRIPT Nigerian Parliament members claim that Bill Gates offered them $10 million to impose vaccine mandates on the Nigerian population. Gates denied this but did commit to paying $79 million to quote unquote “help Nigeria”, after which Nigeria coincidentally becomes the first country in the world to stop unvaccinated citizens from accessing banking services and …[continue reading]

Death Touch for Global Debt Coming – Steve Quayle

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says just about every aspect of American life is under a new threat from unimaginable debt. There is record credit card debt, an implosion in commercial real estate, millions are delinquent on mortgage payments and car payments and, to top it all off, …[continue reading]

Dr. Peter Gariaev (1942 – 2020) – The Wave Genome – Nobel Prize candidate

In the midst of a global pandemic crisis, the world has lost one of its greatest molecular biologists: Dr. Peter Gariaev died on November 17, 2020. His discoveries are ground-breaking and will eventually shift the genetic paradigm literally from chemistry to light! Please help spread this new understanding of life by learning more about it. …[continue reading]

Son of Hamas Co-Founder Denounces Group at UN, Exposes ‘Savage’ Indoctrination of Palestinian Kids

The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday. Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late ’90s and secretly worked with Israel’s security services to expose and prevent several Hamas …[continue reading]

The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs & other Conspiracies w/ Matthew Ehret

Researcher and cofounder of the Rising Tide Foundation, Matthew Ehret, joins the program to discuss his work researching the hidden hand behind UFOs and other conspiracy theories. Him and his team have been creating documentaries focusing on topics from UFOs to the origins of America’s secret police and so much more. You can learn more …[continue reading]

Superior Guardianship Rights Belong To Parents Not The State

A little over thirteen years ago, for the purposes of not allowing the state any possibility of making a claim that it has jurisdiction to interfere in the life of my newly born daughter, I created an administrative process that established by declaration that her mother and I were in possession of Superior Guardianship Rights, …[continue reading]