From Ivor Cummins @FatEmperor: Most important short clip of the decade – beautifully illustrating our descent into Pharma/WEF tyranny – a must-share piece of shocking. Evil history. Pure lies. Pure fraud. Pure evil. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Pure lies. Pure fraud. Pure evil.
Dr. Rima Interviews Steve Miller, producer of the 6 hour COVID marathon. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
I spent a few days in a particularly interesting off-grid community in Paraguay that also has all the comforts of modern life. I met the founder and his wife and they took me around the facilities and amenities. For now about 250 settlers have moved there, mostly from Europe, and the community is growing fast. …[continue reading]
Press Statement by Medics on Israels breach of International Law. Please listen to this and then share it. The world is waking up! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): The world is waking up!
Jon Cook is a fourth-generation dairy farmer in Wiltshire, south-west England. As a result of his own battles with personal health, he has come to view the welfare of his cows in a completely different light. In spite of the alarmist warnings about its consumption from the industry regulators, Jon produces raw milk for an …[continue reading]
Tucker and Bannon team up to discuss the crisis that Ireland is facing – Will Conor McGregor run? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
In this interview between Kerry Lutz and Martin Armstrong, a different format was used. Martin took questions from the FSN community, covering a wide range of topics, including the US Debt clock, gold, China’s future, inflation, interest rates, and the impact of fraud on the system. Armstrong predicts that all governments will change by 2032, …[continue reading]
This film came about because Sarah Macdonald wanted to find out more, to investigate the alternative cancer treatments and the clinics behind them. At first it seemed easy enough. The facilities promote their services through glossy brochures and online video testimonials, such as one from a woman called Lorraine Weaver, who describes how she reacted to suggestions …[continue reading]
Aligning the CDC “50 yrs of Vaccine Progress” timeline with known military spraying experiments and disease outbreaks LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY 17 JAN 2023 171 49 14 Share One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi: A Must-Watch 17 min. video: Aligning the CDC “50 yrs of Vaccine Progress” timeline with …[continue reading]
Never has it been more important to search for clues to finding healing and peace in the world. With that in mind, it appears that within ancient Aboriginal societies the didgeridoo is believed to have been central element in communal rituals aimed at resolving conflicts and fostering unity. Historians consider the didgeridoo among the world’s …[continue reading]