Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says just about every aspect of American life is under attack by Deep State demonic globalists who want to “take down America.” Let’s start with the U.S. banking system that is teetering on insolvency and locked in a growing liquidity crisis. Quayle explains, …[continue reading]
Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths in Aug-Sep 2023 Sep. 24, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Flight OS-188 (STR-VIE) Stuttgart to Vienna – The captain became incapacitated, and the first officer took control of the aircraft. Sep. 23, 2023 – Alaska Airlines Pilot – 37-year-old Captain Eric McRae died suddenly in his hotel room during a layover, was …[continue reading]
The former Master of the High Court in Ireland alleges that there is collusion between certain State bodies and the American vulture funds to ultimately defraud homeowners. Liam Deegan @IrishCentral Nov 10, 2023 Today’s dramatic headline hides what may be one of the most explosive financial hand grenades to ever …[continue reading]
Benjamin Fulford Full Report Update November 10, 2023 – Benjamin Fulford EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Imagine you could drive your car around all week without spending a single dime on gasoline. Well, that is becoming a reality by the day. One of the most popular car brands in the world has just made a groundbreaking innovation: cars that run on water. Experts have admitted that this technology has the potential …[continue reading]
Italy is the first developed country to ban all fake meat, citing “serious health concerns.” Natural News wrote that numerous recent studies show that lab-grown synthetic meat of the kind being promoted by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is triggering the formation of turbo cancers in humans. In an unprecedented move, Biden’s US Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved …[continue reading]
By Scott Ritter The Israel-Palestine conflict has captured the world’s attention for decades, and understanding its intricacies is crucial. Scott Ritter, a seasoned expert in international relations and geopolitical analysis, will offer his insights into the historical, political, and social dynamics that shape this ongoing dispute. What to Expect: Geopolitical Analysis: Scott Ritter will provide …[continue reading]
I plead with you to view the images below. Then email or write or protest out side government offices, no matter in which, country you reside. Demand that your government close all of Israeli embassy’s, Demand sanctions on Israel and ask the UN to expel Israel from United nations. Just do it and do it …[continue reading]
Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have put together a timeline of FDA meetings showing that the FDA issued their approval based on data that was collected for non-investigational use of non-experimental product (EUA countermeasure). ### by Sasha Latypova I wrote about this topic here, and we are continuing to compile the research on this issue. As …[continue reading]