If you are seeking additional info about our Reclaim your Securities and/or Notice of Rescission info packs, fee, content, Payment information etc., you will find that info here https://1drv.ms/f/s!AiFupMWjmDX7_GLqB_XsHSiZBDVN?e=1W5XKD The link works and the info is there. You do not need a OneDrive account or password to access the info. You can also contact us …[continue reading]
Janine educates local members of public and councils and police in each area of NZ of law changes in NZ where jurisdiction now changed from corporations back to under our Creator where people are now in charge and ways we can all unite and a new system design that works for all including hapu where …[continue reading]
There are two things that I learned as an adult that changed my life for the better. A lot, I might add. Those two things are nutritional supplements and clean-out, or detox methods that seek to purge toxins and metals out of the body. As I grew older, arthritis in my hands was becoming steadily …[continue reading]
By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin Global Research, March 26, 2025 Russia in Global Affairs 25 March 2025 A few weeks ago, I paraphrased Marx’s words from nearly two centuries ago: “A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of irrelevance”. Recent events suggest that the spectre is rapidly becoming a reality. While the European Union and Britain are in …[continue reading]
The United States invaded Iraq to prevent Saddam Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction; but Saddam Hussein had no WMD. The Bush regime continues to tell Americans that the economy is healthy; but more people than ever are out of work or barely making ends meet. The United States is seeking to spread freedom …[continue reading]
http://www.larouchepac.com — The British press has been full of articles, mourning the coming end of the so-called “special relationship” between the U.S. and Britain. But, for patriots of the United States, such a “special relationship” has never existed. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Matthew Ehret Mar 10, 2025 In September 2024, I published an article titled ‘Eco-Warrior Mark Carney: Set up to Replace Trudeau and Usher in Great Reset’. Now that Carney has been officially installed as the interim Prime Minister of Canada, I’d like to expand a bit on …[continue reading]
After two years since our last interview, I have a catch up with Aisling, now that she has moved back to Ireland. So 2 years down the line, post covid, I find out what has been happening in Aisling’s world. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Our think-tank MCC Brussels has been investigating the use of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) by the European Union. Our published reports expose the laundering of billions of euros to institutions charged with promoting the European Commission’s propaganda throughout Europe. This misuse of taxpayer’s money is an outrage. But what is of even greater concern is how …[continue reading]