FOI documents have been released in Australia and Dr Chris Martenson has posted this video about the data on Rumble. Peter McCullough thne posted it on TRUTHSocial with this comment:
“Dr Chris Martenson on the ‘batch’ variability and side effects of COVID vaccines. Sloppy rushed defense contractors make the mRNA and LNP with no FDA or big pharma asssurances on biological fidelity of genetic code. Must be a product problem as opposed to all susceptibility. EUA/TGA contracts blocking inspections for quality purity contaminants are a big problem.”
Karen Kingston re-TRUTHed it with her own comment:
“The disabilities, injuries and deaths by batch were designed. Pfizer admits to the variations in batches in the FDA application BLA approval. This isn’t a manufacturing mess up. The injuries and deaths are intended consequences of the FDA authorizing and then approving a bioweapon. Let’s say it like it is and stop covering for the corporate criminals. Global citizens deserve the truth.”