Congress just returned from a six-week hiatus on Tuesday, November 12th and one of the first things they did was to have a hearing about “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” – UAPs, the new term for UFOs that doesn’t seem to stick, that was invented by John Podesta and débuted in 2016 by Hillary Clinton .
Witnesses and US Reprsentatives, alike voiced their frustration with the over-classification of this information, with Dr Tim Gallaudet, a retired Rear Admiral in the US Navy, stating that, “unelected officials in the US government do not have an exclusive right to this knowledge about the nature of reality,” and with former Pentagon official, Lue Elizondo testifying that the US Government operates secret UFO crash retrieval programs designed to identify and reverse-engineer alien craft.
Over the past decade, the DoD has implemented a program of gradual, “limited hangout”-type disclosure but today, you’re going to get the Full Monty.
UFOs are in the air and James Grundvig is joined by Dan Willis, who was one of the 21 members of the original 2001 Disclosure Project that was put together by Dr Steven Greer. I had the pleasure of Zooming with them both for several hours last Friday about Willis’ presentation, Part One of which you will see here.
As someone who has been studying this information for several decades, this is an excellent, cohesive “Unified Theory” of the history of human-alien interaction, from the 20th Century forward. (Stay tuned for Part Two, which is even much more lit!)
It’s pretty head-spinning, as you let it sink in, even for someone like me, who has been studying this information for several decades. It explains so much about Modern History, it coheres many of these bits and pieces that we’ve noticed, over the years. It gives a whole new perspective on the entire pharmaceutical industry and to the COVID PSYOP and shot.
I remember, in 2001, being so excited by the Disclosure Project, when the internet was still wild and free and I shared it with everybody I could. Recall, that this was on the heels of the 1990s, when the entertainment industry was, “All Aliens, All the Time”, with TV shows, like The X Files, and bestselling books, like ‘Abduction, Human Encounters with Aliens’, by Harvard University Psychiatry Department Chairman, Dr John Mack, when Harvard was still considered a respectable place.
The Disclosure Project press conference happened 4 months prior to the 9/11 False Flag, after which, a switch was flipped and suddenly, everybody stopped talking about UFOs and the narrative changed to “All War, All the Time”.
Now, they’re bringing them back, re-branded as “UAPs”. (Will people really start calling them that?)
Dan Willis says he became interested in the topic of UFOs in 1969, when he was a High Speed Code Operator in the US Navy, stationed at he Naval Communication Station in San Francisco, in charge of the Code Room, where he became privy to reports from a US Navy ship off the coast of Alaska, in which the crew visually witnessed a “brightly-glowing, reddish-orange, 70-foot diameter disc that emerged out of the ocean and then shot up into space..going over 7,000 miles per hour.”
He saw firsthand, how this report quickly become Classified as Secret, Priority Level and it was quickly sent to the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington DC, which left him wondering, “Why are they keeping it secret?”
Dan Willis’ Part 1 of his presentation begins at 17:46 in this video, so you can skip ahead, to there.
The highlights of Dan’s PowerPoint Presentation are the following:
• The testimony of Bob Lazar, who worked over at the S-4 Facility within Area 51 has been 100% consistent for over 30 years. Bob Lazar was the first person to blow the whistle on a secret program to back-engineer alien craft, causing a panic at the base, which was put on lockdown, with the issuance of a National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Special Security Advisory document, that was sent to all Area 51 Base Personnel. All of Bob’s public records were scrubbed by the military, in order to discredit all of his claims.
• Dr Steven Greer obtained a copy of the NRO Special Security Advisory document, which had a distribution list that included Cosmic Ops and Magi Ops and it referred to the Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (USAPs) for the reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial craft at S-4 Facility at Area 51.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
• Greer took this document to the Pentagon, along with astronaut Edgar Mitchell and Commander Will Miller to meet with Vice Admiral Thomas Wilson, the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
• Vice Admiral Wilson looked into these Unacknowledged Special Access Programs and he was not only denied access, he was threatened, that if he didn’t drop the matter immediately, he would lose rank and see an early retirement. We are talking about the head of Intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff!
• Vice Admiral Wilson was so outraged to have been denied access to Unacknowledged Special Access Programs and by being threatened for doing so, that it was he who gave Greer permission to bring his witnesses to the mainstream media and to expose these illegal operations to the public. It was Wilson who had greenlighted the May 9, 2001 National Press Club event.
• As an aside, a 15-page document relating to all of this was entered into the public record during the May 17th 2022 Open House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee hearing on UFOs (“UAPs”), which I reported on, at the time, because this 15-page document featured Bob Beckwith, who was a contact of mine for my first book, in which Beckwith described how he was involved in “sonar invisibility” tests in 1942 on the USS Martha’s Vineyard in Block Island Sound, where the crew told him that the ship had recently been involved in a Philadelphia Experiment-like scenario, where the testing of experimental technology caused the ship to teleport uncontrollably to multiple locations, with the tragic consequence of a sailor’s body becoming merged with the steelwork of the ship. Beckwith was told by the crew that they had to saw this poor man’s body out of the steelwork and to sand that part of the deck over and to cover it with a fresh coat of paint, which they showed to him. This story was similar to the popular reports about the USS Eldridge but it had occurred a year or two earlier. I am the only one, to my knowledge to have ever reported about Beckwith’s story about the USS Martha’s Vineyard in Block Island Sound.
• Continuing with Dan’s presentation: Clifford Stone was part of a crashed UFO retrieval team, such as what Lue Elizondo testified about on November 12th and he was part of a project that categorized 57 different species by 1989.
• When US Astronauts went to the Moon in 1969 (yes), there were large Reptilian craft lined up on the far end of the crater in which they’d landed. Dan says that NASA was aware, beforehand that there is an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.
• Willis says US astronauts went to the Moon but not all of it got recorded on tape.
• Stanley Kubrick recreated the Moon Landing for US Government propaganda purposes and the film was full of inconsistencies but Dan affirms that the astronauts really did go to the Moon.
• Moreover, the Americans were not the first humans on the Moon. Dan says the Nazis went on the Moon in 1942 and elsewhere in our Solar System, after they were given free energy / anti-gravity technology by Reptilian aliens, who violated the Prime Directive by doing so. The Nazis had anti-gravity developed, as far back as 1934. We will discuss more about this, later on
• There is evidence of NASA’s 1969 Moon Landing from ham radio operators at the time, who had their directional antennas picking up the direct transmission, bypassing NASA and they heard Neil Armstrong remark about the massive craft he saw on the Lunar surface. Dan says he has a close friend, who was at a military affiliate radio station at the time that it was receiving these transmissions, who told him, “Yeah, I heard it”. Dan says he’s been trying to find somebody that’s got a recording of it, but apparently, “The web’s been pretty well scrubbed.”
• William Tompkins, who was working at the TRW facility saw the live video feed coming from the Moon. Dan says of Tompkins, “He had a photographic memory. He drew the huge – I mean, it dwarfed it, the Lunar Module – these huge craft that were lined up along the far side of the crater that NASA sanitized.” That is, airbrushed by people like Donna Hare, another Government Witness who testified at the Disclosure Project press conference in 2001.
• Dan affirms, “The truth is, we did go to the Moon. What we saw was, some of it was studio footage, and that we didn’t hear everything that the astronauts were saying, because NASA censored it. That’s the truth of what happened.”
• The next question, for me was, if they really did go to the Moon, did they really get there with this foil-wrapped tin can thingy?

Photo by Eric Long / National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
• Presumably, they did NOT go to the Moon in this rinky-dink contraption. Dan doesn’t address this directly, but he says says that this “Breakaway” part of the US Government has been manufacturing Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) since the 1950s and that some of these were witnessed in 1988 at Norton Air Force Base by Dan Willis’ dear friend, the late Mark McCandlish.
• Mark McCandlish was going to testify – as he did, in 2001 – at the 2022 Senate UFO UAP Hearing, regarding the fact that the US already has this anti-gravity craft. But one month before he was to testify, he was found dead with a bullet in his head, claimed to be a “suicide”.
• Also suspicious about this is that Mike Turber, a US Air Force intelligence specialist had come out in 2019, saying that the “Tic Tac” that got saturated across the media by The New York Times, back in 2017 is made by Lockheed and it is US technology. But in 2022, Mike Turber came out with a video – within a week before Mark was suicided – saying, “I just want to come out and say that…I made it up.” Apparently, somebody paid Mike a visit.
• Regardless, both of these men’s earlier testimonies reveal that the US has anti-gravity craft and has been working with these for several decades, contrary to the narrative of these Senate UFO hearings, like that of last Tuesday.
• Here are the illustrations by Mark McCandlish of these ARVs, as well as an actual military photograph of one of these craft. Mark had a technical background and he explained to Dan that this is a Tesla configuration:

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
• Dan explains that mercury vapor is ignited and it cancels the mass, allowing the craft to go faster than the speed of light and that it had a capacitor array on the base of the craft that shifted the charge [I’m guess, to steer it]. Dan says, “It’s kind of like taking a watermelon seed and squeezing it between your fingers. It shoots off at incredible speed.”
• In 2002, Scottish Hacker, Gary McKinnon got into the NASA computers and he saw the US Navy Solar Warden Program; the fleet-to-fleet transfers of non-terrestrial officers. He found battle fleet spaceships developed by the US Navy that had been launched back in the 1980s that were named after MJ-12 members, like the USSS LeMay and the USS Hillenkoetter. McKinnon said that he was looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public. The Bush administration wanted to put McKinnon away for 70 years in prison for perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time”. Luckily for Gary, then-Home Secretary Theresa May blocked his extradition to the United States in October of 2012.
• This, now gets into what Dan calls “The Matrix of Perception”, because the truth sounds like such a far-fetched science fiction movie, that it keeps its own best secrecy! Most people don’t believe that such a thing as Solar Warden could exist, because we’ve had multiple generations of perception management by the intelligence agencies, that centrally-control the Mainstream Media.
• Dan says the 2001 Disclosure Project press conference should have been a world-changing event but it wasn’t. Despite Dan’s having worked as a newsman at ABC, he didn’t know about Project Mockingbird and the stranglehold that it had – and that it continues to have on perception management.
• Dan then began to research the UFO phenomenon on his own. What he discovered seemed “science fiction-like”.
• With his high-level Security Clearance, Dan was able to pull out all of the classified research and documents. Although he can’t say, with 100% certainty what’s going on, an overall picture emerged for him of the Nazi infiltration of the US Government, aided by their sympathizers, especially by the Rockefellers, leading to the formation of the CDC, staffed by 1,600 “former” Nazi scientists and doctors.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Dan Willis: I found out that [in 1933] the Nazi SS entered into an alliance with the Reptilian Draco, called the “Ciakaharr”, who violated the Prime Directive and gave the Nazis advanced technology. And this is what really stood out to me, is that there were documents that were recovered before the end of the War, that showed that the Nazis had this secret plan, called Weltanschauungskrieg, translates to “worldview warfare”.
They planned to infiltrate into the United States and create this Matrix of Perception, to control the public’s perceptions, in order to hide their secret operations.
And we know, from the partial release of the JFK Files, that were released back in 2017, that Hitler was alive and well…and Himmler never took the cyanide cap. His Döppelganger did, who did not have the fencing scar that Himmler did.
250,000 Germans, the Reich’s top scientists, over 100 U-boats, all escaped down to their Antarctic base, that they created, called Base 211 in Argentina, to operate from the underground…

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
James Grundvig: And just for the audience, real quick, the Red Cross and the Vatican opened up a corridor into Western Ukraine for 50,000 other hardened Nazis. So this is not just escape to Antarctica and Argentina, but also escape to the other direction…All the Nazi-hunters for the Holocaust, we never heard about “Ukraine”; that never came up – not in my lifetime, and it never came up as “Antarctica”. Very interesting!
Dan Willis: Yeah, the Vatican all gave them these – from Malta – these passports for the Rat Lines to – yeah, that goes into a whole discussion, unto itself.
Now, Allen Dulles was infamous for this plan that they have of the infiltration. They have sympathizers in the US that worked with them. The intelligence network of Nazi Germany had all the intelligence on the Soviets, which Truman was afraid of, and so they hid the Nazi intelligence in the Bavarian mountains in these microfiche, which they brought on a trading table to bring in thousands of Nazi spies with the deal he made with General Reinhard Gehlen, head of Nazi intelligence, into the OSS, which turned into the CIA, which Dulles was responsible for actually creating – which, Truman didn’t want.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Paperclip…They cleansed the dossiers of these scientists and so forth, that were once classified as a “Menace to the Security of the United States”, and they put them into key positions!
The Rockefellers, who were working almost in alliance with the Nazis, they actually rewrote – this is a bit illegal – rewrote the history of World War II, so, schoolchildren in the future, they wouldn’t have a clue what happened. So, they basically cleansed the history…I guess you can say it’s a Limited Hangout on the history of World War II, to hide Nazi escape and infiltration.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
So, the end of the war, the Nuremberg Trials, 1,600 of these Nazi doctors that were responsible for murder, human experimentation, eugenics, and everything; that never stood trial, are brought into the newly-formed Center of Disease Control with many of these former Nazis!..

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And IG Farben, Hitler’s largest financial backer, was split; part of 13 pharmaceutical corporations that are Big Pharma, today: Pfizer, Bayer, [Merck] and the others, they were all part of these 13 corporations, that most of us are familiar with; these names on our television set. (Laughs) They seem to fund most of the advertising for the Mainstream Media!
William Tompkins, a very credible witness, with much documentation to back his position, said that the Nazi scientists came in on [Project] Paperclip. They took over control of the highest positions of the US pharmaceutical industry, that are in control today.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
My great-grandfather was going up against Rockefeller, when he was starting his pharmaceutical empire, back in the beginning of the 1900s, where they were taking over control of the education for the doctors and everything. He was the president of Homeopathic Medical Society, going up against Mr Rockefeller.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
The Roswell Crash was actually a Trojan horse, to entice for a future technology exchange. After that, Truman had Forrestal set-up the first MJ-12 group. It was headed by Admiral Roscoe Hillenkotter. Here’s James Forrestal.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
It also set up the US Air Force, and the CIA, and the National Security Act – all happened in September of 1947. Also, under Paperclip, they brought over Xaver Dorsch, Nazi Germany’s top underground base expert.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
They started in the Manzano Mountains in New Mexico; started building these Deep Underground Military Bases and expanding their network across the United States.
Ant the Secretary of the Navy, Forrestal sent Admiral Byrd to defeat the Nazi base down in Antarctica. All of his aircraft were wiped out, due to the Nazis having this advanced anti-gravity and Directed Energy Weapons technology.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
James Grundvig: How many Admiral Byrd’s aircraft were wiped out?
Dan Willis: Just about all of them, according to witnesses.
James Grundvig: Of course, that’s been erased from history, hasn’t it?
Dan Willis: Yeah, definitely. He [Byrd] was a 33rd degree Freemason, so they keep secrets pretty well! (Laughs)
And then Forrestal, wanting the public to know about it. He’s thrown out the hospital window; murdered by MJ-12, which is revealed in the annual report saying, quote, “The untimely death of Secretary Forrestal was deemed necessary and regrettable.”

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And then Allen Dulles, of course, starts Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA is paying 400 media journalists to form the public’s perceptions. And they have, to this day, several, like there’s one German journalist saying he’s a non-official cover, where he’s been trained to lie and deceive to the public, but they’re paid by the CIA.
They started out with, of course, the usuals, The Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, AP, UPI. And they expanded since 1950, you can imagine.
Now, the Nazis had advanced technology. They had anti-gravity free energy. They had anti-gravity developed back in 1934, you can imagine. They went on to the Moon in 1942 and elsewhere in our Solar System.
James Grundvig: So we weren’t first to the Moon, were we?
Dan Willis: Right. Well, they had anti-gravity craft developed, back in 1934.
James Grundvig: So I guess it wouldn’t take them long to fly up there, would it?
Dan Willis: No, no, it wouldn’t. This is something I have 10 years experience in, because I volunteered, after a Congressional Hearing was denied. I volunteered with a corporation Dr Greer set up.
I traveled around the planet, meeting with energy inventors. Many were murdered. Most of them received what’s a National Security Order: “Your invention has been deemed to be a detriment in United States security. Therefore, you cannot share it with anybody.” Over 6,000 have been issued.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And so, this is how they kept our – under the guise of “National Security” – anybody comes up with anti-gravity, free energy – I have firsthand experience with this, James, they’re given one of these National Security orders. So this is how they kept us retarded, while they advanced, considerably.
And they [the Nazis] flexed their muscles, over the Capitol building in 1952 with their craft coming up from Antarctica to intimidate the Truman and Eisenhower administration.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And then the CIA – which, they [the Nazis] pretty much controlled – had the Robertson Panel. They roll out Einstein, here to deny – that, “There’s nothing to the UFO/ET reality.”
And then, a major event happened in 1954, where the Galactic Federation of Worlds met with President Eisenhower, who they warned about the deceptive Nebu Grays – that were orbiting our planet – not to trust them.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And according to witnesses that were there, Gerald Light, who wrote a letter, said that it was his “conviction”, that President Eisenhower was going to go before radio and television and its planned-release, in May of that year.
So Eisenhower wanted – there’s a whole lot more to the story – but essentially, Eisenhower wanted to go along with the agreement of the Galactic Federation and heed the warning [about] the Greys.
But the new MJ-12 group that was headed by none other than MJ-12 Member, Allen Dulles circumvents Eisenhower and they signed a treaty with the Nebu Greys, the Granada [AB Note: I’ve seen this spelled, like an acronym, “GREATA” but the internet tends to say it’s the “Greada”] Treaty, which basically said that – see, they wanted technology.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And so, the Galactic Federation of Worlds wanted to dismantle the nuclear weapons, which they did not want to do; and help us with our spiritual development and give us technology that would be beneficial, in health and so forth.
But since they’d signed this treaty, they gave consent to the Greys to abduct millions of our citizens for their Hybrid Program, to which they gave facilities underground. It was their workaround of the Prime Directive. Sneaky little bastards.
James Grundvig: And we got to close up this first part here…so the Greys have been kicked out of the solar system. Is that accurate? Yeah.
Dan Willis: I’ll wrap it up, here in two minutes. And so…the Bilderberg [for which the World Economic Forum is the front-facing organization] meetings start, which as we know, they control, along with Council on Foreign Relations, the Mainstream Media outlets, working with psychological think tanks.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Eisenhower had lost control to the Nazi-Reptilian-Grey Alliance.
And you’d wonder, why would they want to suppress the powers of human consciousness, which Professor Hans Eysenck wrote about?
And we know that the secret society knows that human consciousness co-creates reality. And they use the media, in order to project what they want into the public mind so that we co-creatively build that reality, in support of their agenda.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
If you look through history, all the 33rd Degree Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Skull and Bones, and other secret society members, as Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House said, they’re afraid of Trump, because he hasn’t been initiated. They can’t control him. He hasn’t been in the secret society.
All the presidents and world – leaders, intelligence, military – you got Disney, Allen Dulles, Heinrich Himmler, all the major presidents.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
As William Casey, Knight of Malta said, “We’ll know our disinformation programs are complete when what everybody believes is false.”
And then NASA is run, of course, by a former Nazi SS officer, having us believe we need “rockets” to overcome gravity, when they secretly achieved anti-gravity decades earlier!
Eisenhower attempted to warn about the infiltration of the Fourth Reich into the Military Industrial Complex of the “unwarranted influences” and only an “alert, knowledgeable citizenry can protect our future liberties and freedoms.”
And then, Allen Dulles writes an MJ-12 Assassination Directive, which is activated 10 days after Kennedy tried to release the UFO files. And he’s assassinated.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And of course, Allen Dulles heads the Warren Commission, which decides there’s no conspiracy. And then, the CIA puts out the dispatch to label anybody that questions that, as a “conspiracy theorist”…

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Then, in 1983, there were 50 media companies, of which the CIA consolidated; much easier to control six than it is 50 – and is our mainstream media today! And this is the Enemy of the People.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Basically, we have an infiltration of several generations of the domestic enemy, that’s centrally-controlling our information, using psychological warfare to support an agenda that is against an unsuspecting public. But many are starting to see this.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
And once you can see how this infiltration occurred, and how the Matrix of Perception was created, then the propaganda that hid the truth is then destroyed by the disclosure of the truth.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
Current Disclosure Conclusions: Essentially, is that the US Navy is working with the Galactic Federation, since the 1940s that created and developed the Solar Warden Space Program.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
The mainstream media is still, to this day, effectively hiding what Admiral Wilson wanted to disclose.
I thought it was interesting, what the inauguration speech of President Trump, back in 2017, when he hinted at, “We stand on the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, free the Earth of the miseries of disease, and harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow.” He knows what’s going on.

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
2021-2022: the Nebu Greys, the Ciakahrr [Reptilians], the Nacht Waffen, the Dark Fleet Nazis, have all been kicked out of our Solar System. Now, we only have their minions on Earth to deal with, the human elements. Their upper echelon has been decapitated. They no longer have that support.
A disclosure plan was given to General VanHerk of the Earth Alliance from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This is Thor Han Eredyon

Image from Dan Willis’ slide presentation
A genius, brilliant plan that – and that’ll go on for our next show – that is going to roll-out slowly, so it’s not too much of a psychological shock, because we’ve been deceived for so many decades of this reality, that they need to roll it out, in such a way that caused the least amount of impact on the civilization.
James Grundvig: Dan, that was an exciting, super-detailed Part One.
Thank you, Everybody. Part Two, you absolutely want to watch it, tomorrow night, especially if you listen to the UAP meetings tomorrow, Wednesday, the 13th of November.
Thank you. We’ll see you tomorrow, everyone. Have a good night.