Alberta government accidentally admits a huge rise in stillbirths in young Alberta women


Up to 55% rise in stillbirths in 2023

By Dr. William Makis

Global Research, April 28, 2024

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It is virtually impossible to get good stillbirth data anywhere in the world, so this dataset is nothing short of miraculous.

A headline caught my eye two days ago. St. Albert is a small town next to Edmonton, about a 30 minute drive north of where I live. Tragically, the political representative is Alberta NDP Marie Renaud, who is an insane, far left extremist Communist.

April 23, 2024 – St. Albert Gazette – Steep rise in rate of stillbirth among young women in Alberta

“Rates of stillbirth have risen sharply among young women in Alberta. Health authorities say there are many possible reasons for the increase, as well as a need for further investigation.”

Brett McKay is a “local journalism initiative reporter” who has been able to get his hands on some stunning Alberta data, that I’m sure the health authorities did NOT want released.

Let’s look at the numbers very simply (above graph):

  • Age 15-19, 2019 (20.76) to 2023 (26.32) = 27% rise
  • Age 20-24, 2019 (8.88) to 2023 (12.91) = 45% rise
  • Age 25-29, 2019 (5.57) to 2022 (8.64) = 55% rise in 2022, 2023 (7.18) = 29% in 2023
  • Alberta average 2019 (7.33) to 2023 (9.43) = 29%

“Doctors Are Baffled” 

Alberta has had issues with syphilis on and off.

But it’s been very steady since 2019, so that doesn’t account for the latest surge in stillbirths.



“Robinson studied cases of congenital syphilis and stillbirth in Edmonton between 2015 and 2021. In every single case where congenital syphilis resulted in stillbirth, the mother did not get proper prenatal care and the infection wasn’t treated.”

“It’s nothing more complicated than that,” Robinson said. “If you go to the doctor when you are pregnant, and you get the blood work done, and you have syphilis, we treat it. But the problem with every single case, is that the mom never got the blood work done, or they couldn’t track her down so she never got treated.”

With treatment, Robinson said stillbirth is incredibly rare.

That which cannot be named. 

The article itself makes no mention of the COVID-19 Vaccine, which is fine, the data is sufficient and speaks for itself.

  • Age 15-19, 2019 (20.76) to 2023 (26.32) = 27% rise in stillbirths
  • Age 20-24, 2019 (8.88) to 2023 (12.91) = 45% rise in stillbirths
  • Age 25-29, 2019 (5.57) to 2022 (8.64) = 55% rise in 2022, 2023 (7.18) = 29% in 2023
  • Alberta average, 2019 (7.33) to 2023 (9.43) = 29% rise in stillbirths

My Take…

Once COVID-19 Vaccines rolled out, healthcare officials developed an absolute seething hatred for pregnant women

Any doctor or public health official who recommended COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines in pregancy is guilty of medical malpractice and much worse.

Here is an Alberta Health Services Official engaging in medical malpractice and medical malfeasance, in trying to harm as many pregnant women as she can (AHS COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group Chair Dr.Lynora Saxinger). A video like this is evidence for future criminal charges.


Click here to watch the video

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines have caused skyrocketing miscarriages and stillbirths.

When you see an increase in stillbirths of 55% in Alberta women ages 25-29 in 2023 and a 45% increase in stillbirths in Alberta women ages 20-24 in 2023, without any explanation (or even an attempt at an explanation), the data speaks for itself.

Another Alberta Health Services Official attempt to harm as many pregnant women as possible.


Click here to watch the video


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

Featured image is from

The original source of this article is COVID Intel

Copyright © Dr. William MakisCOVID Intel, 2024

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