“ In Every End there is a New Beginning”

“Why do we call it end times when we are involved with a new beginning?”



My friend Fortune once told me that the opening words of the Bible were mistranslated. As a matter of fact, he mentioned it on the air in one of our episodes. The corrected meaning goes something like this; “In any (or every) beginning…”. If you think about it, it makes a lot more sense. Of course, education in this part of the world is a “death-based” system which requires linear thinking. However, we can all go out into nature where truth is found and observe that the majority of nature is clearly cyclical. Time is one of these observable realities. With this in mind let’s ask if the idea of “end times” is even a possibility.

So much of the current world that is now crumbling under its own weight has relied on misinformation and fear tactics. These low vibrational systems can no longer withstand the scrutiny of rising consciousness. Vibrational changes are part of the cyclical nature of our world. Many cultures have provided ways to think about this emerging reality. Most of us are familiar with the idea of ages that correspond to metals, which comes from nature-based alchemical thinking. We get the ancient system of Yugas from India. There are many other versions, but to my knowledge none of them claim an end of days, so-to-speak. It seems to me that the “end times, or “end of days” idea is fear-based and requires a mind to accept that when we die, it’s lights out, nothing, darkness… not even that — nothingness. And as we know, there is no such thing as “no-thing”. But even our ideas of death are changing along with the consciousness boost that seems to become more prevalent each day. It is a fascinating thing to observe and one wonders where we are headed. That is, if we can shed the fear that is constantly propagated by film, TV, news and media.

Much effort has been spent to separate us from each other and the onset of the Internet lent itself well to these mainstream efforts. As a result, we live very separate lives now when compared to pre-internet life. The apex of this insidious social engineering was reached, in my view, during the criminally enforced 6-foot distancing fiasco related to Covidius Minimus. It is high time we begin to merge back together socially. Together we can face and overcome the efforts of mainstream one world agendas, that are not yet behind us.

I am reminded of a quote attributed to Mark Twain that fits the bill here. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” And as we speak here today, the mainstream is publishing fearful images reminiscent of the Truman Show, as he tried to break social engineering prison through travel. How is it that the first two months of 2025 have seen more air-travel horror than the previous century? Have you realized the intent behind the skidding runways and burning engine footage reminiscent of “Leave the World Behind”? Truman was alone in his effort to free himself from the hidden hand’s bar-free prison. We are not! At the end of the day, it was perception that had kept Truman in his cage. I would suggest he was aware of the problem from the opening scene. I would further suggest that since you are reading this here, you too are aware of the problem of perception, as it has been implemented by those who crave one world control.

A foundational social engineering tactic has been in play since well before the 9/11 programming that temporarily fooled so many of us. The tactic is as old as the false history we all learned in school, but… we too have crossed the Rubicon. There is no going back, nor should we want to. We should recognize, and call by name, the tactic I have alluded to. It is called “Divide and Conquer”. It is an ingredient in the foul, if not fatal witches’ brew, that has saturated nearly every corner of modern existence, seeping in to every angle of sorrow. The evil potion has so many variations, but alas, they are all very similar and require the inability to examine detail and challenge narratives, to work. I have been watching it for so long, I can breakdown the ingredients without seeing or tasting the poison. The base for most of the brews is the same… 80 parts media/information saturation. The remaining ingredients can be thrown in with little to no thought at this point. There are so many. I will list but a few: fear, bigotry, the race card, politics, more fear, hatred, judgement, social separation, death, tainted food, bad information, tainted water, more fear… and on and on we go.

The desperation of those who think they own the world should be obvious to you by now. The speed and scope of the “events” pulled from the witch’s cauldron should make this claim self-evident. The calendar is so full of events, there is little to no effort being spent to hide what will never be admitted. Why is this you ask? It is simple. The world we live in is cyclical in nature. The cycle we are currently experiencing is moving away from the low point, or dark era. Everything is beginning to rise, lift, expand and resonate at higher frequencies. The coming era will resonate at a rate that makes the low vibrational systems we are used to impossible. That dog will not hunt. That bell will not ring. And in this observation is our invitation to co-create a much better world than the one we are cyclically moving away from now.

Truly, “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself”. Truly the time to build a better world is now. Every mind in this world has been helping to co-create all that we have known. Now you know how the hijackers fooled you into helping co-create a low vibrational world. Let’s join together and build a world we can be proud of. A world where respect for all life is the norm. A world where we care for one another. A world where ideas like war are impossible. For that is where we are heading once, we get beyond corporate controls that require sleeping minds to implement mental prisons. Did Truman ever realize where Christof was hiding? It matters not, because he discovered the prison-for-your-mind system, and consciously committed to “LEAVE THAT WORLD BEHIND”.

It is a beautiful day bounded by the truths of nature. I have learned that what I do to you; I do to myself, and I can now recognize us. We are perfect souls, my brothers and sisters of this world. In this place we are all connected. There are no bars in this prison for your mind, so I offer my hand and a way forward. As we prepare for a new beginning, I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy, healthy, and higher-minded, and vibrational new era.