International Public Notice: SG Anon Statements and “The Restored American Republic” By Anna Von Reitz

There is a broad spectrum misunderstanding alive and well in the Patriot Movement and in the General Public — we speak of the idea that the Treaty of Paris signed in 1783 was “the” Peace Treaty ending The War of Independence. 

The Treaty of Paris was only one (1) piece of the peace process and it just happened to be the portion settling our issues with Britain; it is a sea treaty, and a part of the Paris Treaty Series.  

Of far more importance to us, the Americans, is the Treaty of Versailles Treaty Series, which concerns land and soil ownership. 

The peace process ending The War of Independence was multilateral and involved numerous treaties entered into diverse Treaty Series. 

The treaties of Versailles cover land and soil; the treaties of Paris concern water— maritime commerce and admiralty affairs; the treaties of Westminster involve specific alliances in maritime commerce; the treaties of Ghent involve commercial alliances on land — and so on. 

So when SG Anon zeroes in on the Treaty of Paris, 1783, he is making a mistake many patriots have made.  He thinks that the Treaty of Paris issued in 1783, which was a sorting out of ownership interests of the United States of America, Incorporated, and preserving British property interests in the New World generally — unharmed — refers to our unincorporated American Government doing business as The United States of America, when it doesn’t.  

It’s a mistake all too easily made.  

The only actual reference to us found in The Treaty of Paris issued in 1783 is a grudging mention of our nation-states by King George himself, which he called “the free, sovereign, and independent states” — and then gleefully called himself the Prince of the United States of America (Incorporated).  

SG Anon also continues to mistake the antics of the Federal Congresses in Washington, District of Columbia, for our American Congresses — probably because we haven’t held a Congress of the States of the Union for longer than anyone can remember.  

Doesn’t mean that we can’t, merely that we haven’t gotten our tails in a knot and done it. 

This is also a mistake that is easily made. 

For all patriots everywhere — there is an American Government and American History, and there is a United States Government and United States History.  Two different things, bedeviled with similar names.    

The American Government was forged under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence published on July Fourth 1776; the three instrumentalities of this government were all formed during The War of Independence.  

This Government occupies “original jurisdiction” as opposed to “delegated jurisdiction”. 

The American Government instrumentalities are: (1) the Union States doing business as “the United States” from 1776 to 1851 and as The United States from 1851 onward; (2) the States of the Union doing business as The United States of America from 1777 to today; (3) the Confederation States-of-States doing business as the States of America from 1781 to 1861.  All these entities are unincorporated, because they are all instrumentalities of our sovereign government. 

A sovereign government cannot be incorporated into or by or through any other sovereign government. 

There is a reason we have a “Federal Capitol” in Washington, DC, and a National Capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  It’s because we have two (2) governments in this country, one operating under sovereign powers and one operating under delegated powers. 

There is also a reason that we have three American Congresses and three Federal Congresses — a Federal (Republic) Congress which has been dormant since 1861, a British Territorial United States (U.S.) Congress, and a Municipal Congress of the United States. 

SG Anon also mistakes the “Federal Republic” for the American Government, when in fact, the Federal Republic was only an American Subcontractor — a governmental services vendor created by and acting under The Constitution for the united States of America issued in 1787.  

Specifically, our Union States created the States of America Confederation in 1781.  

The States of America Confederation created the Federal Republic in 1787.  

The States of America Confederation was awarded the 1787 Service Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America and spun off the Federal Republic doing business as “the United States” to do the work.    

See the name? “States of America” — which the doing-business-as name of the Second Confederation (from the standpoint of the Union States) adopted in 1781.   

So the States of America held the work contract of the so-called Federal Republic.  When the States of America went dormant in the spring of 1861, the Federal Republic went dormant, too, because the States of America operated the Federal Republic and held its service contract. 

For many years, the dormant Federal Constitution of 1787 lay in a dusty corner of the Capitol Rotunda, a reminder of the reason that the flag stands in the “struck” position in both the House of Representatives and the Senate Chambers in Washington, DC — the American Federal Republic is “missing” to this day, awaiting  reconstruction. 

Understandably, the other remaining Federal Subcontractors focus their attention on this missing element, instead of the American Government giving rise to it — but we, as Americans, need to focus on our part of this story, not theirs.   

The focus on the Treaty of Paris skews our vision and prevents us from seeing the whole picture that emerged from the peace process.  The single-minded focus on the Constitutions is also misplaced. 

Once you finally see all the various Treaties that actually ended The War of Independence and not just the Treaty of Paris —  it is easy to see that the Treaties set up certain agreements and quid pro quos that were implemented by the three Federal Constitutions which were issued and adopted sequentially to three different Federal Subcontractors in 1787, 1789, and 1790.  

So the Treaties in each jurisdiction (Land, Air, Water)  are the deal, and the Constitutions are the implementation of the deal— the mechanism by which the treaties are put in motion.  

It should not surprise us, then, that each of the three Constitutions are operable in a different jurisdiction.  

The Constitution for the united States of America is a land jurisdiction service agreement. 

The Constitution of the United States of America is a sea jurisdiction service contract. 

The Constitution of the United States is an air jurisdiction contract. 

The Constitutions are of importance to our Federal Employees because the Constitutions are their service contracts, their rice bowls, their source of empowerment, and the “Law of the Land” they are supposed to be obeying while they are working in this country. 

The General Populace of Americans, however, are not bound by the Federal Constitutions which they created and adopted, beyond paying for the services and honoring those provisions and set-asides delegated to the Federal Subcontractors. 

To this day, only about 8% of all Federal Laws apply to Americans — those published in the Congressional Record — and only when those Americans are engaged in activities that are federally regulated or when those Americans enter upon federal installations — arsenals, military docks, military bases, post offices, federal court buildings, etc. 

All other “federal laws” — codes, statutes, ordinances, regulations, etc. — are published on the Federal Register and apply only to Federal Employees and Dependents. Period. 

Our run amok employees have tried to misapply the vast bulk of the Federal Code and their Municipal Code to rank and file Americans via a complex unlawful conversion of political status scheme promoted by “mistakenly” registering American babies as Federal Dual Citizens and conferring the foreign status of British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States on them. 

They have used the absence of the Federal Republic as their excuse for this, but they forgot that the Federation that gave rise to the “Federal” Government still exists, and doesn’t need a vendor to perform the delegated land jurisdiction services.  

We have unraveled that fraud and the unlawful conversion of our birthright political status and we have established our “reversionary trust interests” in all three resulting trusts that have been named after us — the purportedly “waived” American estate that resulted in the creation of an American infant decedent estate named after us, the British Territorial U.S. Citizen “lost” seaman’s trust also named after us, and the Municipal ESTATE trust and derivatives named after us. 

As a result, we, the declared and “returned” Americans are here, as the Naked Owners, flat-footed and securely standing on the land and soil of our States of the Union (land) – Union States (soil).   

Before we could further proceed with the complete repopulation of our land and soil, we had to do some housekeeping and formally enroll all the “Western States” created during and after the Civil War as States of the Union, as required by the Northwest Ordinance.  That action was completed via the Roll Call Vote of our properly declared and populated pre-Civil War State Assemblies on October 1, 2020, with all States being enrolled retroactively to the date they entered so-called Territorial Statehood.  

All fifty (50) States of the Union have thus been repopulated by declared and recorded and published Americans with the provenance and standing to do so.  All fifty (50) State Assemblies are in Session now.  

Our Federation of States began public administrative operations in April of 1998; an effort was made to locate qualified Americans in all fifty (50) States and their birthright political status was claimed and  documented; the Hereditary Head of State and actual Owner of the Great Seals of the United States of America and the United States was located; the State Assemblies were brought into Session by properly declared, recorded and published State Nationals and State Citizens and remain in Session to this day.  

Every member of every one of our State Assemblies has reclaimed their proper political status as American State Nationals and those who are able to make the commitment, have also declared and  operate as American State Citizens — the modern day People immortalized as “We, the People” who adopted the federal Constitutions on behalf of the States of the Union, and who are able to enforce those venerable contracts to this day.  

As SG Anon has described for us all and in public, the military was aware of the problem of the “missing government” but was unable to address it, because they are themselves in a foreign political status as British Territorial U.S. Citizens while serving in the military.  They knew that civilians had to do it. 

British Territorial U.S. Citizens can’t undertake the work of restoring the American Government, much less restoring the American Federal Subcontractors, that is, the Federal Republic, because they have knowingly or unknowingly adopted a foreign political status and are at least temporarily blocked from forswearing that foreign status while on active duty or reserve status. 

As we have always known, only the American people themselves have the ability to restore their government.  

The task was made more difficult by British and Holy Roman Empire efforts to misidentity and register all Americans as foreign citizens merely “residing” on their native land and soil, but we have addressed that fraud and the associated capital crime of unlawful political status conversion, which is outlawed under the Geneva Conventions and illegal under the Hague Conventions, both. 

We are not responsible for crimes of fraud and misrepresentation practiced against us by foreign governments owing us their good faith service, but we have nonetheless individually declared and recorded and published our political status as Americans native to this country and to our States of the Union, members of our natural nation-states.  

We only call ourselves “Americans” as a general catch-all label, but in actual fact we are each native to and nationals of our nation-states and take our nationality from them.  Thus, we are New Yorkers, and Virginians, Georgians and Wisconsinites…. and this is our actual political standing.  

Time to clear up another misconception.  There is only one binding and perpetual “Union” and that Union is the union of the soil and the land jurisdictions.  The soil is defined as the top six inches of the land’s surface, so that the union of land and soil cannot be divided; literally, if you dig away the first six inches of soil, you have only created a new soil surface on the land. 

So when people talk about “perpetual union” — that is the only perpetual union that exists and which can be guaranteed by natural law. 

A mistake was made when the Union States created the Second Confederation (a Confederation from their perspective) in 1781, when the language of the First Confederation (States of the Union), was carried over to the Second Confederation (States of States) –which is a different kind of Confederation entirely, and which, as we all learned in 1861, has no guaranteed source of “perpetual” union: entities existing in the jurisdiction of the air are not solid, not grounded to relationships in physical reality, so businesses quarrel and ties are dissolved at a whim, whereas the bond between land and soil endures forever. 

We, Americans, have reclaimed our inheritance and our political status and left no doubt about who we are, how we came to be here, and with what logic and standing we act.  

In this heartbreaking statement and testimony from SG Anon, renouncing his resignation from participation in the so-called “Restored Republic”: — he reveals that the whole effort was a set up by the U.S. military seeking to restore the missing civilian government— which they misidentified as the Federal Republic—  by prompting a selected candidate, Tim Turner, to organize what was initially called “RuSA” — the Republic of the united States of America, by which they meant the old Federal Republic. 

They had no idea of the actual history and complexity, nor, apparently, any clear idea of how the American Government is organized.  All they knew was that the Federal Republic was vacated and needed to be restored, that is, reconstructed. 

All the niceties of who was qualified to do the reconstruction and also the fact that virtually all Americans have been deliberately misidentified and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States —- “Federal Dual Citizens” — a foreign citizenship status which precludes them from restoring their native government — eluded the military. 

Those they drafted to recreate a civilian government — or what they mistook for the civilian government — were precluded from doing the work for the same reasons that they were themselves disqualified, but nobody knew this.  

Why didn’t they know?  Because their Mothers were not given full disclosure regarding the paperwork they signed at the hospitals when their babies were born, and as a result, the adult children were the victims of a literally unconscionable contract to act as U.S. Citizens and later, as Municipal citizens of the United States, too. 

Tim Turner found this out the hard way when he was prosecuted as a “citizen of the United States” and pre-judged guilty of tax evasion.  

While SG Anon cites numerous concerns regarding the structure, identity, and operations of the purported “Restored Republic”, the worst defect the effort suffers is that anything they can build, isn’t an American Republic and can’t be an American Republic by definition.

This is because Tim Turner and James Buchanan Geiger and all the other people rallying round the “Restored Republic” aren’t adopting their birthright American political status.  They are stuck “at sea”, miles away from the land and soil they would have to repopulate in order to reconstruct the American Federal Republic — which is what they are, supposedly, trying to do.  

Any “Restored” Republic being ginned up on our soil by people who self-identify as any kind of “US Citizen” is by definition not an American Republic and not a “restoration” of any republic that does now or ever existed previous to this.  

They may be Americans by birthright, but until they declare and record over any foreign citizenship registrations to the contrary, they can’t even get to first base. 

We voiced our concerns to Tim Turner, the so-called first “President” of this Restored Republic organization to no avail.  His arrogant military handlers thought they knew it all and so, he thought he knew it all, right up until the IRS put his “citizen of the United States” butt in jail for tax evasion. 

We approached the next iteration “President” of the reorganized version calling itself the “Restored Republic” — James Buchanan Geiger, with the same concerns.  If possible, he was even more arrogant and dismissive.  

To which we sniffed and thought — hmm, Buchanan…. that was the name of President Buchanan, a Bar Association Attorney who served just before Lincoln, as the “President” of the United States of America, Incorporated.  Old Illuminati don’t fall far from the tree. 

Another aspect of this which the Boyz in the military missed is that no actual sovereign government can ever be incorporated as a franchise of the British Crown — or be incorporated, period, at all. 

The actual sovereign government of this country is vested in its living people who are the actual owners of everything in sight and a great many material interests that aren’t visible, too — for example, our ideas, our inventions, our labor, our patents, our copyrights, our trademarks — are all things that belong to the living, not the dead corporations that crooks name after us, nor any corporations that they name after our unincorporated governmental instrumentalities, either.  

The United States of America is the name of our unincorporated Federation of equally unincorporated States of the Union.  

To make this point very clear, our Federation composed of member States of the Union has nothing to do with a Scottish Corporation calling itself “The United States of America” — Incorporated; nor does it have anything to do with a Municipal Corporation calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  

An incorporated entity might — if it were properly designated and assigned such a role — act as a trustee for the people, might exercise delegated powers for the people; however, none of these commercial or municipal corporations were assigned any such role with regard to the American People, their much-abused Employers. 

Please note that the word “emergency” as in “emergency powers” doesn’t exist in any Federal Constitution, just as there is no mention of any delegated power allowing foreign corporations to dictate anything about our money or our health or our land, our freedom to travel, our opinions, our choice of political status, or religion. There is nothing subjecting us to any District (of Columbia) Court or any obligation of Federal Dual Citizenship mentioned. 

Mr. Abraham Lincoln, who was “President” of the British Crown Corporation calling itself “the United States of America, Incorporated” deceitfully misrepresented himself as the President of this country, when in fact he was prohibited from serving in that capacity by his adopted foreign U.S. Citizenship, which was required by his membership in the Illinois Bar Association and profession as an attorney, an office and title as Esquire in service to the British King that he held until his death.  

Some people have claimed that Lincoln was not a Bar Attorney, but he affirmed this himself and frequently signed appropriate paperwork as “Abraham Lincoln, Esq.” prior to his career in politics.  He studied law by “reading law” while serving as Postmaster of New Salem, Illinois, and was admitted to the Bar there in 1836 by a panel of three judges.  

No doubt Lincoln regarded this status as a Bar Attorney as a mere utility, a privilege he could exercise or not, at will; yet, the prohibition and punishments attached to the Federal Republic’s Constitution as its 13th Amendment in 1819, the Titles of Nobility Amendment, makes it clear that Lincoln could not have acted as “President” of the Federal Republic.  

Many patriots have described the Titles of Nobility Amendment as “the original 13th Amendment” and described it as missing or lost; but, in fact, it’s The Constitution for the united States of America that this amendment was attached to, that is largely missing.  Indeed, the existence of this land jurisdiction Constitution of the Federal Republic that went out of use in 1861 was largely lost to history; we had to search for it long and hard before finding copies of it in obscured documents and archives. 

Ironically, Englishmen who had better copies than we had, stepped forward and provided them, because they have been cheated out of their Constitutional Monarchy the same way we’ve been defrauded out of our Constitutional Republic. 

The Restored Republic as proposed by Tim Turner and James Buchanan Geiger is another fraud, regrettably so, and from SG Anon’s comments, a commercial fraud, too, with back-handed pay-as-you-go requirements that would keep poor people from ever being able to participate in their purportedly restored government. 

Thankfully, we had been researching the issues and our restoration effort had been under development for a dozen years before Tim Turner, so all is not lost.  

This significant head start and unrelenting research has allowed us to do what the military wanted civilians to do and to do it correctly, as properly declared and provenanced American civilians empowered to bring forward the “missing” civilian government and reconstruct, when and if necessary, the missing Federal Republic. 

The military geniuses haven’t realized yet that the Federal Republic was simply a Subcontractor created to exercise delegated powers— a Subcontractor run by Americans, but a Subcontractor nonetheless. When that Subcontractor went out of business, the Employers didn’t cease to exist or lose their ability to: (a) do the work themselves, or (b) hire someone else to do it.  

There was, in fact, no emergency in April of 1861 justifying any of Mr. Lincoln’s actions, because the States of the Union doing business as The United States of America (Unincorporated) were perfectly able to fill the shoes of the Federal Republic and had done so in the past.  

Mr. Lincoln pretended — deceitfully and in self-interest — not to know that the Delegator was empowered to exercise its own powers, just as the donor of a trust can dissolve a trust. 

Instead, Lincoln indulged in a gross power grab. He deliberately mischaracterized the elected officers of the States of the Union as  “rebels” and began an unjust and illegal persecution of the actual American Government and its officers, his Employers, under a veil of False Pretenses.  This gross Breach of Trust and insubordination in violation of his contractual duties earned Lincoln eternal shame among those Americans who knew what he did.  

It’s true that our States of the Union did not support Lincoln and his war-mongering.  Our Federation of States wanted to do what England had already done, and simply buy the freedom of all the plantation slaves and set them free— which could have been done for a fraction of the cost of the so-called American Civil War. Our actual States didn’t want the bloodshed and misery of a war.  

The actual States of the Union never voted on the Mercenary Conflict known as The American Civil War —-  the British glossed their dirty work over as a “war” after the fact. 

 As a result, our States and our Federation Officers and our people were not involved in the so-called American Civil War.  We weren’t part of any rebellion either. We were, instead, Lincoln’s Employers, owed good faith service which he dishonored. 

There was no Declaration of War from the Federation of States related to any “American Civil War” as required by international law; in fact, there was no Declaration of War by any Congress.  All three Federal Congresses were silent, too. 

The American Civil War was an illegal Mercenary Conflict from start to finish, fought by people unknowingly inducted into mercenary forces, paid for by commercial businesses organized as states-of-states and Federal Subcontract vendors.  

We have the muster rolls showing the soldiers inducted to serve The State of New York, The State of New Jersey, The State of Ohio…..all commercial entities, and we know that the British Territorial Government sided with the Northern Confederate States which misrepresented themselves as “the Union”, while the Holy Roman Empire concession running the Federal Civil Service sided with the Confederate States of America — the South.   

Lincoln’s false accusations and suppositions notwithstanding, we have not forgotten who we are, and as 1998 dawned, we began the work set before us.  

First, we untangled ourselves from any doubts regarding our chosen political status as  American State Nationals — which doesn’t have anything to do with American Samoa.  It concerns our birthright nationality as the natural population of the nation-states, known as the Union States and their States of the Union: Massachusetts, Ohio, Delaware…. and so on.  

Second, we began Due Process against our erring foreign Subcontractors and contacted the Principals responsible for this Mess — at that time, Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II. 

Third, we organized the administrative functions of the Federation of States and located the people who had the necessary provenance and who committed to restart the operations of our unincorporated government. 

Fourth, we called our State Assemblies into Session and helped other Americans refute any presumption of “Federal Dual Citizenship”, so that the memberships of our State Assemblies are properly identified and seated and have standing to act. 

Fifth, we continued to move forward, to educate, to remove more and more Americans from the Presumption of Federal Dual Citizenship, and to reinstate the lawful, unincorporated American Government — the “missing” civilian government that our military Subcontractors are supposed to obey.  

Sixth, we served Due Process on the British Crown Corporations and their Managers and Officers, along with the Holy Roman Empire officials responsible for the gross mismanagement of all the fraudulently constructed public trusts named after our government’s lawful instrumentalities, our States of the Union, and our people. 

Seventh, we have used Roll Call votes of the properly seated State Assemblies to take care of long overdue housekeeping issues, like the formal enrollment of the Territorial States as States of the Union, and also to establish protective Public Laws that our Federal Employees are obligated to obey. 

Our effort began in 1998, prior to the 2000 District of Columbia bankruptcy, and more than ten years prior to Tim Turner and the whole military-inspired “Restored Republic” narrative began. 

Realizing that no country can be truly sovereign without its own money and banking system we also began work to restore our still-circulating coinage and focused on recouping vast amounts of gold and silver that were taken offshore for “safekeeping” by the United States Navy, issuing actual money — the American Federation Dollar — and as of 2007, building a Bilateral Banking System.  

All this has been taking place continuously from 1998 to today, over 25 years.  The United Nations has been made party to these developments as a Party of Interest, because of the claims against the Municipal United States Government and Jimmy Carter’s improper transfer of American-based Birth Certificates to the IMF as citizens of the United States—- and collateral for his debt spending on such things as the totally unconstitutional Federal Department of Education.  

Even though Tim Turner’s group wasn’t properly set up, didn’t have standing, and wasn’t viable in 2010 when the UN Corporation took over — we were.  We had already been in contact with Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI for a dozen years, and also in contact with Queen Elizabeth II and the Lord Mayor(s) of the Inner City of London and the High Courts for almost as long.  We had been in contact and bringing our claims for two years prior to the bankruptcy that vacated Washington, District of Columbia, for 120 days in 2000, serving Notice and Due Process and Discovery the whole time. 

Whether the military officers who sought to set up a civilian government by proxy through Tim Turner were aware of our efforts or not, the fact remains that the American civilians responsible for organizing the actual government were already hard at work digging themselves out from under a complex unlawful conversion of political status scheme, and then organizing their American Government one American at a time, one State at a time. 

There are many proofs that this is true, not the least of which are validated correspondences going back to 1998, our signatures that appear on The Postal Treaty of the Americas, International Notices and Due Process records going back 27 years, including Court Records, Uniform Commercial Code claims and liens, recorded with State of State Land Recording Offices, Country Clerk Offices, and Clerk of Court Offices, JAG Offices, and correspondence with the Postmasters and Solicitor Generals and Officers of the United States State Department.  

To top it all off, we published books and distributed them worldwide, and began an extensive public education effort.  We launched a criminal investigation that is still ongoing, and we “fully informed” in the criminal sense of those words, every law maker, peacekeeper and law enforcement officer from here to breakfast, all day, every day, for twenty-seven years. 

Our process, our history, and our effort has taken a lot longer than the so-called Restored Republic, but at the end of the day, we know who we are and know the obstacles we have had to overcome. We know who can and who can’t restore the Federal Republic — and we know why.  We even know that the Federal Republic isn’t the issue — nor the answer, because our Federation of States is operable and can take over those functions as long as need be. 

The actual issue boils down simply to two things. 

Lincoln’s illegal and fraudulent British-backed take over, which has tainted everything ever since. 


The challenge of educating, comforting, and bringing home Americans like SG Anon, who have worked and hoped and sacrificed only to be disappointed, again and again.  

Maybe it will comfort him that we have always given away the information for free, that our help services charge little or nothing for assisting those who need help filling out their paperwork, that the bank accounts for living people in our new American bank system are free, that this whole effort has been funded with Mom and Pop donations and staffed by volunteers, and this isn’t Astroturf.  

James Clinton Belcher never wanted to do any of this. He’s an artist. He hates politics and mostly hates politicians. The idea that he had to stick his oar in and fulfill a duty that was all but impossible merely filled him with dread.  Nonetheless, he did it, and when someone said that saving this country from itself was a fool’s errand, he shrugged and said two words: “Rocky Balboa”.  

Of all the nasty taunts and criticisms and accusations we have had to face in 27 years of slogging, this one is probably the worst — “It’s your fault, you Americans! You haven’t been governing yourselves. You complain that you don’t have your own courts.  Who but you can provide them?  You complain that your money is being taken, that it is disappearing from the markets.  Who can reissue it, but you?  You gripe about corrupt administrative courts and harassment and bad public policies and all the rest.  Where have you been, you Americans?  You don’t like political party elections?  Who can sponsor public elections for you?” 

Turns out that there really are some things that only we can do for ourselves.  Like making our public employees come to heel.  Like stopping the fraudulent registration of our babies as foreign citizens merely “residing” in their own country.  Like throwing off the phony shackles of foreign courts and providing our own courts for ourselves. Like enforcing our constitutions. Like restoring our military to functioning as a national military instead of acting as a foreign mercenary force occupying our country.  

Come home, SG Anon, and make it count.  Our mission isn’t to restore the Federal Republic.  Our mission is to restore the American Government and put the United States Government Subcontractors back in their box, obeying the Law of the Land, and observing their contractual limitations.  Our mission is to stop the war-mongering, the graft and fraud and the phony monetary system collapse.  We are here to stop the lies and excuses and obfuscations and elitism.  We are here to put this country on a profoundly different and better path. 

Come home, all you who have labored and are weary and confused and feel like you’ve been beaten and lied to and taxed to death. 

Yes, SG Anon, you and a lot of other people worldwide have heard a lot of Hopium and been fed a lot of trash, been abused and lied to for a lot of years. 

We’ll never be True Believers again, but that’s alright. That’s what Thomas Jefferson called, “Eternal vigilance.” 

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger — Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 16th 2025


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