“The false elites between Brussels and Bucharest celebrate and dance on the corpse of what they claim to protect.”
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German MEP Christine Anderson: That’s what the “new democracy” sounds like: 1. Winning an election 2. Being denounced by the secret service 3. Having the election annulled without any evidence 4. Being deprived of the right to run again in the new election
My motion in the EU-Parliament to take a stand against this madness was – no wonder – rejected by a majority.
The false elites between Brussels and Bucharest celebrate and dance on the corpse of what they claim to protect.
Those who do not even realize their hubris are merely stupid. But the others are utterly evil.
In the end, both share the same guilt.
Whether in Romania or anywhere else, they are targeting all of us.
It is an attack by the globalist fake elites against our nations, our self-determination and the freedom of every normal citizen.
It’s them against us.
They have started the fight, we will finish it. The end of the false elites and their political henchmen will come.
We will win this battle as long as we all stay united!
Never forget: unity is the key to victory! No matter which country we live in.