Jeffrey Sachs has spent a lifetime in foreign affairs and diplomacy, and he has a good memory, which is uncommon these days. Here, in less than five minutes, he gives you an unvarnished view of the history of Ukraine and Russia in recent times and their interactions, blow by blow. If you are interested in the truth, read on. If all you want is globalist mainstream pablum designed to influence the ignorant — pass this one by.
Another source of the same basic information, plus additional insights: Jeffrey Sachs’ EU Parliament address:
As usual, the meddling of Britain fronted by “the United States” acting as proxy, resulted in the entire Mess in Ukraine, the deaths of more than a million Ukrainians and permanent injury of thousands more.
We highly recommend that everyone read this book:
Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by R.J. Rummel
The 450 million people of Europe deserve better.
And so do the people of Russia and Ukraine.
Let’s also explain that ever since King Henry the VIII, the British Government has been in business with the Roman Pontiff and although this relationship is “apparently” breaking apart, the 60% take for the Pope and the 40% take for Britain has remained.
There is no evidence at present that these hidden collaborators have any intention of giving up their clandestine criminality — as we shall see.
The controlling partner with the 60% interest in the bankrupt UNITED STATES is now gone; Pope Francis has circled the wagons, washed his hands, and rat-holed a portion of the loot while distributing enough to keep everyone distracted. The Office of the Roman Pontiff was dissolved in 2011 and the bankruptcy settlement of the UNITED STATES and its many, many franchises worldwide is upon us.
Donald Trump and Elon Musk have begun the necessary audit of the many departments and agencies of the parent corporation; they clearly project that it will take a year and a half for the Department of Government Efficiency to accomplish this task.
The same audit and the same reshuffling will be required of the European franchises: the UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY, FRANCE, AUSTRALIA, etc., and there’s no reason, other than inconvenience and having to hire and train more DOGE investigators, that the same process cannot begin in Western Europe.
This is because Western Europe has been occupied by the Allies since WWII, and has been receiving all its civil services from the UNITED STATES Corporation franchises and all its defense services
from the USA Corporation franchises.
None of their national governments resumed operations after WWII, until our national government(s) woke up and came into Session in 2019; after our action, one by one, the European peoples have been quietly restoring their traditional national governments, too.
Read that: the traditional and customary national governments that operate on the land and soil jurisdictions of each country have been dormant, but they no longer are.
So the proxy military “government” provided by the Allies after WWII is not the lawful government there, anymore than it is the lawful government here. The civil service provided by FRANCE, INC., is no more sacrosanct or immune from the bankruptcy of the parent corporations than the UNITED STATES, INC.
We’ve been running and paying for all these civil services and military services in Western Europe since WWII; people like Macron have been on our payroll, and the Americans have paid for all this — as we have been used as proxies by the Brits who commandeered and “privatized” our federal government functions in 1861. We have also paid the cost of rebuilding Europe, with the other “Allies” paying pennies on a dollar.
That’s why Mr. Trump was offended that so many of the NATO members who are also on this gravy train weren’t willing to pony up even the 2% of GDP “recommended” by the NATO pact.
The rationale appears to be that they could use American money to buy off or destroy all the national governments worldwide (without the actual Americans even knowing) and install similarly named corporations to do all the government functions.
The Oligarchs responsible for implementing (and creating and test driving) this plan are all based out of London (the Privy Council and House of Lords), the Monarchy, the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London, and Rome — the Roman Curia.
The problem with dealing with Oligarchs, especially European Oligarchs, is that they are hidebound, and none too cognizant when the rest of the world changes. Their successful criminality and dominance over the course of so many centuries has also made them very arrogant and given them a strong, however unjustified, belief in their superiority.
We point out that an AI controlled drone and satellite-based war is a completely different prospect than anything mankind has suffered before.
We point out that any exercise of French nukes on Russia will mean “permanent” death for France, and they say they don’t care. They want the population reduced anyway.
We point out that any such WWIII is unnecessary and that Russia is, in fact, the aggrieved party— as Jeffrey Sachs has demonstrated to the world, via his videotaped commentary referenced above.
Even with the Roman Pontiff’s Office shut down, and the UNITED KINGDOM franchise bankrupt, the quid pro quo between the Popes and the British Monarchs remains.
They plan, self-evidently, to play a game of “rolling trusts” on a worldwide basis.
Upon illegally and immorally “privatizing” all the national governments, the Perpetrators formed gigantic national trusts under their control, rolled all the assets of the nations, including the land and the people into these trusts, and then used these assets as collateral for “government” borrowing — without the knowledge and consent of any of the actual owners.
When it comes to living people — and let’s just use the Americans as an example, though the same applies to Brits and Aussies and Canadians and French and German and fifteen other Western European nations, too —- the Rolling Trust Game goes like this:
An American baby is born. With no disclosure to the parents and via the abundant use of deceit based on the similar names for the country and for the corporations involved in this con game, the parents are coerced to “register” their baby as some kind of “United States” citizen.
Unknown to the parents, and often unknown to the Medical Doctors who are also dragged in as complicit parties, once the “registration” is complete, the baby’s political status is changed from that of an American infant to that of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.
This creates an American Infant Decedent Estate Trust and at the same time creates a British Territorial Person, a British Subject.
Seven years later, they declare this British Seaman “lost at sea” and declare this Legal Fiction Person “legally dead”. This creates a lost seaman’s Estate Trust subject to British Admiralty Law.
At the same time that they are creating the British Territorial Person, they also create a Holy Roman Empire Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust named after the same American victim— this creates a “Dual Federal Citizen” and two Legal Persons named after the American victim.
So now, sequentially, we have both a British Territorial Person named after us and a Holy Roman Cestui Que Vie trust named after us, and “they” are, respectively, a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and a Municipal “citizen of the United States”, also known as a “Federal Dual Citizen”.
And it is all on paper, all purloined, all the result of non-disclosure, deceit, and constructive fraud, administered by what? Bar attorneys, who are themselves “creatures of statute” and not competent in any form of law that pertains to living people.
After the British Territorial Person is “lost at sea” and declared legally dead, the Holy Roman Municipal Cestui Que Vie trust continues to operate for fun, profit, and money laundering purposes.
These “public trusts” are what the phony foreign “courts” (as in King’s Court and Ecclesiastical Magistrate Court) systems address — not the living Americans who purportedly “waived” their birthright estates when they were just babies in their cradles.
And while the British Territorial Persons serve in peonage to the King, the Holy Roman public trusts are slaves to the Pope, so that the bamboozled American is cut out of the deal entirely, with the 40% for the King and 60% for the Pope split still intact.
This same scheme has been applied to the British Homelands, the former and present Commonwealth lands, The United States, seventeen (or more now) countries in Western Europe, Japan, Libya, the Philippines, Iraq, Israel, and wherever else they could buy off or bypass a national government.
The problem for them is that they have been acting as or through Mercenaries and employing proxy “wars” the whole time, which are illegal and unlawful and do not enjoy the dignity of the Law of War.
They haven’t conquered anything and have illegally occupied everything that they hold sway over.
And bear in mind, it’s not the “Americans” doing this; it’s the Brits and the Romans acting in collusion, using the Americans as proxies, fall guys and cash cows.
Now what happens?
Well, all those yummy Roman Cestui Que Vie TRUSTS are up for grabs thanks to the dissolution of the Roman Pontificate and the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES Corporation, but the British Territorial henchmen are there to grab them; no worries, the Pope still gets his 60% and the King still gets his 40% under their plan.
The Roman Cestui Que Vie Trusts roll back to the long-lost British Seaman’s Trust from whence they came; the British King then comes forward and claims them under Admiralty Law — and the whole game begins again, with the Pope and the King divvying up the spoils, 60:40. Nothing changes.
And this is why. The Brits have been the Muscle for a very secular operation within the Roman Catholic Church since the 1500’s. The British Monarchs and the Roman Pontiffs have worked together to bilk the entire world ever since. They bilked our government in the 1860’s and have been using what appears to be our government as a storefront ever since. They plan to get away with it again.
This presumes, of course, that nobody has caught on and nobody objects and nobody reports the crime.
We are here, and we are victims of this identity theft and unlawful conversion scheme; we have skin in this game, and we protest and bring our lawful and legal challenge to the table for our restoration and restitution and return of our birthright estates, full ownership, control, cure and remedy.
The American Infant Decedent Estate Trusts must be dissolved and all beneficial interest must be returned to the Americans who have suffered this institutionalized fraud scheme at the hands of their own public employees.
We do not intend that, as Scott Bessant, Trump’s new Treasury Secretary intimated, the King’s Men operating the now-insolvent (Chapter 11) “United States of America, Incorporated” nor the newly created “United States of America, LLC” recently spooled up in London, will be enabled to claim our purportedly “vacated estates”.
Our natural birthright estates have indeed been purloined, but not vacated; this Notice is addressed to all our Contractors and Subcontractors, providing full and demonstrable “information” of the crimes being committed against the living people and their national governments — as well as being addressed to the Principals and their Agents and to the public throughout the rest of the world.
These crimes of misrepresentation, fraud, personage, and “illegal latching” — a salvage crime in Admiralty, have been carried out against us by King’s Officers and employees of British Crown Corporations who all owe us “good faith service”.
We also attest to the best of our knowledge and belief, that the exact same system of unconscionable registration, the same crimes of personage, racketeering, and “privatization” of government have occurred throughout the world wherever these incorporated substitutes for national governments have been employed by Britain, which has used the appearance of our government to commit fraud and has used our once-honorable military as cheap mercenaries, in gross Breach of Trust and violation of their own service contract, The Constitution of the United States of America.
We further attest that the current acts of aggression against Russia and Iran are driven by criminal commercial and transnational interests, and not by any wrong-doing or untoward aggression by Russia— which has been adequately demonstrated by Jeffrey Sachs in the videos posted above.
We call for the immediate auditing and dissolution of the European franchises of the UNITED STATES Corporation and the lockdown of all United States of America, Inc. franchises, including France, Inc., and Germany, Inc., before the European Oligarchs responsible for all the murder and mayhem of the last three centuries succeed in killing the planet and billions of people.
We note that credible traditional national governments are already formed here and in Britain and various diverse countries worldwide, all of which suffered the same fraud and whose people and other assets have been purloined and illegally latched upon and cashiered in “national trusts” by British instigators, who are presently scheming to unjustly enrich themselves as the undisclosed “receivers” of the Holy Roman ESTATE trusts that have been operated in our names by the colluding criminal interests.
The British Territorial Seaman’s Estates that were fraudulently constructed in our names and the American Infant Decedent Estates that were formed using unconscionable and undisclosed citizenship contracts, must be dissolved and the assets returned to the victims and to their lawful government.
The living people and their natural Estates must be protected and restored unharmed and as Article IV of The Constitution of the United States of America requires, our British Territorial employees are under contractual obligation to our State Citizens to protect our “persons” — which implies not using substitute persons to steal our identity, assets, and credit.
The European Union, pretending to be a union of separate sovereign nations, needs to be disbanded. The actual nations never empowered nor authorized these incorporated franchises of foreign corporations to “represent” them.
Finally, we observe that we, the actual American Government, have a treaty alliance with Russia, which neither we nor the Russians have ever breached — the American and Russian Alliance of 1858. We do not intend that that agreement shall ever be breached by any employee, dependent nation, or disguised enemy of our country.
Acting as the Purported Donors of the purloined British and French and American National Trusts, we demand that our Purported Trustees honor the peace between our nations and Russia, and we name ourselves, meaning the living people of each country, as the Beneficiaries of all Beneficial Interest in all National Trusts we have funded and which our assets have funded and which our labor and our credit has funded.
The Popes and the British Kings are not our intended Beneficiaries.
Everything naturally belonging to The United States, which is the Proper Name of our country, not “the” United States, is the natural inheritance of the living people populating this country; it belongs to them and to their lawful Nation-States and to their natural nation-states which are sovereign entities —- and never belonged to any incorporated entities or foreign persons at all.
There is no indication in any existing Treaty Series nor in any implementing constitutional contract, that it is or ever was our intention to allow any foreign commercial or municipal corporation to “represent” us, nor is there any excuse for any self-interested presumption otherwise.
The same can be said and is said for the people and the nations of the British Isles, Germany, France, and the rest of the world.
None of us came here to play Rolling Trusts or Silly Buggers, to be victimized by our own employees, or misrepresented by Agents we never appointed.
All loyal employees must immediately seek peace between Ukraine and Russia; all disloyal employees, whether in The United States or in Europe, must be arrested and brought to justice.
Likewise, all loyal Americans must prepare for and expedite the “pass through” of assets belonging to living Americans that have been cashiered in Holy Roman ESTATE trusts and British Territorial Seaman’s trusts and American Infant Decedent Estate trusts.
All three.
The living people of all countries impacted by this scam must prepare to undertake their duties as populations of sovereign nations and accept the hard work of making their own decisions, deploying their own assets, and acting as truly responsible people in control of their own lives and their own government.
We do not find that our own interests extend to harming Russia in any way, nor do we imagine that the people of Europe would be better off by harming Russia, either. We call upon everyone concerned to take action in whatever sphere of influence they have to end the madness and put an end to aggression against Russia, Iran, Palestine, the countries of Africa, or anywhere else.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger — Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
March 7th 2025
See this article and over 5300 others on Anna’s website here:
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