Anthony Carlin – Police Officer Fights Court Order Scam – Documentary

The very police, who are generally seen assisting crooked gangsters in illegal evictions, are increasingly falling victim of the scam, from the gang, including their fellow officers. Things have now come 360 degrees, as Court Order Scams, used to enforce Mortgage Fraud by Criminal Bankers, hit the mainstream media, the gloves will be off, and the Handcuffs will be on. The pioneering work, by the likes of Scambuster.TV and countless others such as Simon the White Rabbit, Michael O’Bernicia, Tom Crawford, the late Roger Hayes, Patrick Cullinnane and , and an long list, is finally bearing fruit, being too big to ignore. As the movie, THE GREAT BRITISH MORTGAGE SWINDLE, sels out via Amazon, the groundswell of public discontent has now reached the bursting point, and answers are now being commanded by the people. Court Order Scam, with falsified court proceedings, is being used to deprive the British Public of their assets, and even their children. The human cost is tragic, and is an economic catastrophe. The constitution has to be restored, by the collective effort, of each and every man and woman, who are the true Soverigns.