Desperate Deep State Wants War & Martial Law – Martin Armstrong

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are getting down to the wire with the 2024 Election, and the Deep State Dems are in panic mode.  Could we have a false flag, martial law, debt crisis, default, war or all of the above?  Armstrong says, “They want war.  There is no question about that. . . . Lindsey Graham was on Face the Nation a couple of months ago, and he slipped and told the truth for once.  I was shocked that he actually slipped and told the truth for once.  He said there was a $10 trillion to $12 trillion natural gas asset under Crimea, and we can’t allow Russia and China to get that. . . . This is like Iraq.  We are going after the oil.”

On martial law, Armstrong says, “I am very concerned about martial law. . . . They (Supreme Court) have kind of hinted that martial law is a common law type thing.  When the courts are closed, then you have martial law.  It is justified under ‘necessity.’  This is what the Supreme Court has said.  So, I am very concerned that these neocons are so desperate that they are definitely going to try to create some sort of a false flag or anything they can do perhaps the last week in October going into the election.”

On the war front, we just had Israel bomb Iran, and NATO is still poking Russia.  Armstrong says, “NATO is a retirement home for neocons.  It should have been shut down.  They are trying to take the world into World War III.  They are now raising a $100 billion so they can continue the war against Russia in case Trump is elected.”

Armstrong is still seeing Trump winning in 2024 in a “landslide.”  Kamala Harris is going the other way.  A few months back, Armstrong said Kamala’s real approval rating was 10.5%.  Armstrong says he just ran new Kamala Harris approval ratings with his Socrates computer program.  Armstrong says, “It’s actually down to 6.5% to 7.5%.  It’s really appalling.”

Armstrong says Kamala has “negative coattails,” which will spell big losses for Democrats down ballot in November.

On the economy, Armstrong says, “We are in this debt Ponzi scheme where they issue new debt every year to pay off the old debt.  People say the debt is $34 trillion, but the level of the debt does not matter.  It could be a quadrillion dollars. . . . China holds 10% of America’s debt.  They sold $53 billion at the beginning of the year.  This is where the danger comes.  If you don’t have someone to take up what China is not buying, guess what?  You can’t pay, and when you can’t pay, that’s when a default comes.  This is why they want war . . . so they can default on everything. . . . They take us to war, and there goes Social Security and everything else.”

On the 2024 Election, Armstrong says, “The 2024 Election will be the last election. . . . The US will break up into three or four sections. . . . We are committing suicide. . . . This is how governments die. . . . Gold goes up when people lose confidence in government.  This is why central banks want gold.  They are afraid of governments defaulting on their debt in war. . . . In the war, we lose it next time.  They want terrorism so they can lock us down.  This is the future we face.”

There is much more in the 1-hour and 3-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong as he gives his analysis on martial law, debt default and world war for 10.26.24.

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