The illusion of AI superiority

The human body is vastly more advanced in ways we don’t yet understand or appreciate …



The push to “augment” the human body and brain by hooking us up to AI via neural lace implants and other technologies is on. Elon Musk, supposed staunch defender of free speech and humanity, has exposed his true colors and alignment with globalist control agendas with his “if you can’t lick ’em, join ’em” AI philosophy, introducing Neuralink as a way to keep you and me and everybody else from falling victim to what he views as our inevitable fate if we don’t—namely becoming slaves and lapdogs to AI.

Touted as a generalized brain interface designed to “restore autonomy to those with unmet medical needs and unlock human potential,” Neuralink undoubtedly will be a blessing for many. Soon, neuroprosthetics will be able to restore natural movements to paralyzed limbs—an enormous humanitarian gift for millions.

Regular people will be wearing biotech cochlear implants for improved hearing and ocular implants for vision enhancement. Upgrades for metabolic enhancement, artificial bones, muscles, and organs aren’t far away. And it’s not just physical augmentation that’s being researched. Recently, a woman in California treated with an experimental brain implant successfully recovered from severe lifelong depression that was resistant to medication.

These are wonderful advances.

Which means it’s not AI that’s actually at issue—it’s the programming and intention behind its development that is problematic.

Like most any other tool, from a hammer to nuclear fission, AI can be made to serve mankind and our healthy autonomous development or it can be designed to enslave and possibly destroy us. Unfortunately, the fact that the entire AI bandwagon is being driven by corporate interests gives us a clear message which way the AI revolution is intended to take us.

Between the fear of AI being promulgated by people like Musk, and the exotic allure of cybernetic connectivity—the image of which is being shoved down our throats by every possible media medium—undoubtedly hundreds of millions of people (especially the young and the tech nerds amongst us) will eagerly pay to get hooked up as soon as possible.

The “radical cool” factor of becoming a cyborg will soon predominate in the hypnotized minds of many.

Which seems unbelievable … until you realize just how long and how thoroughly humanity has been programmed by religion, governments, the medical establishment, education and media into perceiving itself as weak, pathetic, corrupt, and incapable of healthy self-governance and positive evolution without strict oversight and external control assiduously applied by those who “know what’s good for us.”

Even the counter-cultural “human potential movement” of the 1960s headed up by people like George Leonard and Michael Murphy fell flat on its face when it got highjacked into the whole obsession with the “power to manifest,” (see my nine-part series starting with this essay The Power to Manifest) which successfully steered people away from exploring human potential in terms of meta-physical gifts and wisdom, straight into the arms of the purely mental realms and thus, inevitably, AI.

Missing the boat

Human beings and the human body are great and powerful mysteries. But we have been brainwashed into believing the exact opposite.

Aside from a few notable mystics and a bunch of yogis living in loincloths in caves in the Himalayas, throughout human history (at least the history we’ve been allowed to know about), everybody has pretty much viewed the human body as either a 1) burden; 2) a playground; 3) a treacherous vessel of sin; or 4) an exploitable resource.

Exceptionally few approach life’s intelligence and the body as the awesome miracles they are—a viewpoint I began to explore back in June in a column I wrote about my personal experience learning to access my own and my body’s multidimensional nature.

In that essay I talked about how I first became aware that information and memories from the almost infinite experiences and collective wisdom of my uncountable incarnations—human and non-human—across all space and time can be consciously accessed via the stunningly sensitive, subtle, and intelligent vehicle I call “my body.”A journey of discovery made possible because, as I’ve said many times before and will undoubtedly say many times again:

Space is holographic in nature and time is not linear.

There is only NOW.

But the appearance of a connecting narrative makes life seem linear in a horizontal time-stream. (Holding that narrative in place is one of the many fabulous, yet deceptive, functions of the mind.) Just like the Great Mystery of the One and the Many being One and yet Many, so, too, the NOW holds every other now that ever has been and ever will be throughout all eternity.

Ask AI to access that.

Oh, sure, Artificial Intelligence can, without a doubt, cough up endless descriptions and explanations of this metaphysical phenomenon. It can regurgitate whole books of ideas and possibly even venture into purely speculative realms of thought about it.

But access and experience this miracle? Access and experience the thoughts, emotions and feelings of another “me” in another NOW held forever in the field of knowing we call quantum? Access and tap into the wisdom and knowledge of other times, other universes and dimensions?

Uh … no. AI cannot and never will be able to do that.

Ongoing discoveries

Since that June essay, my exploration of my own multidimensional nature has gone deeper. And, as I get more and more familiar with accessing and reading the “language” of subtle quantum information available via my body—namely the translatable language of energy, feelings, and intuition—I’ve only become more impressed with the body’s capacity to transmit the subtlest of energetic nuances.

That said, I must confess, I haven’t been happy with one particular message my body has been transmitting in recent years. Or the language it has been using to communicate to me with, namely …


Speaking up

For more than six decades I operated an uncomplaining, (apparently) biological machine that served me seamlessly and well. So well I took my athletic, healthy, and pain-free existence utterly for granted.

Oh, I was aware of how fortunate I was. As an alternative medical journalist writing about everything from cancer to Lyme disease to oxalate toxicity, I’ve been privy to an endless array of health horror stories, listening to people dealing with mind-boggling lists of agonizing symptoms and diagnoses decade after decade.

I had compassion listening to their stories. But honestly, I couldn’t really relate.

Now I can. Because for the last six years I’ve been experiencing first one painful symptom, then another, centering around my hips and pelvic region. It isn’t exactly joint pain, and isn’t exactly muscle pain either. It isn’t nerve pain. It isn’t arthritis. It isn’t structural.

It’s baffling.

Despite my extensive spiritual training, at first I took an external approach to healing this. I changed my diet, cutting out all sugar and gluten. Nope. I tried supplementation. Nope. Massage. Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Myofascial release. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. There was temporary relief … and then another flare up, always worse than before.

Not surprisingly, as time passed and the pain and limitations grew, I got frustrated. Then I got angry. What’s wrong with you!!! I screamed at my body. Would you just get with the damn program and get better?

Screaming didn’t work either.

Over the edge

Since COVID happened and I woke up to the matrix and all the programming, lies and deception fostered by negative interdimensional forces and their human puppets/puppeteers—the globalist minions—I’ve been looking into the shadows.

In the process, with the help of Robin Duda, my Soul Alchemist friend from Santa Fe, New Mexico, I’ve also been uncovering hidden programming and dark influences in myself. Influences and wounds, programs and agendas I had no idea existed even after almost 40 years of unrelenting introspection and inner spiritual work.

During all this, Robin has occasionally mentioned she thought I had some “major abuse issues” that I hadn’t been able to consciously access.

And every time she would say this I would answer, “Nah. Not this lifetime. For sure other lifetimes. But physical abuse this lifetime? Nope! Absolutely not. I’d remember it!”

Yeah, well …

What’s the old saying? “It’s not what you know, it’s what you don’t know you don’t know that hurts you?”

By July this last year, the hurt was so bad it felt like the fascia in my hips was being shrink-wrapped tighter and tighter to the point where it was difficult to even walk. The pain was getting unbearable, and I could almost hear the words pouring from my pelvis. A relentless begging chant of “Stop trying to fix me and just listen to me!!

Please, just listen!”

And do, I did.


Looking back with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, I can now see that my body has been trying to tell me about the abuse I actually did experience this lifetime ever since I was a child. In so many ways it talked to me … in odd symptoms and weird memories. In dreams. In triggers and fantasies and proclivities. In anxious breathing patterns. In fears.

My body had been trying to tell me what happened all along. But I didn’t listen. So, finally, because all else had failed, it resorted to physical pain—the last tool in its communication toolkit.

I won’t go into any details. It’s not the “what” that matters. Suffice to say the agonizing shrink-wrap effect was the result of terror locked into the very cells of my body in the hip/pelvic/leg region.

Today, as different aspects of the issues involved have been allowed to surface and release, the pain and inflexibility in my hips has rapidly—and I mean rapidly—lessened. Today, twelve weeks into this new exploration, after almost six years of increasing misery, I’m at about 80 percent recovery as far as pain and flexibility are concerned.


The reason I bring this level of personal information to the table is because the magic of my body is the magic of all human bodies. The tales it has to tell me are the same tales we all need to hear and remember. Tales about what the path back to health is for us individually and collectively. Tales about how love, trust and mutual support can be restored. Tales about how the abuse and trickery of eons can be healed.

And the hope it holds! Hope about the future of a loving humanity coming together at long last to explore our human potential together.

The information my body and YOUR body and everybody’s body has to share is both personal and universal …

Our bodies are living testimony to our multidimensional existence across time and space, broadcasting the message of pure love, which is our nature.

Which finally brings me around to the title and final point of this essay: The human body is lightyears beyond AI. Lightyears.

AI will never be able to come close to the intelligence of the human body.

I’ve known and worked with shamans who regularly communicate with plants, receiving information about their healing properties for specific ailments for specific people. I dated a mechanic who could place his hands on an engine block and have the engine tell him what was wrong with it. Who would place his hands on a tree trunk and receive information about the weather.

And he was never, ever wrong.

How can incomprehensibly-fast computing and the recombining and regurgitation of factoids, theories and belief systems compare to that? To the infinitude of what we are and what our bodies mirror every moment?

After decades of hating it, judging it, abusing it, ignoring and overriding its signals—I’ve finally realized the human body is actually nothing less than the nexus of all creation—a transceiver standing at the crossroads between heaven and earth—holding the wisdom and attributes of both realms.

But do you think the Powers That Be want that kind of esoteric knowledge floating around in people’s heads, revealing just how powerful we actually are? You think they want us clued into the source of energy and information of all creation?

Hell no.

They want to keep us stupid and asleep. They want us sick and debilitated, weak and dependent. They want us to mistrust our body’s senses, our intuition, and our inner knowing.

They want us out of our bodies—the very vehicles of our inner guidance and power.

At all costs, they want us disconnected from universal intelligence that knows how to navigate life, creating health, happiness, and endless realms of existence to explore.

And if you don’t believe there is an anti-body agenda afoot on this planet, just look at the facts …


Religion makes us ashamed of our bodies and our very existence. Spirituality coaches us to leave our bodies and float around in disembodied bliss, ignoring the world as it falls to pieces around our very ears.

Science tells us we are meat—just a bunch of biochemicals hacked together so we can shamble around eating and fornicating until we die. We’re told our emotions and even love itself—the glue that holds whole universes together—are nothing but the result of unruly neurotransmitters running amok in our brains.

Our agricultural lands and food supply have been deliberately poisoned. Our air and water have been deliberately poisoned. EM fields are pulsed at us every way imaginable. Microwaves. 5G. Wifi.

“Medicine” is designed to make us sicker. Drugs mask symptoms and shut the body’s voice down. “Health care” is designed to cripple us financially and make us dependent psychologically.

Television. Radio. The Internet. Games. VR. All designed to poison our minds and disengage us from our bodies, carrying us ever-deeper into a two-dimensional, programmed reality.

And finally … AI. The ultimate tool disengaging us from our spirit nature and the greatest gift ever granted: our bodies.

Volte face

Seeing this isn’t easy. But not seeing the anti-body agenda we’re facing is nothing less than disastrous.

Is there any good news here? Yes! Absolutely!

If you’re reading this, you’ve got a body. And no matter what kind of shape it’s in, you can start working with it and not against it right this very minute.

Do the best you can to start eating cleanly. Drink pure water. Let your body guide you to natural healing modalities if you need healing. Put down the phone. Get out in nature. Walk barefoot. Lie down on the grass at least 10 minutes a day and let the earth ground and heal you. Minimize exposure to chemical and electromagnetic pollutants. Try to minimize stress.

Be gentle with your body.

Treat it with kindness. Don’t force it into some weird diet or health or exercise fad. Don’t starve it. Don’t let it overeat. Love it. Touch it with the tenderness you would a child.

Listen to what it has to say. Its language is feelings. Intuitive impulses. Knowingness. Pain. Pleasure. Emotions. Lightness of being. Heaviness. Dullness. Aliveness. Excitement. Fear.

The body isn’t the barricade to wisdom, purity, and goodness it’s been deliberately made out to be. Left unmolested, it is the gateway to our expression of all of that and much, much more.

Much love and aloha ~