Whose Flag Is It, Anyway? Richard Gage, Part 2: Is Gaza Another False Flag? Of Course It Is. By Whom? Make Sure You Listen to the Last 1/2 Hour!

In Part 2 of Richard Gage’s exceptional 4.5-hour presentation, we get not only to the mechanics of the Oct 7 inside job (covered beautifully), but to whose flag it really is, the on to COOTIEs.


Richard Gage is a determined, brilliant, logical and relentless investigator. He is also a lovely, reasonable and thoughtful person. I am delighted, since the conversations we have had, and his amazing 4 1/2 hours of presentation on Catalytic Conversations Podcast (second video, below) and Dr Rima Truth Reports Podcast (first video, below) to be able to call him not only an icon for his 9/11 truth work on what really happened at the World Trade Center and, importantly, beyond that event, but a friend, as well.

When you watch this detailed and profoundly illuminating lecture, about 30 minutes before the end, what is to me the most important part of his impressive and informative presentation takes place: we disagree. And then, I am really happy to say, we do what far too few of us are doing, what far too often is skipped over in favor of polemic and political posturing. We have a substantive, passionate, intense discussion about that disagreement with respect and care, but without “politically correct” restraint. You see, Richard advanced a theory on whose false flag Gaza really is. And while I understand perfectly how and why he reached the conclusion he reached, I believe that the conclusion is incorrect because it is incomplete.

The important thing here is not whether Richard is correct or whether I am. Likely, some sort of ultimate truth is either intermediate or, with the unfolding of further information, will turn out to be something else altogether.

No, the important thing is that we started out at opposite positions on a seminally important idea and, respectfully, but passionately, challenging the ideas (by engaging each other), we had a meaningful discussion.

Watch the video and then I’ll give you an example, in exactly the same time frame, on exactly the same topic, where, to my great disappointment, exactly the opposite has taken place. And then I will give you my secret for determining at least one important classification of a COOTIE, a diagnosable, identifiable, Controlled Opposition Operative Troll Information Engineer.

You probably have heard me say that I have never seen another movement as penetrated and abundantly spiked with controlled opposition as this one. And, to quantify what that means, I am 81 years old and have been involved in social justice of movements of one sort or another since I was 12 years old. And, no matter what the issue up for reform, the question is always how to tell the COOTIES from the good guys.

Whom, we ask ourselves and each other, can you trust? Who is consciously obeying someone else’s orders? Who is implanting misdirection, misinformation, distrust, dissent and deceit knowingly and who is being deflected unknowingly? First, watch Richard Gage’s brilliant Part 2 presentation on the October 7, 2023 Gaza False Flag that precipitated the horrifying situation playing out in the Middle East and elsewhere:


Then watch (if you have not already seen it), Part 1 of Richard’s Dr Rima Truth Reports Presentation on 9/11 Truth: Building 7

Think You Know What Happened to WTC Building 7? Nope. You Don’t Know Enough Yet. You Will After This, Though: Richard Gage, AIA, Part 1

13 Oct
Think You Know What Happened to WTC Building 7? Nope. You Don't Know Enough Yet. You Will After This, Though: Richard Gage, AIA, Part 1

Note: this 2-hour Catalytic Conversations interview is Part 1 of a riveting 4-hour interview with Richard Gage, AIA, who created Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and now heads RichardGage911. Part 2 will be broadcast live on the Dr Rima Truth Reports Podcast, Tuesday, October 15, 2024 6-8 PM Eastern. You can watch and chat Live Stream on Rumble.com/user/PeopleForPeople2022 (open to the public) or listen live on PeopleForPeople.Ning.com registered (members only).

Now let’s talk about COOTIEs. Let me tell you about my recent experience figuring out when I am reading a psyop, aka, the work of one or more Controlled Opposition Operative Troll Information Engineer.

Sage Hana (pseudonym – I have no idea who that really is, nor whether it is one person or many, male or female) has been writing a deeply insightful, deeply angry, deeply informative debunking site of pretty much every one of the health freedom movement heroes and good guys. He/she (?) writes many sub stacks a day, sometimes as many as 8. I presume that h/she (?) is either independently wealthy, a dedicated team of writers or on a very healthy payroll to allow such single-minded concentration and output.

And, in spite of the silly words, neologisms and baby talk cuteness frequently thrown into the mix, I have very often appreciated the myth busting and deep logic of the posts. I have both admired the laser-like ability to pierce even very clever mis- and disinformation ops and wondered whether we were, through this communication, being fed the very highest quality of disinformation: a bit of a [very important] lie mixed with a big heaping of truth to make the lie seem as true as the facts. I have always reserved that position as a possibility for myself as I read Sage’s many posts.

I have, in fact, commented on the substack often on the clear logic and sense making in the midst of her/his (?) snarky and hostile air of contempt. But, hey, if snarky is his/her (?) style, so be it. My comments were received well and with appreciation from Sage until, well, until I questioned him/her (?) and disagreed with his/her (?) insistent, consistent refusal to provide even a hint of where to go for a global, national or local solution and then, HOO BOY!, a white-hot molten fusillade of wrath poured down on me, totally astounding me.

Sage was busy calling out the globalists and their well-programmed atrocities. and for that I applauded him/her (?). I was posting over and over in the comment section about the importance of going to https://PreventGenocide2030.org in order to add your name and weight to the political pushback necessary to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023.

Sage ignored those posts, in contrast to the welcoming and interactive responses my comments often elicited prior to that.

I grew more and more curious about why he/she (?) was leading his/her (?) readers to the brink of a solution and never, ever mentioning that one existed for their consideration and, better yet, action.

I began to think that we were looking at a “deflect and redirect” action: lots of information, studious avoidance of anything like a solution.

So I wrote a stack

Sage Hana, I Love You, But When Are You Going to Take the Next Step and Tell Your Readers What the Solution Is? #ExitUN #ExitUN #ExitUN

17 Mar
Sage Hana, I Love You, But When Are You Going to Take the Next Step and Tell Your Readers What the Solution Is? #ExitUN #ExitUN #ExitUN

To: Sage Hana

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was the result. Insults, high dudgeon, mockery and nastiness. So, because I think we have a much bigger enemy than each other, I wrote another stack:

SageHana’s Mad @ Me: It Doesn’t Matter, You Should Read Her/Him Anyway, But Take the Step After That and Help Get the US Out of the UN Death Machine

15 May
SageHana's Mad @ Me: It Doesn't Matter, You Should Read Her/Him Anyway, But Take the Step After That and Help Get the US Out of the UN Death Machine

I love reading SageHana.substack.com because, despite the baby talk and the silly words and strange neologisms, Sage Hana, whomever the person behind the pen name might be, does great work fearlessly telling the truth and making it an intriguing read at the same time.

SageHana’s Mad @ Me: It Doesn’t Matter, You Should Read Her/Him Anyway, But Take the Step After That and Help Get the US Out of the UN Death Machine (substack.com)

Things were, shall we say, not as friendly after that. Sage went, in my humble opinion, full bore psyop.

What Sage was valuable for, in my opinion, was the piercing of pysop-ery. But what if that insightful debunking was all part of a disinformation program to get to the real psyop and, credibility having been established, to go full bore “mislead, misdirect, misinform, deflect” psyop?

Like when the big one came along. Like flogging that it was really the Zionists who were making all the trouble, not the globalists, not the depopulationists. The bad guys were the Zionists all along. You know, not the good Jews, but the bad, Kazarian, Satanic, awful Jews. It’s OK to hate them. And we should fear them, and then, when we can get around to it, we can exterminate them. Like Hamas and the PLO and Hizballah want to. Good idea. Because it’s really those bad, terrible, evil, smelly, corrupt, awful Zionists. I kid you not. Full bore and hate-enriched bonkers pouring out of Sage.

Enter the period when we were nearing the first anniversary of October 7, which Richard talks about so eloquently in his presentation above and which he reminds us, was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War (an unpremeditated attack on innocent civilians during a period of intense worship on a holiday, by the way. Of course, that could have been a stand down, too. I am not sure, but it certainly seems likely from this vantage point.)

You see, I believe that the once-again fashionable rise of the myth that Jews/Zionists/Kazars control the world and are the baddest of the bad guys is just another psyop, used as part of the Malthusian Management tool box, to make us hate and distrust each other so that we are fewer in number after we weaken and kill each other and we are unable to hear or band together with each other against the real enemy. And for those of you wedded to the Kazarian mythology, there turns out to be very little historical evidence that, romantic as it sounds, the Kahn of the Kazars, (their Emperor or King) never actually converted to Judaism himself or ever forced his people to convert to anything, including Judaism. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Kazarian empire, which flourished from about 650-965 CE (also known as AD), was a major commercial empire in the southeastern section of modern European Russia, Southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan.

During its time of power and influence, the empire created by the formerly nomadic Turkic people known as the Khazars after the breakup of the Western Turkic Khaganate was the dominant force in that part of the world. It was, in fact, one of the most significant trading empires of the early medieval world since it held sway ofver the western marches of the Silk Road and stood at the crossroads between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus.

The history of the Kazars is the stuff of legend but no Kazarian texts or spoken records survive. Their empire was a poly ethnic and polyglot melange of cultures, religions and languages so that scholars can confidently assert, “The polyethnic populace of the Khazar Khaganate appears to have been a multiconfessional mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers”1

The 8th century conversion of the ruling elite of Kararia was first reported by poet/philosopher Judah Halevi and philosopher Abraham ibn Daud nearly 250 years later offer the only reports known that the ruling elite converted to Rabbinic Judaism.
The assertions of both men were strongly politically motivated, historically inaccurate and would seem to be entirely fanciful.

Judah Halevi, born Judah ben Samuel Halevi, (c. 1075–1141) in medieval Spain was the leading Hebrew poet of his generation. Judaism was under fierce assault, and Halevi spent a great deal of effort to provide protective justifications and rational arguments to support and enhance the perception of the religion’s legitimacy along with its increasingly threatened right to exist. By inventing a history in which rich and powerful people agreed that the religion was significant enough to convert to would have been a poetic way to offer a pillar of historical and philosophical support to a beleaguered religious system.

Given that the only other source to mention the story of Kazarian Judaic conversion was another Jewish apologist, who died 5 years after Halevi was born, the confabulation seems likely. Despite the tremendous importance of the Kazars, no one at the time or in the hundreds of years after that ever mentioned that the Kahn, or the people, had converted to Judaism. As the Stanford Enclyclopedia of Philosophy points out, “How, indeed, was [Halevi] to give a reasoned account and defense of Judaism to his increasingly dispirited or doubting co-religionists, when the challenges came from so many different directions? Their detractors had the prestige of power, numbers, worldly success, and specialized new knowledge to support their claims, while the Jews had only their history, traditions, and what remained of their faith to fall back upon.

Ultimately, Halevi opted for a novel, yet entirely appropriate, solution. He let a widely-attested fact of recent history make the case for him—the conversion of the Khazar kingdom to Judaism almost four centuries earlier. The story was well known, even if less stirring than it was when it first circulated in Spain. Obviously, the Khazar king and his people had other, more influential, religious alternatives to choose from, but they chose Judaism nonetheless because of a truth that they saw as unique to it. Surely, the king must have discussed all this; and if he did, so could Halevi—within the framework of a dialogue. Indeed, such an approach would allow him to examine all of the relevant issues in the course of an on-going series of conversations, just as they are so often encountered and discussed in real life. What is more, the real experiences of the past, now presented with the help of all his poetic gifts, could be drawn upon to refute the calumnies and answer the objections raised in the present. Through this connection with an event in history, Halevi’s Book of Refutation and Proof on Behalf of the Despised Religion came to be known more simply as the Kuzari. Under that title, his book would also become the emblematic expression of the lived truths of his people and their faith as these were experienced throughout their history, and, not surprisingly, one of the most beloved works of the Jewish intellectual heritage.”2

So where did Halevi get the idea from? His historical predecessor, Abraham ibn Daud (c.1110–1180) was a pioneer in Jewish philosophy. He ardently created fanciful literary and philosophic justifications for the importance of his religion and its thoughts and beliefs. In one of these, he creates the story of the diaspora of Jewish philosophical through a series of amazing events incorporating several historical impossibilities. These impossibilities apparently did not bother him when he showed how Judaism became seated in Spain. In so doing, he used common storytelling tools of well-known tropes and themes of miraculous and near miraculous events, disregarding historical accuracy with abandon, as was customary in the scholarship of the time.

ibn Daud makes passing reference to a personal conversion of the Kazarian emperor to Rabbinic Judaism to justify and validate Rabbinic Judaism but offers no substantiation to either the supposed conversion or the necessity of continued Rabbinic Judaism’s survival.3

Halevi picked up the slight thread left by ibn Daud and improvised a story on the hint. Neither has historical support.

Back to the future: the Malthusian Management team needs us to hate and distrust each other with urgent intensity and spends quite a lot of time and money managing that result into our lives. I believe that EVERY tribal/national/religious/racial/political divide is being mined for its divisive possibilities by people who have no loyalty or adherence to any of them, only the trappings thereof.

And I see sadly see that Sage Hana is a COOTIE, a psyop creature put there to NOT see through the most useful of the psyop control systems to date, the “IT’S THEM!!!! IT’S THE ZIONIST!!!!!!” psyop. Strange, he/she (?) can see clearly through all the others, almost as if he/she (?) has magical X-ray vision, getting it right again and again but cannot see through this one and suddenly gets vituperative, insulting, irrational and begins frothing at the mouth (nearly literally) at me and my temerity?

Hmmmmm…… That’s odd. Almost seems as if getting too close to the scripted lies in truth in lies in truth rap is dangerous – to him/her (?).

Makes you go, “Hmmmmmmmmmm…….”

But you’re too smart to fall the psyop, right?


Golden, Peter Benjamin (2007a). “Khazar Studies: Achievements and Perspectives”. In Golden, Peter B.; Ben-Shammai, Haggai; Róna-Tas, András (eds.). The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Vol. 17. Brill. pp. 7–57.


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