The People of Northern Ireland Vs the Health Fascists


In recent posts I have highlighted the tyrannical and draconian measures in the proposed Northern Ireland Health bill that was recently submitted for consultation. When the public became aware of this attempt by the Department of Health to completely take control of every aspect of our lives in a real or imagined health emergency, the public were justifiably outraged.

The bill would allow public health officials or, anyone  they designated the task to, to break down your door, physically assault you, forcibly vaccinate you,  muzzle you with a mask,  drag you off to quarantine  for a 28 day period, which could be extended indefinitely, seize whatever possessions they like and kill you pets if they merely suspected you may have an infectious disease which may be dangerous.

One lawyer specialising in human rights described the bill as ‘spine-chilling’ and said the measures were, ‘some of the most draconian proposed regulations to restrict liberty, obtain private data, restrict movements, seize property and to violate bodily autonomy, ever seen.’ Another lawyer declared it to be ‘wholly illegal, unlawful, immoral and unethical.’

Such was the public outcry, including from number of health professionals who were vehemently opposed to it, that the BBC, that cesspit of lies and propaganda, had to cover the story. Naturally, they attempted to pretend there wasn’t anything to be concerned about but they did have to admit that local politicians had been inundated with complaints.

Meanwhile, a petition to stop the bill, launched on the 38 degrees website, which had received 6000 signatures in 24 hours was pulled. No doubt due to government interference. It was declared ‘inappropriate’. If the owners of the 38 degrees site believe it is inappropriate to challenge tyranny one must assume they support that tyranny.

According to their website

“38 Degrees is a community of more than a million people who – in a moment away from their busy days – take small actions on issues they care about, which all add up to something bigger, a movement for a better Britain for everyone who calls our country home.”

Obviously their version of a better Britain is the one shared by the globalists – a nation whose citizens are ruled by tyrants and dictators, where their opinions and actions are constantly monitored and censored and they live under constant threat of having their basic freedoms removed on the word of their globalist overlords.

Shortly after this setback, though, the Democratic Unionist Party openly voiced their concerns by releasing a detailed  statement saying they were totally opposed to the bill. They said –

“DUP MLAs will vigorously oppose any draft Public Health Bill introduced in these terms.”

They went on to say that no minister should have the powers that the bill proposes and referred to the misuse of those powers during covid –

“The lived experience of the Covid -19 pandemic demonstrates that these powers – and the lockdowns they enabled – led to major social and economic disruption, had serious, adverse effects on personal health and wellbeing, and derailed the educational and emotional development of many children and young people.

“The lessons of the Covid-19 period also demonstrate that, once in statute, powers to impose restrictions or requirements on persons are more often than not exercised in a way that places universal obligations on individual citizens. That is despite those restrictions generating disproportionate impacts on different cohorts in our society. We are clear that the fundamental ethical principle of first, do no harmshould be to the forefront going forward.”

Dianne Dodds, the DUP’s spokesperson for health, added –

“The DUP will continue to reject mandatory vaccination or plans to compel citizens to undergo other forms of medical treatment. Any future public health framework for Northern Ireland must be underpinned, both in law and in practice, by the principle of informed consent.”

The DUP must therefore be congratulated on their robust rejection of the bill. It is a different story, however, with the other political parties. Their initial response to constituents’ concerns were all very similar, stating that it was necessary to update the legislation and that it was only a consultation at this stage and individual rights will be taken into account.  None of them seemed unduly concerned by the proposed legislation itself but were getting increasingly concerned by the public’s response to it.

NI Health Bill Protest at Belfast City ...

2000 people gathered at Belfast City hall to protest about the draconian measures proposed in the new health bill.

Then on Saturday the 12th of October there was a large rally at Belfast City Hall with an estimated turnout of two thousand concerned citizens. This seemed to be the catalyst for the biggest political party in the country to finally come out against the bill. Clearly, with the public outrage getting stronger and more visible, Sinn Fein, decided they didn’t want to be on the wrong side of public opinion and made a statement, officially declaring their opposition to the proposed legislation.

They said –

  “However, any proposals from the Health Department for a new Public Health Bill must be consistent with people’s human rights and equality requirements.

“The absence of both an Equality Impact Assessment and a Human Rights Impact Assessment from this consultation document is a serious and unacceptable omission.

“The Department of Health’s proposals and the consultation are not fit for purpose and Sinn Féin does not support the approach being pursued by the Minister for Health.”

With the two main political parties opposing the bill, it is, as it stands, effectively dead. In the case of the people of Northern Ireland vs the Health Department Fascists, the people won.

It proves that we can win, that, if you make a stand and make your voice heard, you can make the tyrants back down. However, you cannot be silent. You cannot be apathetic. You cannot be afraid to tell them their actions and plans are unacceptable.

However, this is not the time for complacency. Tyrants never sleep. They are always plotting and conspiring.

The Minster for Health, Mike Nesbitt, who prosed the bill is a mere puppet, like most government ministers. He would have been given his orders by people like the Chief Medical Officer who, in turn, would have received his from his globalist overlords at the World Health Organisation. What dark entities or forces they answer to, one can only imagine.

The bill will no doubt return in another guise. They may even try to bring in these draconian rules through other legislation. We must be vigilant. We must be alert to their machinations. The health fascists and their globalist masters will never stop until they take every last one of our freedoms away and so we must not stop until we ultimately defeat them.

In the words of Martin Luther King – “Freedom is not given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

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