Michael Tellinger: exposing the central banking scam

I want to talk to you about a very important subject that so many people around the world still don’t grasp they cannot get it into their head and this is the difference between central banks and what could be called a People’s Bank  – and until the people people the majority of the people around the world really grasp this and until the penny drops for the majority of the people in other words the critical mass of people will forever remain Slaves by those that control the supply of money, because the central banks of the world are not what people think.

So let me spell this out for you and please share this knowledge and information with everyone you know and if they don’t understand it or if people argue with you if they tell you oh that’s nonsense it’s not true they simply don’t know what they’re talking about and they’ve fell victim to believing the lies of their teachers or their jobs or their Banks or whatever or their University professors that tell them stories about how the money system works because that’s how they were programmed and indoctrinated and lied to so they keep per perpetrating the LIE.

Banks are private companies and private corporations that do not belong to the government to the country to the people have these corporations have nothing to do with the well-being of our countries or our communities and our people. Central banks are private corporations that operate outside of the jurisdiction the legal jurisdiction of our countries.

Now let that penny drop, let that sink in you can cannot sue the central bank no one in the world can ever sue a central bank it’s not possible. There is nothing in the legislature anyway in our constitutions that allow us to sue the central banks because these central banks corporations and this is obviously under the leadership and the ownership of the Rothchild banking Empire with the Rockefellers being the other big name there and various other big banking families, many of whose names are not even familiar to us because they are very very secretive and they’ve kept this power and control over our countries for so long, because they’ve kept it secret and these are all shell companies and companies hidden all over the world that that control our countries and our governments without us realizing.

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