Northern Ireland Health Fascists’ Plan for a Coup D’etat


The Department of Health for Northern Ireland have recently released for consultation, their proposal for a new health act. According to one human rights lawyer, it is ‘spine-chilling’.  This is an understatement. It is an extreme, draconian, sinister piece of legislation more suitable to Stalinist Russia than a moder day alleged democracy. The document claims it is an attempt to balance the rights of the individual with the need to protect the public and yet it eradicates every fundamental human right there is.

Under this proposed legislation an official from the Public Health Agency can enter someone’s property, using whatever force is necessary, physically restrain the owner and their partner and place them in quarantine for 28 days. However, they can renew this order over and over again meaning someone could be quarantined indefinitely. After they have entered the premises, they can remove any items they wish, including all communication devices, in an attempt to prove the owner is a public health threat. Nowhere in the new act does it stipulate that these items have to be returned to the person. Moreover, it doesn’t even have to be an employee of the Public Health Agency. They can designate the job to someone else or a number of other people.  So, they could, if they wish, lawfully hire a gang of thugs to threaten, intimidate and assault you before stealing your possessions. It is a law more in keeping with the Mafia than with a government department.

Not only does the Health Department condone and encourage this abuse of people but the new bill will also target your pets as well.  Under this despicable legislation, your animals are not considered to be living, feeling, sentient beings but are classed as things, alongside plants, dead bodies and human tissue and, as such, can be ‘destroyed or disposed of’.  

So, the big, ginger cat you have purring away on your knee, or that little dog playing joyfully at your feet, are considered, by the Northern Ireland Health Department, to be just pieces of dead flesh. Therefore, not only are they prepared to assault you and lock you up, they are so sadistic they want to kill your beloved pets as well to torment you even further.

You can be quarantined at any time if the health official decides you MAY be infected, and the infection is dangerous and can be passed on. We have already witnessed the excesses government officials went to over covid, which was basically the flu renamed, when there was no proof whatsoever of asymptomatic spread.  No actual proof of infection is required. So, for example, if you are out at a shopping centre and someone else who was there on the same day, later tests positive for some disease or other, you can then be quarantined. As can your partner who was never near the shopping centre. They can also lock up your children too.

You must bear in mind that the test used to determine if someone is infected or not is the totally discredited PCR test which both the inventor and the manufacturers state is not to be used as a diagnostic tool. We saw how the misuse of this test, particularly by using an excessively high cycle threshold, created the fake covid pandemic.

The most sinister part of the legislation, however, is the proposal to forcibly vaccinate you. Bodily autonomy is the most fundamental of all basic rights. It is inalienable. It cannot be overridden under any circumstances. The concept of consent to medical procedures was the foundation of the Nuremberg code. As well as being reprehensible, mandatory vaccination is a breach of that code.  

The fact that the deaths and disabilities caused by the covid vaccine are now common knowledge, makes this new law even more disgusting. Those people that are proposing it are fully aware that people will die and be injured as a result and simply don’t care.  They also know, due to the covid scam, that vaccines do not work, do not stop transmission and don’t stop you getting ill and are therefore pointless and of no health benefit whatsoever. They are brazenly lying when they claim that the act is there to protect the public whilst they are knowingly endangering people’s lives.

This proposal is aimed at eroding every right you have and is designed to give the health officials total power of every citizen of the county. It is basically a coup-d’etat.

Mike Nesbitt - Wikipedia

Mike Nesbitt, the man behind the bill that will eradicate all your basic human rights

The person responsible for this assault on your rights is the current Minister of Health, Mike Nesbitt. Nesbitt, who wants to remove every basic human right and freedoms you have, isn’t so keen to have his own freedom removed, however. During covid lockdown, which his party implemented, he, like so many other hypocritical officials who supported the draconian measures, believed the rules didn’t apply to him because he was more important than the rest of us. He was caught visiting and staying with a ‘female friend’ on a number of occasions, which proves two things. Firstly, he, like everyone else that imposed the restrictions, didn’t believe there was any real threat form covid and secondly, despite knowing there was no threat, he was prepared to lie to the public in order to frighten people and keep them in line.

Of course, promoting fear and disseminating propaganda would be in his blood because he worked for the mainstream media as a presenter for Ulster television and that bastion of truth, the BBC. Nesbitt, of course, probably didn’t create this freedom-destroying monstrosity of a bill by himself, but probably had it handed it to him by Big Pharma and the globalists that actually run the show behind the scenes but he will have links in the media that he can contact when he gets the go ahead to push the new fake pandemic. His mates will then be only too happy to start spewing out the usual lies and fear porn to terrify everybody into submission. This time, I would like to think a lot more people will be wise to the scam and refuse to comply because, as someone once said, you cannot comply your way out of tyranny.

I suggest to all Northern Ireland residents, that they reply to consultation as soon as possible – the closing date is October 14th and, in the meantime, let your thoughts be known to your MLA. If you ignore this imminent threat to your freedom because you are too apathetic or you think it won’t affect you, you could soon be hearing the sinister sound of jackboots at your door and you can say goodbye to your freedom, once and for all. Now is the time to act.

doh-public-health-bill-cons-document-july-2024.pdf (

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