The Best Interview of Clif High with Nino Rodriguez

Clif High’s Web Bots and his psychic friends, over at Dick Allgire’s Future Forecasting Group are predicting an imminent 9/11-style event except “Three to thirteen times” more emotionally disturbing.

Clif says this false flag event will similarly usher-in a 2,000-page “pile of cr@p” piece of legislation that has already been written and is ready to be deployed, the same way as the Patriot Act – in which OBrandon used to actually take pride and take credit for writing!

Clif says that the combination of his data and that of Allgire’s group point to an extremely violent Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) attack, using a High Powered Microwave (HPM) weapon, I’m guessing something like THOR , in combination of a laser-based DEW that pokes a hole through the atmosphere to make the HPM effective.

He says something like this is what was used to cause the “Dustification” of the World Trade Towers, which caused them to collapse at free-fall speed and “magically” eliminated 1.25 million tons of material, which was talked about by Dr Judy Wood in her book, ‘Where Did the Towers Go?’

Based on his aggregated data, Clif is guessing that this attack will occur in the vicinity of a mountain, causing him to suspect the underground base at Cheyenne Mountain, outdside of Colorado Springs, CO or Denver Airport, “and one other place I’m not going to go into,” he says.

He says this DEW attack will be blamed on a “natural event”, which made me think of the Near Earth Objects (NEOs) starting to be reported everywhere, like Asteroid 2024 ON, NEO 2024 RW25, the “mini-Moon” 2024 PT5, about which is said that it will actually “will spend about two months orbiting Earth,” starting on September 29th.


And after writing the above, Clif confirms that “They’re going ton blame it on a meteor.”

The third potential location that he’s guessing – and that he didn’t want to say out loud – would break the backbone of the internet, especially in the US. It would technologically Balkanize the country and take 10 years to repair, due to lack of equipment, workforce, etc.

Clif says it will “look” like a nuke hit. He says if the target is Denver, “They’re after awhatever is underneath it.” The base at Cheyenne Mountain has been sealed-off from the outside since 2021 and back in 2022, Juan O Savin predicted the date October 29th, because it coresponds with the Greek Goddess of Chaos, Eris.