The Transhumanist, Anti-Natural-Life Agenda: What Is CERN Really About? Whose Civilization Is This? What Is the Purpose of These Parasites Who Seem to Control This World?

The Transhumanist, Anti-Natural-Life Agenda: What Is CERN Really About? Whose Civilization Is This? What Is the Purpose of These Parasites Who Seem to Control This World?


“So the world we live in, we have to rewrite it according to how we gradually understand it now.
“It is our world, not their world. And we have to write it in a human code.
“But this is their civilization. It is only when we realize that, that we start our year zero of civilization, and we start to write our history.”
“We don’t really know anything about ourselves and what we’re doing here.
So when we start to see things this way, then we can open the windows… that the truth can come in, through.”

~ José Luis Sevillano



Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

For those of you who, like me, have always found themselves observing from a place mostly “off the map” and seeking to understand more about the nature of our perceived reality, this video conversation hosted by La Quinta Columna will likely interest you.

I’m going to make a brief comment here about Dr. José Luis Sevillano’s speculations about the connection between Switzerland’s gold and CERN…

Last night I was listening to a man speak about the strange events in 1933 in the US wherein all “citizens” were directed to turn in their gold. It dawned on him, as he studied the financial history of what has now come to be known as the United States, that historically gold has been given to conquerors as tribute when a new power steps in (and a bowing down to or submission to this “authority”).

There is a lot of speculation about the events during that time and who intended what. It’s clear that our ancestors who were already living on these lands and those who came here seeking a freer life, were coerced, brutally forced, as well as bamboozled into consenting to be governed. And that somehow the clever pro-freedom word-spells led them to imagine that being governed could somehow equate to being free.

This mention of gold, for me, also brought to mind the stories of Annunaki and humans as enslaved gold miners. Michael Tellinger is one who has a lot to share about that topic. Listen to the video or read the transcript below to hear about José Luis’ speculation related to gold.

There is so much discussed in this latest by La Quinta Columna: control of humans and all life via frequency and induced thoughts, that strange project known as CERN, the creepy centuries-old connections between the various central global control locations and organizations, so-called aliens, underground bases and tunnels, the inversion of so much knowledge, the need to completely rewrite human history, and much more. 

La Quinta Columna has always had the courage and intelligence to look deeper into what is unfolding around us. They don’t have all the answers but, since the start of the “covid” global-spell, they have consistently pointed out clues to what might be happening, have asked essential questions that few even thought to ask, and have continued to challenge prevailing narratives in the mainstream and in the “alternative” spheres of influence.

I’ve prepared some show notes, excerpts and partial transcript, which can be found below the video. Reference links and explanations are for the benefit of readers who aren’t familiar with some of the words used in the video. About half way through the video, instead of full transcript, key excerpts and bullet points are shared. I simply ran out of time to complete a full transcript. Any errors in the transcript are mine. 

As always, this is provided in the spirit of conversation for those of us who have freed ourselves to question everything.

This is all about the questions and exploring ideas, not about creating or adopting rigid belief systems about how things are. It is also not about accepting whistleblower information as infallible. (None of us are infallible here. Not a one.) This is not about “believing” anything but is about questioning everything about our ourselves and about all that we perceive around us on all levels of perception. And it is about allowing the truth to come to light.

As always, no fear. We always have the power to find and stand in the eye of the storm, stay in peace and trust life on its deepest, often unseen, levels. 

~ Kathleen