Viruses and Poison – Lies Cause Death – Truth Extends Life

Let’s examine lies and truth, at their base foundations. Take any lie and think about what it will take for that lie to live out in the real world. We’re taught to think that people carry around key ideas (and key beliefs) but the truth is that ideas infiltrate humans and ride the humans around, in order that those ideas and beliefs live out lives of their own. That’s why evil runs in families (like the UK Royals and their ancient crime syndicate partners), because evil ideas last forever, even though the humans who live out those evil ideas don’t. Ideas are parasites in a way that can indeed infect humans. Certain ideas can benefit the human and make a human’s life better. (like embracing healthy living principles) Inversely ideas can also be a detriment to a human and can indeed make a human’s life worse. (like believing that you can inject health into yourself and your family, with documented poisons no less)

Let’s take a close look at fabricated viral theory of disease causation. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the theory that disease is caused by invisible viruses is a myth. This idea isn’t just a misunderstanding of the science. The fabricated theory of viral disease causation is an old and very well fabricated lie, which has a very specific agenda behind it. If this false idea takes up home inside your nervous system, a premature and painful death will result. That’s a 100% guarantee. I’ll prove this to you conclusively below.

This firm rule or Universal law “that lies cause death, increasing pain” and that “truth extends life, increasing happiness” applies to any lies and to any truth……up to and including the lie of viral disease causation. To learn more about the fact that viruses have never been proven to exist…….you can click here, here, here, here or here. (just for starters).  At least start with understanding that the COVID virus (SARS-COV-2) has never been proven to exist (by clicking here) and working your way through the other presentations and the one book linked above.

I’ve talked for decades about a very ancient and secretive group, hiding behind our conventional institutions, who rule over us daily in very draconian (yet covert) ways. This group understands clearly that humans in general are easier to rule, govern, dominate, steal from, lie to, manipulate and coerce…..if the humans are depressed, disempowered, disoriented, diseased, dysfunctional and at death’s door.

This is also why we as human beings farm lambs instead of lions. We also farm small fish instead of sharks for the same reason. This is also when we humans like small house cats instead of jungle tigers living with us, in our homes. Strong things are harder to control. Weaker things are easier to control. Being in control makes all humans feel safe and more secure, on a psychological basis. We know these basic rules regarding strength, power and control….almost genetically as living beings. Take even an abusive male, when faced with a minor amount of strength in his female partner. You’ll often observe that this abusive male weakens his female partner physically and psychologically over the long haul….in order to keep his abusive power position in the dysfunctional relationship.

Again, we see the psychology of power act out daily in many real-life situations, but we never fully connect the dots as to why our social engineers constantly poison us, on every level imaginable. Yes, the people who rule us poison us daily. Making us weak is exactly why they do it. The ancient ruling crime families, who hide behind each government on the planet, poison all of us daily because poison makes us weak and easier to farm. We live on a people farm where the product being harvested is our energy and our creative force. Our creative force and energy as humans, is being used by these ruling crime families, to build a very evil and dark dystopia. Why this ancient and evil group desires a dystopia instead of a utopia, is something I’ve written about in the past. The people ruling us aren’t how they say they are.

Evil as an idea and super low vibration has infiltrated certain families on this planet, for a very long time. We, as a society, are very behind the times regarding how ideas drive humans around and not vice versa. Saying that, in order to get out of this mess that we’re currently in, we’re going to have to focus all our energy on how poisons have been perpetually weaponized against us. We also need to focus on the false ideas we’re forced to live out as truth, by the corrupt social engineers governing us from high atop the corrupt ruling pyramid of power. The false, fake and fabricated viral theory of disease causation is the absolute cornerstone of our enslavement and fast approaching premature deaths. If we don’t remove this false and fabricated idea from our belief systems, we will indeed die……not only as Individuals but as a species. Humanity can indeed change course and we can create our best lives, but all lies have to fall by the wayside, if we’re going to survive and prosper in the future. 

There are various poison outlet stores (poison depots) that are common throughout our entire society. They are the pharmacies, the fast-food restaurants, 80% of all grocery store items, coffee shops, alcohol stores, marijuana outlets etc etc. These are human farming supply outlets, supplying the poison that makes most of us like lambs instead of lions. The ruling group also poisons our minds psychically, in addition to poisoning our very souls. This ancient group also knows how to steal our self-confidence, our self-esteem, our morality, our ethics and our self-respect……in order that they replace our natural God given strengths will self-abuse, self-sadism, self-loathing, self-destruction and every form of self-attack under the sun. 

So, what does all that written above have to do with the fabricated and false viral theory of disease causation? The answer is simple. The people in the positions of societal power poison us daily, so we’re more like lambs instead of lions. This leaves us sick, overweight (because poison causes massive weight gain) brain damaged, dependent and depressed…….as is the design of this full spectrum poisoning system. The ancient crime families, who pose as our altruistic governments need a readymade excuse to explain away why we’re all getting more and more ill and living shorter and shorter lives. This is why the fake theory of viral disease causation was invented, or at least the primary reason. You need a fake and fabricated story to explain why all the humans are constantly de-evolving and diseased.

I believe (after 20 years of research) that the fabricated theory of viral disease causation is one of the biggest psychological operations in recorded history. The group ruling us needs this one lie to live on, if our complete enslavement and eventual extinction is to be realized. This is also why we need to educate and reject this one foundational lie with everything we have. To believe this one lie, is to guarantee our own deaths. Why and how this one lie is designed to be that fatalistic is explained clearly below.

The ruling group isn’t the government. The ruling group hides behind all governments and they maintain their historical power by destroying yours. The ruling group uses two primary modalities to rule you and steal from you. Those two modalities of rule are 1) poisons and 2) mind control that normalizes your use and often “lustful addictions” to these poisons. I explain this full poison and mind control ruling system in this two-part series. Part 1, click here. Part 2, click here

Again, once you’re sick from all this purposeful poisoning, that’s when the fabricated and false viral theory of disease causation is cued to enter stage left. As they poison you with every visible poison known to mankind, they use the magician’s trick of distraction or sleight of hand to convince you that an invisible pathogen or virus is what’s making you sick. Their sleight of hand, to make you believe the viral lie, is actually very simple.

They make sure you focus on the invisible, not the visible. They make sure you focus on what you can’t see, not what you can see. They make sure you focus on the invisible viruses (which you can only test for with their science equipment, which is equally faked, false and fabricated) and not the visible poison that you’re constantly ingesting and injecting into yourself. As you focus on the invisible virus (that doesn’t exist)…..they’ll not only continue to poison you, they’ll also tell you that more specialized RX poison is the only solution for your new disease or illness……which was caused by their initial poison-based tsunami. At that point, it’s like trying to put a fire out with gasoline, which is the purposeful design of the system.

Now that I’ve painted a clearer picture of our realty, we’re ready to circle back to the reason why I wrote this article in the first place. Lies cause death and truth extends life. Any lie you live out, you will find it destroys life. If you believe you can fly (which is a lie) and you jump off a 10-storey balcony, you’ll destroy much of your life or potentially extinguish your life altogether. If you believe that a hot stove element will cool your hand (which is a lie) you’ll easily destroy plenty of the life force in your body, starting with the life force that’s housed in your hand. If you inject poison into yourself in order to protect yourself against a virus that has never been proven to exist (just another lie that many are still infected with) you will a) lessen your overall life force or b) suffer an immediate injury or c) suffer an injury long term, while believing you’re OK short term or d) die and extinguish all life in your body immediately. All vaccines are proven poison and have never been shown to improve immunity to disease. The vaccine lie and the viral lie are fatally linked. 

All lies work in the exact same way. You can ponder this fact all you wish. You’ll find that this claim holds true with any lie and in any situation. All lies will remove some or all of your life force. Lies kill. All truths work in the opposite manner, leading to a preservation or extension of life. But hold on, like a bad informercial…….there’s more……..and not in a good way.

The ancient ruling families intend to do the following with their fabricated viral theory of disease causation system. They know lies kill and they have designed this belief to kill. This is why this fake theory exists and why it was hatched hundreds of years ago. They’ve been working on this ambush for a very long time because there’s something about this ancient band of crime families that you would never believe. More on that in future articles.

This ancient group has put hundreds of years of mind control into this con and by George, they’re going to follow through…..unless you clear your mental hard drive of all their lies. It all started when this ancient crime syndicate promoted Pasteur over Beauchamp. Please remember that approximately 2.7 billion people lined up calmly down at the local vaccine clinic and volunteered to inject documented poison under their skin because of this virus lie-based belief system, from 2020-2024. All lies cause death and injury…….and BOY did we see some massive deaths and injuries pile skyward from this one lie alone. The people in power understand these principles and understand that if you live out any lie, you will indeed die prematurely…..and they want you dead, for the reasons I outline in this article.

The ancient ruling crime families plan to do the following with their hand crafted/black magic/mind control fortified viral/disease causation lie system/structure…..

1) they will tell you that you can’t fly because the imaginary viruses will spread 

b) they will tell you that you need to keep injecting poison into yourself, until you kill yourself on their behalf, because you’re nothing but a repository of viruses that don’t exist

3) they will tell you that you can’t even drive to the next 15-minute city because you can’t risk viral cross contamination with the other 15-minute concentration camps adjacent to you….again it’s all fraud

4) they will tell you that you can’t visit your dying parents/grandparents or friends etc because of a fake viral outbreak (….they don’t want you in the hospitals, in order that they can kill your grandparents or parents without your interference, resistance or questioning……it’s all about death, murder and the plundering of the assets of the dead, after we’re all gone)

6) they will tell you that it’s better off to eliminate most of the world’s population anyway because it helps keep the fake viral load down. When you’re forced to accept the killing of others, based on a fake virus theory of disease causation, you’ll hope that they won’t kill you next…….but they will, that I can guarantee. Evil as an idea and a vibration spares no one…not even her loyal foot soldiers.

7) they will tell you that they need to lock you in a 15-minute city to protect you against animal viruses in the wild, which don’t exist of course…….it’s all for your health and safety, that’s their mind control slogan that really means “we’re going to kill you and generally you weak humans don’t put up so much of a fight when we kill you and use the words HEALTH AND SAFETY to describe how we’re killing you 

8) they will tell you that you can’t eat meat because you could catch a fake virus from the meat and spread that fake virus to someone else – you don’t want to eat meat and kill someone’s grandma, do you? (meat makes most humans much stronger than a plant-based diet, so they need to take away the power foods so you’re easier to kill)

9) they will tell you that you can only eat vegetables and fruits from Bill Gate’s new farming operation, which have the vaccines (poison) placed into them (or sprayed on them), in order that you stay virus free (virus free = dead quickly). Please understand that when they say “vaccines” they simply mean “poisons“. If you read a headline about fruits or vegetables having the “vaccine” genetically engineered into them, they simply mean your food has been poisoned.

10) they will tell you that all doctors must retire immediately because it’s too dangerous to have direct doctor/patient contact because……you guessed it…..fake viral transmission (and there’s no known cure of course)…….so little robots will have to enter the hospital, in order that AI medical doctors hand out and inject the poison into the patients…until everyone’s dead, the end. 

11) they will tell you that no one can reproduce anymore because of……wait for it……..a new virus that spreads only through heterosexual intercourse…….but doesn’t spread through homosexual oral/anal masturbation. You can be homosexual ONLY (and that’s an order) because of the viruses that won’t exist then and don’t exist now……because they never existed. Legalizing and promoting homosexual forms of mutual masturbation is just one method they have (in an arsenal of over 100 methods) for helping depopulate as quickly as possible. 

12) they will tell you that there’s a 15-minute city that’s so highly infected that a decision has been made to bomb the town (just like Gaza) in order to contain the outbreak. But of course, the only outbreak of illness would be in people who were poisoned via their food, air, water, medicine etc. The area to be bombed could be perfectly healthy as well and they won’t know the bombs are coming, because each 15-minute zone will have their own censored news, in order to control the public in each zone completely. This group just wants to kill everyone, using whatever method works best at the time. All marketed under your health and safety, to protect you from the virus….which don’t exist and never have. We’re all getting conditioned into believing this government lie as well…that the state murdering whomever it wishes, whenever it wishes, is just normal and nothing to be concerned about. When the other 15-minute city next to you is being carpet bombed, you’ll be happy that you live in another 15-minute concentration camp but they’ll do the same to you in the upcoming months. Don’t you worry, your turn is coming. They’ve been priming the public for this in the entertainment media for decades… here and here

Those are 12 of 100 scenarios I could write out. The point here is simple. If you believe disease can spread from a sick person to a healthy person (the basic theory of viral disease transmission) please watch the videos listed in this article…..because sick people infecting healthy people with disease HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN, EVER, even though it’s been attempted many times.

All attempts to spread disease from sick people to healthy people have failed. Saying that, people sometimes do get sick in clusters and that can be explained, as is documented in this interview. There are concrete reasons why people get sick as a group, which have nothing to do with fake invisible threats floating in the air. In short, if you believe in the fabricated theory of viral disease causation, you will die a painful and premature death……as all lies bring about such consequences.

This is not my opinion either. This is a rule or law of how our Universe operates, as firm a law as any other natural law inside our earthly realm. If you believe in viruses and the ability of invisible pathogens to make you sick (as you ignore the visible toxic assaults the government pushes on you and your family daily) you will get pushed into 1 of the 12 scenarios listed above very easily.

This group (“THEY”) wants you off the planet, so they can take your assets, rewrite history and control who remains. They’re going to use the fabricated theory of viral disease causation to push their agenda to an ultimate Satanic high note, which you will want no part of. Trust me on that one. 

If you’re sick, it’s poison, it’s always been poison and it will always be poison. It’s time for you and your family to avoid a painful and premature death by leaving all these lies behind. For any lie to live, you must die. Lies are anti life energy waves and they can only exist when living things perish. 31 million people have now died (minimum) because they injected the poison into themselves via the COVID injections. They died because the viral lie wanted to live. You can live or the virus lie can live…….but not both. You have a choice to make. Think about any lie and you’ll see all lies work in this manner. You must remove all lies from your mental hard drive if you want to live as long as the creator designed you to live. Thank you for reading this article