WEF ADMITS That “COVID-19 Was The Test of Social Responsibility” (aka The ASCH CONFORMITY TEST!!!)

In an article titled “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities” the World Economic Forum (WEF) let the cat out of the bag by openly admitting that Covid-19(84) was a “test of social responsibility”. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how human beings are social creatures who for the most part want to be liked and not seen as an outsider. This natural condition causes many to defy logic and reason in order to receive comfort and acceptance to a group. In psychology, the Asch conformity experiment proved that the majority of people’s beliefs, ideas and understandings of various things can be easily influenced and steered into a desired direction that contradicts what they know to be true….that is until a key and very telling variable is introduced!!