Ridicule, mockery, ego, power… just to name a few reasons why


Whenever I endeavor to encourage folks to dig deeper and not take these mainstream-merry-go-round-media headline-grabbing incidents at face value, the inevitable question comes up:

But WHY would they do this?

In a way, it warms my heart that people can be so gullible trusting of the media and government.

But in another way, it troubles my heart that people are unwilling or unable to dig deeper and consider that the media and government do not have your best interests at heart.

I explore a few ideas about this in my latest video here:

I mean, think about it.

Think about a person you know well who betrayed you. Who lied to you. Who cheated you. And this is a person you thought cared about you!

So why in the non-spinning world would a nameless, faceless powerful entity like the media or the government care about you?

Or better yet, the question should be: Why WOULDN’T they do this?

Well, here are just a few reasons why those in power want to lie, cheat and manipulate you. They do it for:






New World Dis-Order




They love to ridicule you. Laugh at you. Point at how gullible, naive and ignorant you are. They revel in their self-proclaimed power.

As far as others who are roped into participating, here are some possibilities as to why they would do so:

-They actually believe in the mission of duping you.

-They will get something by doing it (parole? job promotion? family taken care of financially?)

-They could be blackmailed

-Or they could simply be doing it for:


Or they are just paid actors!

Note: Not everyone has to be “in on it” for an orchestrated event to take place. There could be a few staged participants and the others are authentic.

Think about it: have you ever seen a magic show? Or a hologram? Those things appear real, but they are not.

That is the very nature of deception.

If it were too obvious then they wouldn’t be able to get away with it.

And as we’ve seen, many of these headline-grabbing events are so poorly presented, it’s like “The Emperor Has No Clothes!”

Only those of us brave enough to point out the obvious are doing so.

And, in many cases, being ridiculed and criticized for doing so.

Gee willikers, getting lambasted for asking questions?

What kind of world are we living in?

In my (non-spinning) world, asking questions is a sign of intelligence.

I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers about what appear to be so many scripted events splashed across the headlines, but I sure have a lot of questions!

As always, I appreciate your comments and insights. ~ Peggy

P.S. At the end of my video, I referenced a Healthy American friend and Pastor from Capac Bible Church. See his Youtube channel here. Pastor Kemble is an ongoing source of spiritual encouragement for me and many others, so I wanted to share his videos as a resource for my friends of faith who would like to hear some good old-fashioned preaching (non-Scofield) and enjoy uplifting traditional hymns such as Holy Spirit Breathe, a favorite of mine. Pastor Kemble will be our featured guest on this month’s private live webinar (July 27) for our donors.