Farewell to the Annunaki by Michael Ledwith

I cannot tell you how long and how deep has been my regard for the work of Michael Tellinger and his colleague Johan Heine. I have read their books and have seen what they have added to the great body of literature that already exists with regards to the ancient. We did not realise the extent of the Annunaki remains in Southern Africa. We are at an enormous debt to Michael for spearheading this. So, you can imagine my delight when he invited me to speak at this conference.
It was with some horror that I looked back at my first acquaintance with the great body of literature that comes to us from Sumer, Babylon and Arkadia because I realised that the first time I went into a lecture hall in this college was in October 1964. Imagine how many years have gone by in the twinkle of an eye. At that stage we were exposed to a fascinating journey through the medium of a book by James Pritchard called Ancient Near Eastern Text. A very large volume which we affectionately refer to as ANET. There were many things that puzzled me in ANET. There were all these fascinating stories to study and a fascinating language to look at. And it is also the same year I began to study classical Hebrew and by coincidence the book we were studying in classical Hebrew was the book of Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible. There were similarities between some of the texts in Pritchard’s book that came from ancient Mesopotamia and some of the texts in the Bible. There were at least 20 major parallels between in the account of creation in the book of Genesis and the account of creation in one of the most famous of the Sumerian Tablets called the Epic of Gilgamesh. What did all this mean, where did these things fit together? Have we got the whole chronology of how things happened wrong or is there something else there that we never expected. The answer was the later. It was many years until I came to find the missing link through reading the works and having personal contact with Zacharia Sitchen and others who have researched in this area.
A lot of this material we were studying in 1964 came from a discovery of the library of King “Ashurbanipal” which was discovered by Austen Henry Layard from 1849 onwards. That discovery was from the ancient city of Nineveh which is in modernIraq just across from that city that has been the source of so much trouble in this country today, modern Mosul. Just across the river from the modern city of Mosul is the ancient city of Ninevah.
In the 1840’s and thereabouts several researchers were digging up the mounds underlying the city’s of today and a colossal amount of artefacts have been found. There are probably a quarter million inscribed tablets from those excavations of ancient Mesopotamia. It is a considerable amount of material. The library of Ashurbanipal was destroyed by an attack from his former enemies 600 years before the birth of Christ. In the fire that ensued many of the clay tablets were baked which served of course to assure their preservation. Unfortunately there was a lot of other literature in that collection, whether it was on wood or skins that perished. However we are left with a considerably body of literature which opens a fascinating door to our origins, history, cultures, civilization and above all religious views of the wars of god and men. We owe a great deal to the researchers who collected all these remains in ancient Babylon, people like Hormuzd Rassam, who discovered the tablets that became known to us as the Epic of Gilgamesh or George Smith who died of dysentery in the desert at the age of 36 and who was the one who first translated the Epic of Gilgamesh. We owe a great deal to these and many other researchers and archaeologists who paved the way in sometimes extremely difficult circumstances to bring these treasures up from the ancient past to light and help us to have a better understanding of where we are placed in that great panorama of history that has opened up before us.
One thing that did occur to me very forcefully as I pursued these texts, was it was far from an ideal situation. We know from other resources like Anton Parks the great French researcher in these areas that the conditions in which the human race appeared were very far from ideal. We were in fact created not only as slaves to work in the gold mines, it appears we were also in a much more inferior situation even than that, because we were in fact created to be slaves of a previous slave race. There wasn’t much love or justice or harmony at work in the situation that we first emerged on this earth.
My interests have been in the way ancient texts can shed light on the present condition. I am convinced an awful lot of the burdens which we labour under at this time have come from that very remote origin of ours that has been buried in the far distant past. We are interested in all of this for the purpose of spiritual empowerment.
Everything that we have welcomed into our minds by way of attitude doesn’t stay in the mind, it doesn’t stay as thought because every attitude that we have ever entertained gradually filters down into my physical embodiment, it filters down into the neural networks of my brain, it filters down into my very DNA.
All of my genetic inheritance from however long the race has been here, (one quarter million years approximately), all of the inherited attitudes that my ancestors have held are now ensconced in my own DNA in terms of attitude, expectation and outlook on life in general. We have at first site a prospect of mind boggling complexity to deal with. It is true to say if I am embarking on any path of spiritual empowerment, thanks to the findings of all these researchers we have a much clearer understanding of where we stand.
If our origins are not in the most ideal circumstances then surely we have to confront the fact that you and I today are still wrestling today with not just our own maligned and ill directed thoughts we are also inheriting the shadows of all the struggles our ancestors had, right back to the very beginning.
One of the most interesting sites in modern archaeology is a place called GobekliTepe which is in South Eastern modern Turkey. It is a very interesting archaeological site. Probably 9 – 10 000 years old, one of the most ancient in all of archaeological history. It is about 10 miles South East of old ARFU or ODESA as it used to be called, where the twin brother of Jesus once was, and King Abgar the fifth. He had with him Jesus’s two and a half year old son, James. When they fell into disfavour at the court of the King Abgar, Thomas took Jesus to a cave about 10 miles South East and that is where the gospel of Thomas, that very famous document found in Nag Hammadi in 1946 in Egypt, was written.
Some of the other archaeological remains around the area of GobekliTepe show something quite extraordinary. In an adjacent site called Cayonu we have some startling evidence confronting us because in Cayonu is revealed a horde of human skulls, found underneath an altar like slab and stained with human blood. Some have concluded that this is an indication of the practice of human sacrifice. Other archaeological evidence has suggested that some people were killed in huge dent pits while children were buried alive in jars, or roasted in large bronze bowls. Cayonu is civilization but certainly not civilization as we would wish to know it. If these kinds of practices were resorted to, in much the same geographical area as the ancient Mesopotamian texts, it tells us something about how humans related to their gods. How their gods regarded human beings and what they needed to do in order to placate them and advance the causes of the human beings. It is not very encouraging but it is obviously factual.
About forty years ago when I was contemplating the authors of the book of Genesis, I could see in my minds’ eye Jewish desert dwellers, maybe 2500 – 3000 years ago, telling stories in the south of ancient Israel around their camp fires about how the world began and about how the first people ever emerged. Those stories were passed onto future generations. They described a situation of the origins of the human race very similar to the desert that they inhabited at that time. And when they found the promised land it was of course a place of great contrast to that. Four of Five centuries later, about 4 – 500 miles to the East in what is present day Iraq, some anonymous writer; set about a great task in terms of enormous difficulty for the Jewish people. He wanted to write a primary history of the Jewish people. He may have been a priest. Maybe he was assisted by other scribes or priests. We know that this writer had two different texts of Jewish history available to him. These two texts came from very different places and circumstances. One text used the term for god, Elohim and the second text which was probably more ancient used the wordYahweh. We are told the priest moulded these two traditions together to produce the early chapters of the book of Genesis and struggled to make sense of apparently contradictory accounts of GOD.
Even as a student it was clear to me that there were at least twenty similarities of a very direct kind between the book of Genesis as we have it today and the creation stories in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The author of the book of Genesis was unmistakably aware of the Babylonian creation myths and stories and used them in the compilation of his own text. If the situation of the original humans in relation to their gods and makers was unfavourable because they were slaves and had to endure conditions that were intolerable then needless to say we have to try and understand what they made of it all and what steps they took to correct it and above all what heritage survived in their DNA right down into our DNA in the 21st century. This is of primary importance in grappling with our ancient texts and in grappling with the situations we have down here in South Africa, all those many thousands of years ago.
I began to look at the book of Genesis with a fresh eye. I began to see that the authors of Genesis were trying to hold ideas about GOD that were basically contradictory. The dilemmas presented in the narration of Genesis I refer to as: the first belief is that GOD is good (who would want to believe in an evil god?) number two that GOD created the world. He is the creator. And number three the world is very obviously not good like its creator. It is a mixture of good and evil. The authors of Genesis were faced with this dilemma which of these three ideas can I hold? GOD is good. Yes I obviously want to hold that. GOD created the world, obviously yes I would like to believe that GOD was the creator, but the world is a mixture of good and evil. This could not be if the being that created it was all powerful and all good.There is a problem so let’s start again. We accept GOD as good, but now suppose we deny that GOD created the world. GOD did not create the world. There have been traditions such as the Gnostics who have asserted that the world was made by some intervening malign beingor spirit. And then the world as mixture of good and evil becomes obvious. Even though GOD is good he did not make the world and it is fine that the world is a mixture of good and evil because it doesn’t impinge on GOD’s reputation.
So, if we say for instance that god is not good, the next option, then we can admit that god created the world and then it is perfectly acceptable that the world is a mixture of good and evil. But, GOD is not good would be an abomination to the Hebrews and to us.
When we look at the actual text of Genesis, in Genesis 2 : 4 – 25 (These numbers are not very even because we did not have numbering in the Bible originally, they were put in apparently for the first time by a French printer when the printing was invented. He did the work on the way from his home to his printing room in his carriage so obviously the results were not very satisfying. If the job was done more satisfactorily we would have much more neat divisions than we are working with today. )
In this chapter there are six elements taken up for examination.
First of all: the relationship between GOD and the first human beings. What kind of relationship do they have? They had a fine relationship, everything is perfect. They are walking together in the cool of the evening. And if you ever visit the Middle East today you will know when the sun goes down many of the people in the little towns and villages today will still walk down the main street. In this image of Genesis chapter 2, GOD is walking with first man and woman, everything is perfect. Their relationship is absolutely correct.
The next element that Genesis 2 takes up is the woman. Woman relates to man perfectly. The phrase used is ‘two in one flesh’.That is often used in the marriage right of Christianity today to signify that man and woman are indissolubly joined together. The original meaning of that phrase is that they are in a situation of absolute equality. The man and the woman are of the same flesh, there is no superiority or subjugation involved, it is a perfect relationship of equals.
The third element is the animals. The animals are brought before the man and the woman and the man names the animals, giving them a name corresponding to the insight of their nature, indicated your lordship over that creature. The relationship with the animals is perfect. What kind of relationship did they have with the earth? The earth was a place of abundant fertility. It was a garden and four great rivers flow in this garden, an image of abundant fertility. And what kind of work did the first human beings have to do? A very mild form of work, but I guess many gardeners would not agree with that assessment with their battles against weeds everyday.
The sixth element, how do the human beings relate to life? Everybody wants to live as long as possible in as human a state as possible. And that primordial desire in the first man and woman was acceded to by th ecreator. He gave them the gift of eternal life.
In Genesis 2 : 4 there are six elements taken up that you and I are very familiar with today. In an analysis of each of them, we find that they are all perfect.
The author of Genesis creates the opposite scenario for us in chapter 3 : verses 8 – 24. Exactly the same elements are taken up that were taken up in chapter two, but it is the opposite.
What kind of relationship did man and woman have to god? A very different relationship.When god is coming along the man and woman are ashamed and they hide, they are afraid of god. A very defective relationship.
What kind of relationship has the woman to the man now in chapter three? The woman is subjugated to the man’ she is drawn against her will to the man and subject to him.
What kind of relationships are there with the animals? The serpent has risen up and appears to be in a situation of dominance over the humans. It is an inversion of what it ought to be.
The earth instead of fertile grounds pictured in chapter 2, is now called ‘cursed’, it is hard to work with. Therefore the next element work has changed from an easy task to a ‘painful toil’, ‘in the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread,’ and a horrible image in the desert landscape. With regards life it is dashed back in our face. ‘Unto dust you shall return.’ And because people die, the human race has to be renewed, so therefore the institution of child birth is brought in and the woman has to give birth in pain in childbirth.
What do we have in this very intriguing first couple of chapters of Genesis? We have the original state, a state of great perfection, an ideal state in chapter two and chapter three verses 8 onwards we have what we have come to know today, the fallen state and very much the state that human kind is familiar with in this world today.
And inbetween we have the explanation of how the ideal state of great happiness and fulfilment was replaced by the fallen state. And that explanation is in chapter three. 1 – 7.
The explanation is the serpent came and tempted people. The serpent said, ‘if you eat this fruit you will be like unto god, you will not die.’ The woman was desirous of getting that knowledge of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which god had forbidden her to taste, so she took it from the serpent because she wanted knowledge in heaven and then she gave it to her husband who ate it. Their eyes were opened They discovered they were naked. God comes along and here we have the first lesson. They are ashamed and god realises that they have eaten the fruit of good and evil which would liken them to the gods, the Annunaki. And god said why have you eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge? Eve said the serpent gave it to me. And then he said to Adam, first man, why did you eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge? He said she gave it to me, my wife.
This is the first lesson we have to accept personal responsibility. Once we start blaming, once we start pointing the finger, then there is really no hope for us in terms of personal evolution. The basis for all evolution of a spiritual kind is to accept personal responsibility, one of the hardest things of all.
Let us look then where we are GOD is good, yes. GOD created the world, yes. The world is a mixture of good and evil, no. Now we see according to Genesis that that is not the kind of world which GOD made.
GOD made the world perfect but it was wrecked by the way His creatures behaved. GOD is off the hook for evil.
In the second column, GOD is good, GOD created the world, no, the world is a mixture of good and evil, fine. The third option is god is not good, god created the world and the world is a mixture of good and evil.
Obviously the only explanation that would be acceptable to the authors of Genesis and to us today would be the first one that GOD is good and He created the world but the world that he created is not the kind of world we are living in today.
The blame for that collapse into fallen state had to be laid at the feat of human beings. That is what the creation narratives in Genesis are about and what that scribe back in ancient Babylon or wherever was trying to accomplish. They are not telling us how everything began, they are stating what kind of a relationship exists between GOD and His creation. The mixture of good and evil was interpreted in Genesis as a punishment of humankind for disobedience.
If we want to put all that in a pictorial form on a kind of graph we can do it in this state. For example the original state of chapter four is high up on the graph. The fallen state in chapter three is at the bottom of the graph to signify collapse and the explanation is in between. It is we who created the evil in the world therefore we are in a position where we can only expect to be punished and then we have to make up to GOD for all the injustices, insults, infidelity and lack that we have perpetrated since the Garden of Eden. And now it is all placed on Jesus Christ who came here to suffer and die for our sins and make up to a savage and vindictive god for us. The only being who could do that was not an ordinary human being but a human being who was also divine. Jesus pictured as GOD’s only and innocent son came here to suffer and die for our sins to protect us from the vengeance of god for all the offences committed since the days of the garden of Eden.
A very inspired pope 1500 years ago, Gregory the Great, said that the narratives in Genesis, the creation narratives talking about the ideal state are actually a prophecy set in the past.
So, if we look at the top of our slide here, we see that the perfect state at the top left is actually a state in our future in the top right.
So not only is Genesis 2 a statement of what occurredin our past but also our future. In other words from that fallen state at the bottom we need to rise up to that ideal state in the future.
How do we ascend from that fallen state up to that perfect state?
If we were to understand how that is going to occur obviously most of the problems we have been wrestling with everyday would no longer be a difficulty.
Let us look archaeologically where all this drama was supposed to have taken place. Let us look at the Garden of Eden . Where was it? The consensus of archaeologists is that the Garden of Eden was not in Mesopotamia but it was actually in the South Eastern part of Lebanon, near Rashaya El Wadi in Lebanon. The Sumerians who first wrote about this place, called it ‘Kharsag.’
There you see some inscriptions from that language about Kharsag the original garden of Eden.
Let’s look at the book of Genesis again that is telling us about the interactions in the garden of Eden. Here we have Michelangelo’s painting of the origins of the world.
In the next slide, we see that Hebrew text with its 27 characters from right to left, and I am told that if you block out those 27 letters from the first sentence of the book of Genesis on a graph, because every Hebrew letter has a numerical value; if you plot those letters on a graph you will get that triangle which is a very sacred symbol.
Obviously the people who wrote this text seemed to know something or other. There was in the Hebrew culture of that time a tradition, that if you were writing about something fundamental like the origins of the human race, the origins of the world, the convention was that it began with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, ALIF, or A.
If we look at Genesis as we have it today, it does not begin with the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet it begins with the second letter, B, which means ‘in’ in Hebrew. “In the beginnings GOD created the heavens and the earth.
Let’s do an experiment and add A to the first sentence of Genesis. Something remarkable happens. That addition of the first letter changes the translation of the entire sentence. It means the father ABA, ‘the father of the beginnings, created the gods, the heavens and the earth.’
And all of this developed in later times into Sumer and Mesopotamia, and in blue the Akkadian Empire.
Genesis speaks of that as “Shinar Shine-ar” which is the land of the kingdom of Nimrod in GEN 10 and 11. And up to about 100 years ago nobody knew anything about Shine’ar, and then archaeology started to discover cities far more ancient than Ninevah and Babylon such as Ur, Erech, Akkad. Apparently Shine-ar was the cradle of the civilization of the human race.
One of the most ancient of the cities was Ur, from where ancient Abraham was supposed to have come. And in the centre of that city was the great Ziggurat. There is a slight embarrassment of course because the father of the Jewish nation Abraham, coming from Ur, would not have been a Jew, he would have been an Arab in our terminology today. This would be considerable embarrassment obviously as the patriarch of the Jewish nation.
The Sumerians always said that their incredible knowledge was taught to them by a people they called the Annunaki; In the Bible Anaki; in the book of Numbers and the book of Deuteronomy. The Israelite heroes in the Philistine war, slew Anaki and all people of gigantic size in the second book of Samuel. They are the same people as the Anak in the Egyptian texts of the 12 and 13th dynasty. And the Nephilim were part of the Annunaki.
Here is a problem because if these beings were the Annunaki and if our god, on the record as the head of the Jewish religion, of the Islamic religion and the Christian religion is the kind of being described in the Hebrew Bible. It is there on permanent record on every bedside in every motel room in the United States.
The god of the old testament is on record as having commanded, waging war, killing innocent children, committing genocide, mutilating corpses, raping virgins, selling into slavery, wife thievery and human sacrifice.
“The utter destruction of people that was perpetrated at the behest of the lord god without apology.”
This is the god of the old testament, who is presumably a member of the Annunaki, who passed himself off as the creator. Just like that phenomenon of the CARGO CULT in World War two in Papua New Guinea where the primitive people who were out in the jungle and never had any contact with civilization saw an American aircraft passing over and the Americans taking pity on them occasionally dropped in a crate of books for their enjoyment. When the war was over and the flights stopped, and the goodies stopped as well and the people in the jungle began to make shrines to the gods with aeroplanes. They put parachute around them, they built idols, made out of wood in the shape of aircraft and offered sacrifices in order that the gods would come back. This is very similar to what happened to all of us. That phenomenon called Cargo Cult is still going on in the present day.
The god in the old testament records showed no mercy.
“The lord god that deliver them before thee smight and utterly destroy them. You should make no covenant with them. You should show no mercy to them. Put to the sword all of the men and as for the women and the children, the livestock and everything else in the city you may take these as plunder for yourselves and you may use the plunder that the lord your god gives you from your enemies. Do not leave alive anything that breathes.”
In Judges: “They took what Micah had made as priest and mentor toLaish to a peaceful and unsuspecting people. They attacked them with sword and burnt down their city.”
What kind of morality does this being have?
In Numbers 3 : “Now therefore he said kill every male being, and kill every woman that has known a man by lying with him, but all the woman and children that have not known a man by lying with them, keep alive for yourselves.”
Kill everyone except the virgin girls and in Numbers 3 of 32 000 virgins they sacrificed 32 to the lord their god! A reasonable percentage!
In Judges chapter 2: “Kill every male and every woman who is not a virgin. They found the people living in Jabesh, Gilead 400 woman who had never slept with a man and they took them to the camp in Shiloh in Canon.”
In Judges 21 : “400 virgins captured, proved to be insufficient so the men hid in the vineyards and kidnapped the daughters of Shiloh as they come out to dance and celebrate. “
And one of the most horrifying features that we do come across is in Judges 19: “A group of sexually depraved men beat on the door of an old mans house demanding that he turns over to them a house guest. Instead, the old man offers the guests his virgin daughter and his guests’ concubine or wife. ‘Behold here are my virgin daughter and his concubine. Let me bring them out and do with them what seems good to you. The mans’ concubine is ravished and dies. The man then cuts her body into 12 pieces and sends one piece to each of the 12 tribes of Israel.”
The mutilation of corpses Samuel 18:When David married the daughter of King Saul, the King asked for 100 foreskins of dead philistines. Not to be outdone David brought him 200 foreskins.”
In Joshua 5: “Joshua made him sharp knives, and circumcised the children of Israel.”
Selling into slavery Job : 3 “The man sent his sons and his daughters into the hands of children of Judah and they shall sell them to the saviads; for the lord has spoken. “
Sexism now in the New Testament Corinthians :“A man is not to cover his sex for he is the image of the glory of god. And woman is the glory of man because man did not come from woman , but woman from man. Neither was man created from woman but woman from man.”
Corinthians 14:“Woman should remain silent in the churches, they are not allowed to speak and must be in submission as the lord says. If they want to enquire about something they should ask their husbands at home. It is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”
Here we have a description that is rather horrifying to us today of what the lord god of Israel and of Christianity, and of Islam is like.
Genocide In Deuteronomy : 2 – 3, Joshua 6 : 8 : 10
Wanton destruction towards innocent people who stood in the way, a complete lack of morality, a complete lack of any of the standards by which we hope a civilized society would live by today.
Obviously in those days it was believed that these were the actions of the lord god the creator of mankind. Nowadays that list of attributes would land you before a court of human rights and certainly not qualify you to be the divinity. Here we have a big problem and here is where we must ponder the first humans. How did the first humans relate to their creators?
I start by reminding ourselves that all of the thoughts and attitudes we have in our minds according to neural science and quantum physics end up becoming physical in our bodies. And they are passed on from generation to generation. Not only do we have to wrestle with our problems that we have generated in our own lives but the shadows of all this stuff going right back to the origins somehow or another is still there in whatever mild form in my genetic make-up. That is going to impede my spiritual evolution, my spiritual empowerment and my ability to reach to what Jesus put before us: “You will do all the wonders that I did, and greater indeed than these will you do,” as said in the gospel of John.
Don’t you think a little refection on that will tell us an awful lot about why we are actually so disempowered? Also this might give us some hope as to how we are to remedy the situation and ascend to a much more powerful future such as the book of Genesis chapter 2.
Let us contemplate what the situation of those early human beings would have been like, confronted with their makers, the genetic engineers. Not alone in Mesopotamia, in many other places, and above all here in South Africa where many of the conditions would have been far more difficult. How would have those slaves looked upon the ones who were their lords?
There would have been an intense inferiority and insecurity.
The Annunaki came here to this Earth after a terrific war in their native quadrant. They came here to a place they called KI, which was their name for this Earth. They are actually the Anuna who came to ki. They were powerful they seemed to live for an immensely long time. They were not insecure. They were supremely confident and they used us as slaves. They had an enormously advanced technology, whereas the early humans were completely in a state of ignorance, they knew nothing about how they functioned, about where they came from and about what their purpose was and their destiny. The early humans were prone to sickness and death. The Anuna never seemed to be sick, never seemed to die; in total contrast.
Remember that the human race was subjected five times to procedures to try to exterminate them entirely at the behest of Enlil. Any mercy shown to the humans in their original condition was by Enki. There was plague, famine, drought, the flood, and then a procedure to prevent them having children, to keep their numbers down by this process.
During these experiences of cataclysms the Annunaki disappeared and abandoned humans. So, we have a profound legacy here which has entered into our physical embodiment. It is still affecting us today in the ways we think about GOD, in the ways we think about the supernatural, about the ways in which we imagine our own powers to be about the ways in which we relate to the creator god. We begin to realise the kind of god that most religions imagined, a kindly old man or not so kindly old man with a beard, this entity obviously could not be GOD. It is just a human projection of how we thing GOD may be. Calling GOD she or calling GOD it is only a very modest change. Whatever GOD may be GOD is most assuredly not confined to this plane.
If there are seven planes in the distance, as my own teacher Ramtha has always taught, then we must exist on the six planes above this as well otherwise we could not exist in this one. It would be like hanging a garment in the closet where the rail represents point zero and the garment hangs down those seven ladders. The bottom of your overcoat cannot hang in the closet unless it is connected right back up to the rail.
That means in terms of this simple analogy that you and I and everything else indeed that is on this physical plane must exist right the way back to point zero and the other six levels are unseen like the levels of an iceberg in reverse. There are six unseen levels that go to make up you. And that is where we have to begin to understand GOD.
What we begin to realise is that there is only one being and that is me and you.
The journey, putting it in blunt terms is ‘I have to realise that GOD is me.’
That is terrifying from a number of reasons. Only one of those reasons is the nature of our inheritance from the Annunaki. There are a range of other experiences that terrify us from that realisation.
Quantum physics backs this up, whatever exists in our ambit it is we who attracted it there and it is we who keep it there. We are never going to improve that realisation until we get the message of Genesis 3. When we accept responsibility we can change the quantum field at a very profound level.
We are back now to our ancestors, the Annunaki. We have total ignorance about how reality functions. We are confronted with mortality and sickness because they deliberately did not give us the gift of long life, much less perpetually renewable life or immortality which they could have given. And that of course is one of the biggest burdens we all have to bare. We come into this world, grow up, we lose our parents, we create children and in death we have to say goodbye to them.
If you believe in reincarnation then you know you are going to live again, there is no real death. We are going to come back with no memory. Isn’t this the ultimate obscenity about the structure of the world?
I saw a cartoon recently which I greatly enjoyed. The cartoon of a little boy maybe five or six years old sitting with his grandfather: And the little boy said, when I was your age I didn’t believe in reincarnation either. Reincarnation is not the answer because if we come back with no memories it is a burden of a different kind.
What do we do to address these issues? When we understand where we came from what are we going to assess? We don’t attend these conferences, we don’t do the research, we don’t publish these books and give these talks just because we have nothing better to do. All of us are doing this work because we believe we can better the state of humanity. When we look deeply into the prospect ahead of us we begin to suspect with some things that we can do to benefit humanity are actually beyond what we would have considered our wildest dreams.
There is one thing we have to admit in all fairness. The Annunaki left a lot to be desired in the way they treated us with some honourable exceptions like Enki. Maybe that is not the whole story?
We certainly had evidence of a change in situation when the Annunaki withdrew and to the best of our information, it occurred about 4000 years ago. From what we can tell, after the Annunaki withdrew, from physical positions of power, the humans who had been installed as kings and human interpreters for the Annunaki, once the Annunaki were gone they began to function as kings or rulers and as an independent priesthood shortly afterwards. And now a change began to happen because even though when the Annunaki were still here there is no real evidence that the human beings regarded them as supernatural beings, as gods. They felt them extremely superior with obviously an immensely advanced technology. However they were not regarded as far as we can tell by the humans at that time as supernatural beings. But once the Annunaki had withdrawn then it looks like a movement to supernaturally idolize those peoples began. Just like Papua New Guinnea. The ones who had positions of prominence, the ones we would call today the priests, the spiritual interpreters, were teaching the people that if they did the rituals set out by the priests, and if they made offerings to the departed Annunaki then they would come back and rule the earth again. I have often wondered if this is the origin of the famous belief of the second coming.
We have considerable evidence from the TORAH, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. And in the early years while the Annunaki were still here, they were certainly treated with reverence as extraordinary individuals. It was only later under the influence of the priests that they were regarded as supernatural and this was the origin of magical thinking in the world, which has dominated most of our thinking about fundamental matters, particularly of matters beyond the realms of the physical. We have resorted to the magical.
About 9500 years ago the humans did not know which way to turn. When the Annunaki came back the humans desperately needed their help, guidance and their assistance to recover. But, when the Annunaki finally withdrew, giving back atmosphere and culture of total subjugation andtotal dependency which the humans had developed, then of course this was a fertile breeding ground for the origins of magic and superstitious thinking in relationship to god and in relationship to destiny which we are unfortunately all too familiar with today.
The humans themselves understandably are to blame for the distortion of the role of those great beings and the humans themselves are responsible for the creation of supernaturally orientated religions. This has stifled human development and the expansion of human consciousness into the powers and abilities that it is ought to have. It is only when we become aware can we address these issues and remove them. They can be removed. Therefore we need to counteract all such beliefs such as the desire that the priests have instilled, about expecting and hoping for a life in heaven with the extra terrestrials, and all of that supernaturalist and magical mode of thinking that has permeated all of religions today which of course is a burden for human life.
In time the administrators of this system became just as vulnerable as the founders. And they actually could fail. In other words at the time when the extra terrestrials were regarded as marvellously advanced and powerful, but still part of the physical and natural universe, that time had gone before they had long departed. And that is the era that the great resurgence of religions came to the fore and the origins of the main religions that we see in the world today had their place.
If we look at the situation of the human beings and the kings and the priests, we had terrific insecurity and inferiority, terrific ignorance about how reality actually was, and how the physical mind relates to the beyond. We had terrific lack of empowerment in the face of mortality and sickness and this colossal sense of abandonment by GOD.
We are told in quantum physics today, that the world we experience is dictated by the ways in which we humans are. The teachings of Ramtha are not a religious teaching but an extremely practical and enlightened teaching. All the jigsaw began to fall together for me when I found that teaching. All the stuff that I heard before took on an entirely different perspective. I can confidently say after all of these years that I have never regretted taking that step.
If in quantum physics the world we experience is dictated by how the brain views it, we know there is something behind the brain that is calling the shots as well. We call it the mind. The mind is the activity of the spirit acting on the physical object of the brain. The mind directs the brain.
In the phenomenon of the orbs, everybody sees them, but few see them consciously. The brain takes in the images of the orbs, but we don’t see them consciously. Why, because the brain filters out 90% of what comes in through the eye. The information that comes in through the eye is too rich for the brain to process. So it filters out what is not important for every day. It concentrates on practicalities, doing the laundry, bringing out the garbage, cooking our food, doing our work, etc.Orbs do not figure in that scenario. If we can communicate to our brain that we want to see orbs, perhaps by photographing orbs an hour every day for a couple of years, the brain will eventually get the message and it will say this person must be interested in these entities. And the brain will start filtering those images and so we will begin to see orbs. It is to do with the physics itself.
Likewise many of the improvements you and I need to make to advance into that spiritual state of empowerment Jesus referred to, it is the same kind of process of reprogramming we have got to do. If we were wise we would look at our heritage, not just when we were with the Annunaki, but when we were at the prey of the priests and the kings, and the twists on reality that they produced to worsen the problem. And that has left an impact on our minds. The world we experience is dictated by how the brain sees it, and the brain is controlled by the mind that directs it. We as a result of these unfortunate experiences in terms of our human originswhich has very little love or care or concern involved. And the experience of those humans after the departure of the extra terrestrials, that instituted into us systems of belief in magic and supernatural, instead of the real thing; they have left their traces in our minds.
Our thoughts and attitudes do not remain our thoughts and attitudes, they quickly become physical and are passed on from generation to generation. We still have the thoughts and attitudes from the time of the Annunaki in our genes today.
We can get rid of them, but not by ignoring them and not by taking refuge in a supernatural vision, these are illusions that are obscuring a much more powerful and great destiny.
I call the problems we face from that great history of ours, the four diseases of the mind. They come from our experience of the Annunaki but we have added to them enormously.
The first great disease of the mind we need to address powerfully is the need for approval. That was there from the beginning with the Annunaki. We had to have approval to function. Nowadays it is endemic. We need the approval of our parents, of our teachers in school, of our professors and lecturers in university, our peers, our boss and unfortunate politicians have to have the approval of citizens to stay in office. This is putting the power within us outside of us. Then you might say I am an independent thinker and I don’t give a hoot what you think. The need for disapproval is the flipside of the same coin.
The second disease of the mind, is the lack of self knowledge. We spend so much of our time projecting some holographic image of our selves like a projection onto a screen in movie theatres of who we would like people to believe we are. This consumes an enormous amount of spiritual energy. I use an example, if I was to say to somebody in the front row ‘you are a slimy green alien from Alpha Centauri,’ how would you feel? Do you feel threatened by that accusation? Of course not, but if I were to say to you, ‘you are fat lazy and good for nothing,’ would you be offended? Most likely so. What is the difference? Lack of self knowledge. I know that I am not a slimy green alien from Alpha Centauri. But when someone accuses me of being fat lazy and good for nothing I am not quite sure. I am threatened because someone is threatening the image I am trying to project, that image of keeping up with the Jones’s. All great spiritual teachings including my own teacher, Ramtha, says we really need to come to terms with what we truly are. We think when we go into meditation of who we are that I need to find some kind of saint, some kind of mother Theresa figure, at the core of my being. That is not so. What we need to find is what we actually are. It doesn’t matter if you are Ghengis Khan. All that matters is that you are at peace with what you are. Pretence that there is something other than what we actually are utilises an enormous amount of spiritual energy. The energy is freed up. That is the second great disease of the mind, the lack of self knowledge and the pretence that there is something other than what we are. This has more to do with physics than religion as it is out of the supernaturalist mode of thinking which succeeded the departure of the Annunaki.
The third great disease of the mind is the tendency to blame. We know from quantum physics that the world we experience is there because we have generated it. The day we realise that!It is like we don’t have to realise we are GOD, we have to realise that GOD is us.
Nelson Mandela quoting Marrianne Williamson in his inaugural address said: “The things that scare us most is not our poverty stricken condition and our powerlessness. It is the suspicion of the real power that we actually do have.”
Then we believe in the great parent in the sky making sure that nothing will go wrong replacing the good parents we had in childhood of we were fortunate enough. That is the biggest barrier to attaining personal and spiritual empowerment. We are not able to drop the need for being taken care of by some superior being. That is a very ancient belief in our systems.
The fourth disease of the mind is the religious mentality. This goes right back to the priests and the kings. Religious mentality has managed to weave those three diseases into a colossal machine that keeps the system alive. They weave the need for approval, the weave the pretence of who we really are,they weave the guilt and the fear that goes with it into one wonderful machine that powers the engines of failure and guilt and fear, endlessly. We need to address these four diseases.
If we look at French researcher Anton Parks and his description of the 24 alien races that worked here in addition to the Annunaki we see we have all come out from an unfortunate history of war, pillage, conflict, jealousy, hatred, inferiority, guilt and fear. We have a big burden to overcome but it is time we overcame it. Jesus Christ came into this world 2000 years ago to help us do that. His mission has been turned into something completely alien to what he intended. He came to help us address what we are talking about in terms of those four great diseases of the mind. And those that came after him have taught at best a very bad lie saying that all this was intended to happen. He was intended to suffer and to be scourged with a crown of thorns. This was to make up to god. This is not the case, this is not why he came at all. He came toteach us how to draw out the karma that is in the heart of every man and every woman who has walked the face of this earth. His mission didn’t get far enough for that to be accomplished.
When we look back at this vast panorama behind us, we see some things. We have a certain heritage especially through Jehovah and you can some up that heritage briefly under three headings. 1. We have inherited a structure right back to the Annunaki where the feminine is subjugated. 2. We have inherited a system that is basically a patriarchal society dedicated to the control of the masses. 3. We have a fear based religion focused on a male type god who believes in punishment and retribution.
These three elements form the basis of our Western society today and come to us directly from our experience with the Annunaki. We need to be addressed. We are now in a position like we have never been before. We can address these issues not out of some vague sense of self righteous and planning for justice, we can address them because we know where they came from and we know the factors in our own being and society that are keeping them alive. In that way we can address them very powerfully, very efficiently and very expertly. And in that way a new world, new understanding and new power that we wish to become as children of GOD will become a reality.