2024: The Year from Political Hell – Martin Armstrong

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting political turmoil, civilian unrest, war and a big economic downturn in 2024 in a new report called “The Year from Political Hell.”  It’s not just a US election year, but it is an election year for more than half of the world.  This is a global phenomenon which no one can be sure of the outcome.  Armstrong explains, “This is not just the United States election.  This is what you hear on the news locally.  However, step outside this country, and, for example, Indonesia just voted in a leftist government.  You have the EU going for elections.  You have on May 2nd all the local elections in Britian. You have Russian elections on May 7th.  60% of the world is going to the polls in 2024 to vote for a new government.  You might as well throw them into a tumbler, shake well and see what comes out.  I mean it’s all over the place.”

On the war front, get ready for more mass killing, and don’t be surprised if it goes nuclear.  Armstrong predicts, “There will be nuclear weapons.  The neocons keep telling people on Capitol Hill that Russia would never use a nuke because they know we would use them back. That is nonsense!  If you are about ready to conquer somebody, and this is all they’ve got left, they are pushing the button. . . . These people, all they want is war.  They don’t care.  They really do not care.  They don’t care about the economy.  They don’t care about anything.”

Armstrong says the coming war will make the economy “crash in 2024” as people get scared, spend a lot less and save a lot more.  Armstrong says, “What we are looking at is a contraction in spending because of uncertainty.  This is what these neocons are creating, and they don’t want to listen to anybody, and it is just their agenda, and they don’t care what happens to the country. . . .We are looking for a contraction of 12% to 18%.  GDP is not going to be rising, but you are going to find inflation still rising.”

Armstrong also says to look for “a rebellion in government debt” as people lose faith in governments around the world.  This rebellion in government issued debt will include US Treasuries, according to Armstrong.  This means interest rates will continue to trend upward and not downward.

On volatility in the markets, Armstrong predicts, “Look for volatility to start around July, and there may be some false flags too.”

Armstrong continues to say Trump is still looking like he can “win in a landslide in 2024,” but expect the Deep State to pull every dirty trick in the book to keep him out of office.  Armstrong points out, “If Trump gets back in power, they are all fired. . . . They know they are losing power.  Instead of reforming and doing the right thing, they clamp down and they think they can retain power by pressing us even more.  Sorry, but that’s what creates revolution.”

In closing, Armstrong says, “Pretty much everything is going wrong for the Deep State. . . . confidence in government has collapsed everywhere.”

This is what makes the Deep State Dems, RINOs and Neocons very dangerous.

By the way, Armstrong says he would be a buyer of physical gold to hold as a core asset.

There is much more in the 1-hour and 4-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, who gives a preview of his new report called “The 2024 Outlook: The Year from Political Hell?”  for 2.17.24.

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