🧡 The many friends and enemies of Sinn Fein…

🧡 The many friends and enemies of Sinn Fein…

Sinn Fein’s much publicised fall in the mostly fake polls is to be celebrated, but as usual there’s much more to it.  
Personally I have been wide awake since the Israelites wired up the world trade centre in 2001 and slaughtered over 3000 people twenty blocks down the road from where I was standing. But it took Sinn Fein’s treasonous actions facing the working classes in the early plandemic months of 2020, for me to realise that Ireland was not some special island where a modicum of decency still existed. We all know what they did, and what they continue to do, so there’s no need for me to go over it.
My own thinking on Sinn Fein (and the rest of the Irish left) is that Mary Mary Lou McShalom was sent in by the genocidal Fianna Fail cult to be the ultimate working class controlled opposition. The compromat controlled paedo Adams family would soon become old hat, but he’d go along with the transition. McGuinness was probably litvinenko-ed, based on the fact the BBC recently released reports he was Mi5. They probably had nothing on him and was therefore a liability for the future plans we are currently seeing come to fruition.
This recent drop in support however wasn’t part of the plan, as evidenced by what has happened in the North in recent days.
We now have the surprising move by the DUP to restore power sharing in the North, with Burka O’Neill getting the head of state job. A Shinner, and a Muslim sympathiser, and a wokeist open borders child sexualising toe rag. Unionists don’t want this.
Sinn Fein’s catastrophic drop in the polls (fake polls, the real numbers are no doubt much worse), and this move by the DUP are not unrelated. The timing is too close. If ever you wanted proof that the DUP are working for the same controllers as Sinn Fein, this move is it. Sinn Fein were on the cusp of drowning, and Unionist leaders bizarrely decide to throw them a life preserver. It’s all so desperate because it’s so obvious. It’s all a charade, they’re all best pals, same as the South. Sinn Fein are a working class control mechanism all over this island, it’s their raison d’ĂŞtre. They have to keep them propped up as a viable entity on both sides of the barricades so the proles don’t wake up and revolt.
I generally don’t do self praise, but in the world of non-stop content sometimes you have to sell yourself. I have a dedicated Sinn Fein section on the website this past nearly four years, with a couple of hundred thousand reads in total.
Two articles in particular though have absolutely crucified the traitorous organised crime sub- syndicate Sinn Fein, and have played a major part in creating a stink that they’ll never be able to wash off. (Incidentally, this move towards O’Neill says to me that they now think McDonald is damaged goods).
The first report is Mary Lou McDonald and the Covid Vaccine connection, detailing how her family profited from her gaslighting and amping up of the plandemic. It was a massive wake-up call for tens of thousands of people who were only just waking up to the plandemic scam, who would have traditionally been natural shinners.
The second was Sinn Fein’s deal with the devil, which I know for a fact has been read by half the unionists in the North and many tens of thousands of people in the South. That report is based on Sinn Fein’s own US government FARA records, and exposes the payment they received to go on to support the subsequent Covid murder machine and intentionally harmful ‘vaccine’ program. A program we now know is absolutely destroying our people, with excess and sudden deaths and vaccine injuries through the roof. Sinn Fein knew there was no need for an experimental vaccine program, they had the numbers in 2020. But they took the money anyway and sold out our ancient people.
If you’d like to help pile on the misery for Sinn Fein, do your best to share those reports with new people. If there was ever a time to kick a dirty rabid dog when it’s down, this is it.